Baby H learnt to crawl 3 weeks ago; she was 7 months old. She’d been trying to crawl for months, first her legs did the right thing, then she got her arms did, and months later, after wiggling in circles and rolling to get to where she wanted, she was off commando crawling across the floor. I assumed as she’d been trying to crawl for months, that I’d see a weekly difference in her crawling technique and speed. How wrong was I? Sooo wrong. It’s not even daily, it’s hourly.
Three weeks after learning to crawl she can sit herself up from crawling by leaning on a cushion (or something else), and pulls herself up to kneeling from lying in her cot. I can’t believe how strong she is. She also finds so much to ‘get into’.
So, here’s my list of unexpected crawling lessons:
1. My daughter LOVES shoes.
2. She gets quicker hourly – so every time I go to the toilet, she’s further away.
3. She loves extension leads – they disappeared very soon after crawling started!
5. Don’t fold the highchair and lean it against the wall (as it’s designed to), she WILL crawl to it and pull on the leg, leading me to dive for and move said high chair before it topples.
6. She is really really strong! She will move the boxes that are stopping her getting to the back to the TV, she will pull herself up on the car seat (note: don’t keep the car seat in reach either!)
7. She MUST lift the rug up to check what’s underneath and sometimes she just must eat it.
8. A pregnancy pillow across the front of the fireplace/hearth is not a barrier, it’s a challenge. Quite quickly, it’s not even a challenge, it’s just fun. She can see herself in the chrome fireplace surround and spends a good half hour jumping up and down on the pillow shouting at herself. So it’s cheap entertainment, but I do have to watch that she doesn’t throw herself into the fire! (It’s electric and we’ve removed all the loose bits, so it’s safe, but not ideal for head-diving at)
9. Remove everything that’s not really heavy the second baby starts crawling (ie. leave the sofas, tv unit/cupboard, but make sure they are secured to the wall and doors are babysafe).
10. There are not enough toys in the world to keep her in one place. She gets bored of her toys much much quicker now (this might not be related, but it’s a bit of a pain!).
I’ll post some of my baby proofing lifesavers for crawling in the next post (baby proofing tips), so, to make sure you get any more follow up posts, do sign up for email alerts to follow my blog ? and while you’re following me why not follow me on twitter or Facebook too?
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I’ll be back with the follow up tomorrow, sorry, I’m far too exhaust from chasing H! It’s definitely cup of tea time!
Lynne x
Little Treasures
July 25, 2015 at 7:56 amSo true! My little boy has just conquered crawling this week and the difference in speed in the last 2 days is incredible!! I really don’t remember my little girl getting into everything like he does but shoes were def a firm favourite! And I agree no amount of toys keeps him amused anymore……wait till they walk!! Ha! #thelist
July 25, 2015 at 1:03 pmGlad I’m not alone 🙂 Oh dear, I dread her walking now x
July 26, 2015 at 8:46 amYeah, my daughter loves shoes too! She is often to be found emptying every shoe out of the basket :/ ow I know why my dad insisted we screwed all the furniture to the walls when we moved in (before we had any children)!
x Alice
July 26, 2015 at 7:51 pmAww glad she’s not on her own, we keep laughing saying she’s such a girly girl loving shoes so much ? I guess it starts young, eeeeek!
I know what you mean about the furniture, we’re moving soon, so had hoped to avoid all of that but she’s just too eager.
Thank you for commenting xx
Emma's Mamma
July 26, 2015 at 6:30 pmHaha bless her! Wait till she starts walking and more importantly running. My daughter went from taking her first step to running in a month! This is so true though! Enjoy your cup of tea – you deserve it! 🙂 #sundaystars
July 26, 2015 at 7:52 pmAh thank you! Oh no please don’t tell me it gets worse!! 🙂
Thank you for commenting xx
July 26, 2015 at 7:41 pmoh dear! I’d forgotten what crawling was like… number 2 is about to embark – well she’s doing a lot of ‘planking’ and ‘sky diving’ poses on the floor at the moment so I’m both fearful and excited that a crawl is imminent!!!
July 26, 2015 at 7:54 pmOh dear, well hopefully you’ll be prepared! They’re just so cute trying all these new things out 🙂 x
July 27, 2015 at 9:38 pmOh I read this peeping through my hands, horror film style.

Boo didn’t crawl. I think Baby G will. They literally have no sense at such a young age. *screams please don’t grow up* 🙁 #maternitymondays
Farmerswifeandmummy recently posted…#MaternityMondays Week 29
July 27, 2015 at 10:02 pmFingers crossed for you! Hope you’re not too scared, it is actually lovely too as she crawls over to me saying baa baa baa or mmmmm when she wants milk! And now is going from crawling to sitting and just looks so so happy. It’s nice she’s not frustrated anymore.
I’ll keep you posted on any tips as I figure them out! First follow up is tomorrow tho xx
Fiona @adventure_seek
July 29, 2015 at 10:55 amOoohh good post, my little one is almost there! She is already bery active on the ground, can move in circles and can scoot backwards at pace but I feel the forward crawl is the one that will cause the trouble! I have been crawling around the house trying to see it from a baby’s perspective and to me everything looks like danger!!
July 29, 2015 at 11:27 amThank you for reading, and commenting ?
It’s so hard to tell what they might go for! H did he wiggling and backwards and circles, and then all of a sudden was trying to get the remote control in front of her, and something must’ve clicked. It’s so cute to watch xx
Mrs H
July 30, 2015 at 7:59 amHa ha! I remember this well. Relaxing is out the window. Nowhere is safe. And no matter how much baby proofing you have done, it is never enough. Don’t worry. I promise it does get better. By about two and a half they are able to occupy themselves pretty well and so you can have a cuppa in peace. Thanks for linking up to #SundaysStars. Hugs Mrs H xxxx

Mrs H recently posted…Sunday Stars – 26/07/2015
July 30, 2015 at 9:16 amThank you Mrs H! Oh dear 2.5 years another 1 year and 10 months away! To be honest, I’m managing a nice cup of tea just now, she’s strapped in her highchair playing with her spoon ?
Crawling Lifesavers - Part 1 - New Mummy Blog
July 30, 2015 at 8:37 am[…] is a follow up to my 10 things I’ve learnt about crawling post last […]
Christine - Yogaberry
July 30, 2015 at 12:56 pmmy son was an expert crawler and climber and he is now 18 months and an expert runner (and still climbing)… it just gets worse! Before they start to become a little bit more sensible at around two and half… enjoy every second of it though! They are so cute at that age!! #sundaystars

Christine – Yogaberry recently posted…20 Minute Yoga Practice for Beginners
July 30, 2015 at 12:59 pmOh my! Yes, they are very very cute! Thank you for reading and commenting x