I’ve been a mummy for over 15 months now and today I realised some things really niggle me.
1. People parking in parent and toddler spaces who don’t have a child with them. It’s a nightmare getting a baby or toddler in and out of a car seat, never mind when there is no space to open the door fully. These spaces exist for a reason. Just don’t do it. Please.
2. Parent and toddler spaces where there is no extra space on the passenger side! You know the ones where spaces have a coloured section between spaces to allow doors to open, instead of just wider spaces.
3. Older children in the toddler soft play areas…. Today in the toddler area there were children in school uniforms. So so so annoying. The recommended age for the child area is 2-3 years maximum!
4. The constant talk of sleep and lack of sleep…. Oh wait I’m SO guilty of this one, but it’d be lovely to have a conversation without mentioning our little ones at all. It’s just so hard to do. I think it must just come with being a mummy.
5. Having to sign up for 10 week baby classes. Ok some are 6 weeks, but sometimes it’d be nice just to turn up a few times.
6. Having a car or pushchair load of spare clothes as trying to figure out how to dress little one is so difficult, and the weather changes a gazillion times a day.
7. Everyone has an opinion on if she’s dressed too warmly, too few layers, should have a hat on. Yeah right! Like she’ll keep that on! And, don’t get me started on mittens or the pullover mits – that’s a major toddler tantrum cause!
8. Mr Tumble. Enough said, I just don’t like his programmes. So-blooming-annoying.
9. The breastfeeding debate, the breastfeeding is the only way brigade, the bottle dispisers. ?I loved breastfeeding, I’d be gutted if I couldn’t do it in the future, but my daughter did get one bottle a day. She was badly tongue-tied, we gave her one bottle a day so we didn’t get admitted to hospital… Actually hubby did, it was his bonding time, while I recovered from the trauma and to be honest, often sat pumping milk.
10. The fact I player doesn’t have more Hey Duggee episodes. H loves Duggee and after a few weeks of teething and illnesses we’ve had quite a few sofa days, so I really could do with some new episodes please! Oh and Channel 5, H has just got into Peppa Pig so 5 episodes is not enough.?I’ve just discovered how to find all the other episodes… so if there are any more than the 50-odd you have, I’d be very greatfull 🙂
11. The ‘looks’. Being a parent means you get judged and mostly you get looks from non-parents. You get looks from other parents, the elderly, the young, the ?twenty-something’s, the grandparents. My daughter gets excited in the shopping trolly, some people find it cute, some say hello, some laugh, some glare, some scowl, and some think you shouldn’t be out with a child. ?I think parents quickly develop a thicker skin…. It doesn’t bother me as much now, I make a point of smiling at everyone, unless they parked in the parent and child space without a child. Then I glare. Then I tell Toddler H how these spaces are ‘for people with children and they don’t have children so they shouldn’t be parked here…‘
12. Chocolate – please don’t judge me if I don’t feed H cakes and chocolate all the time. She might try a few small crumbs here and there, but that is all. She’s not that taken by it, she loves her fruit.
13. The “we’ll have to ask mummy if you are allowed xxxx” comments…. No, I don’t see why she would eat Chocolate at 7 months, or salty foods, or sugary foods. ‘Baby food’ exists for a reason as does fruit and veg, and baby led weaning. As does a blender for homemade non-salty dinners and smoothies. Actually, as does Ella’s Kitchen and Organix – my go to convenience foods and pouches.
14. Poonamis as a newborn. I think the flapping arms and legs cycling away didn’t help either. It’s been a long time since we had these, we now have a few occasional off days around teething, but they’re no where near as bad, but they bring it all back!
15. Teething. Everything comes down to teething, everything can be blamed on teething, and everything revolves around those pesky-little-horrible-scream-inducing-teeth. I don’t like them, they cause my baby pain.
Can you tell it’s been one of those days? A teething, no parent and child spaces, soft play day. Do you have any ‘mummy tantrums’ you’d add to my top 15 list?
Lynne x
If you like my blog and writing, I’d love a nomination in the Tots 100 MADs Awards (Baby or Newbie categories)
Linking to #FabFridayPost, #TheList, #JustAnotherLinky
An imperfect mum (Catie)
March 25, 2016 at 8:38 amMy two are tweens now so thankfully I have left a lot of this behind but I remember it well especially the parking spaces and shall we ask mummy brigade. I’m afraid my boys are now the big kids in the wrong soft play area. I absolutely hate anyone judging, as the parent of a special needs child who ‘looks normal’ this is a real bugbear of mine! Enjoyed reading this. Would love you to share on #Familyfun too.
March 25, 2016 at 9:38 amhahaha this is a great list and I found myself nodding along to every one. I really agree with the people parking in parents and child when they shouldnt be!!! Makes my blood boil. #fabfridaypost

Emma recently posted…David Beckham gets ill when he is away from his family
March 25, 2016 at 11:46 amOh my word if my mother comments on how much/little my boy wears just one more time, well, you know. Fab list. Spot on! #TheList

Briony recently posted…Things to Know about Working from Home #3
Sarah Stockley
March 26, 2016 at 9:07 amAhh the how much sleep did you get conversation used to drive me nuts. My hubbie used to say well you went up to bed before I did, so technically you’ve had more sleep than me, so you should get up with the kids! agghhhh. Thanks for linking #FabFridayPost

Sarah Stockley recently posted…How to:Boho Hair Wraps
March 26, 2016 at 4:31 pmHaha love this list! I think it’s so strange how people comment on everything or give you funny looks. I quite often go out with my baby in the sling and people always look at us – some smile, but most look at me disapprovingly! #JustAnotherLinky
Mummy here and there
March 26, 2016 at 8:02 pmYou can’t please everone, your just got role with it and trust your gut instinct. Great list mind and totally identify with clothing, haha! #effitFriday
March 28, 2016 at 9:42 pmParent and parking spaces are incendiary devices!!! 🙂 #thebabyformula

Sarah recently posted…My first vlog!
Right Royal Mother
March 29, 2016 at 4:22 amAh, the poonami. I am still in the midst. And the parking … and the breastfeeding debate … yep; I’m with you on most of these. You’ve just made me feel much better! #TheBabyFormula

Right Royal Mother recently posted…REVIEW: Cotton Twist craft kits. Even better than home-made chutney for the Queen.
Fi - Beauty Baby and Me
March 29, 2016 at 6:18 amSo with you on this hun! The parking spaces one is a big one – I had an argument with a lady the other day who had parked in a Mum and Baby space and took her time leaving whilst I waited as it was the only one left! Grr! And lack of sleep…. oh don’t get me started! A great post all Mums will identify with xx #TheBabyFormula
laura dove
March 29, 2016 at 7:44 amHaha I so agree with you on all of these things! The thing that riles me the most is the mother and baby parking spots, I have become the parking police when it comes to that!! If we dared to park in a disabled spot then all hell would break loose but mother and baby spots seem to be a different matter!!! Agghh!!!! #Thebabyformula

laura dove recently posted…Easter @ Brockholes
March 29, 2016 at 8:56 amThis made me giggle and I think I’d agree with all of them but number 8 is my fave! How is that guy so freaking popular?!

Fi recently posted…Pets for Kids – Is it worth it?
Single Mum Speaks
March 29, 2016 at 10:16 amOh yes, completely agree with these. Especially Mr Tumble. Why he is so popular baffles me. I thought children were afraid of clowns? #theBabyFormula

Single Mum Speaks recently posted…Why I Am Lucky
The Mum Project - Meagan
March 29, 2016 at 11:57 amAgree with all of them! Although especially 1 and 4 right now. Number 4 is hard because it’s so easy to just start talking about your child with your Mum friends, which is okay for some time but after a while it’s like “shut up about your kid and start talking about something else.” I realised its hard to do so I hang out with my child-less friends regularly (although then it’s hard for them to understand what you’re going through! Haha). Catch-22. Thanks for hosting #TheBabyFormula!
The Pramshed
March 29, 2016 at 7:12 pmAll so true especially the sleep and breastfeeding one, I even had comments from a stranger the other day in a pub about these things! Argh! Also another rant is when people say “how’s the baby” and not “how are you?”. Thanks for hosting. Claire X #TheBabyFormula
Annette, 3 Little Buttons
March 29, 2016 at 7:55 pm? I completely get the parking one. Out of everything, that has to be the most irritating. There is nothing worse than watching a non-parent nab the last parent space!!! Grrrrrrrr #TwinklyTuesday

Annette, 3 Little Buttons recently posted…How to keep your ‘what if’s’ in check
March 30, 2016 at 9:38 amALL of these for me! In particular numbers 9 and 11. DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE LOOKS. Take a picture, it’ll last longer. Morons. Loved this post. #thebabyformula
Sian - The Mama Story
March 30, 2016 at 6:32 pmGosh yes! I can’t even talk about parent & baby spaces as I get so wound up. Soft play too when they big kids pile in to the toddler area. RAGE!
Silly Mummy
March 30, 2016 at 9:41 pmThere are always big kids in the toddler areas in soft play. Mind you, my toddler is usually in the big kid area! #twinklytuesday

Silly Mummy recently posted…The Egg Hunt
Laura @ Life with Baby Kicks
March 31, 2016 at 6:59 amAhh when my little one was a baby I hated the bigger kids in the baby areas, now I have two of them I am guilty of bringing my 3 year old in, he is just on the cusp on being too big but I just have to do it to keep an eye on them both!
I am not sure why people feel the need to comment on what your kids are eating, not just grandparents but random strangers!!!!
March 31, 2016 at 12:31 pmteething was the absolute worst. A million years of evolution and teeth just come smashing through the gums?

jeremy@thirstydaddy recently posted…In Defense of Princesses
March 31, 2016 at 10:56 pmIt’s so indecent to ask the mother of a newborn to sign up for a weekly event. I didn’t know whether I was coming or going #brilliantblogposts

Charlene recently posted…Instagram Algorithm Angst
Something Crunchy Mummy
April 1, 2016 at 9:12 pmHaha this is just brilliant. I wonder why my toddler tantrums but I should look to myself lol. Thanks for linking up to #justanotherlinky xx

Something Crunchy Mummy recently posted…Monthly Bucket List – Update and April’s List
Fran - Whinge Whinge Wine
April 7, 2016 at 8:35 amSo what you’re saying is that parent and child spaces should be for people with children? That a BMW doesn’t count as a child?
The baby groups thing did my head in and I never signed up to anything I had to pay for. My babies were too poorly and too crap at sleeping to guarantee I could be anywhere at a given time. They didn’t suffer from not doing baby sensory!
Katie/Squirmy Popple
April 7, 2016 at 8:49 amThe soft play thing drives me nuts – I often can’t let my daughter in the baby/toddler area because there are older kids running around and their parents couldn’t give two s***s! I hate the long blocks of baby classes too – and a lot of them won’t let you make up a class later on if you have to miss one because you’re away or your baby is sick (which happens A LOT). #coolmumclub

Katie/Squirmy Popple recently posted…Things I wish my baby could understand
April 7, 2016 at 7:22 pmI’m adding the Mummy tantrum of getting two wriggly kids out of the house. Seems to make me lose it every friggin time, I mean, really? how hard can it be?! Ha ha!

Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub m’dear x
MMT recently posted…#coolmumclub Linky week 21
Becky @ Educating Roversi
April 7, 2016 at 9:10 pmOooh there’s nothing like a good rant is there? Therapeutic! The good ol’ poonami is, mostly, a thing of the past for me as Mini R is 21mo but it does happen occasionally if he has a dodgy tummy. The clothing issue is a constant battle for me: vest/no vest, long sleeved/short sleeved, hoodie and coat or just hoodie. The parent and child space is a frustration too..in fact, I agree with you on all counts!
Becky @ Educating Roversi
April 7, 2016 at 9:11 pmOooh forgot to add #CoolMumClub

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