So if you’ve read my Tongue-tie nightmare post, about my start into the journey of breastfeeding, you’ll know we had a bit of a rough start. Now 8 months on, I love feeding my daughter. She loves it too, and I know that the closeness between us is something I truely cherish.
It’s so easy now, and not at all painful. The pain eased after the first few weeks, and it really was worth persevering. Please don’t judge me, this is my opinion and my experiences, and may not match yours or what you would choose to do.
So, in light of #worldbreastfeedingweek, here are things I love about breastfeeding:
- I love feeling so close to my baby, she’s so snug in my arms feeding away
- Milk on tap(!) and it’s free!
- Don’t need to worry about sterilising bottles to go out
- Don’t need to worry about carting round all the supplies that are needed for bottle feeding
- Easy if we get held up when out, I don’t have to worry we’ve not got any milk left
- It was hard at the start, but it was worth it (everyone is different and have their reasons for stopping)
- Lansinoh cream was a MUST! Everyone should have it in their hospital bag, it’s amazing!
I have to say there are some less positive points (in my opinion):
- Being relied on that much can be a pressure, especially during the night when hubby could in theory give a bottle and I could sleep! (Some nights H wakes every hour… )
- Having to express (I found I could express very easily, so this wasn’t a problem, but would sometimes give formula too)
- Hubby can feel a bit left out (in this way I’m glad hubby gave H a bottle from early on because it gave hubby time with baby, bonding time and me time to rest/not be relied upon/ and mostly express – we did this because she lost 10% of her weight due to tongue-tie)
- As baby gets older, they know where to get their milk…. Tugging at your top when you’re out!
- Babies can be stubborn about taking a bottle if they are used to mummy!
Lynne x
Helen | Wonderfully Average
August 8, 2015 at 9:47 pmSome great points here. My favourite things about breastfeeding are definitely the feeling of closeness and the convenience, especially when out. Agree that expressing can be a pain in the arse- I had to express twice a day when I went back to work- also having to do all the night feeds, bleugh. When they’re waking every hour too, I feel your pain. But there is something quite special about the night feeds too, when it feels like you and your baby are the only people awake and you can gently lull them back to sleep by breastfeeding (haha, can’t believe I’m feeling nostalgic about this already- he only started sleeping through a couple of months ago!)

Helen | Wonderfully Average recently posted…10 things I’ve learnt in my first month of blogging
August 10, 2015 at 7:34 amYes you’re right, the night feeds are nice when you have that feeling. X
Amy @ Mr and Mrs T Plus Three
August 11, 2015 at 11:56 pmAwww these breastfeeding posts are making me so nostalgic. I loved all of these things too, it’s such a magical time.
Stepping in for Hannah and thanking you for linking up to #thelist x

Amy @ Mr and Mrs T Plus Three recently posted…Win 6 boxes of Tick Tock Tea and two mugs!
August 12, 2015 at 6:58 amAwww I’m sure I’ll feel that way too. I will be very sad when I stop x
Lucinda | twintown
August 19, 2015 at 1:32 pmSadly, breast feeding didn’t work out for my 9 week prem twins…and expressing didn’t quite evoke the same warm and fuzzy feeling! (and then some!) Glad it works out for lots of other people though. #BestandWorst
August 22, 2015 at 8:24 pmYes I was lucky. I think I’m more appreciative because it was so close to not working. Bottle feeding definitely has it’s own advantages though 🙂 Hope you’re all, doing well now x
helen gandy
August 21, 2015 at 7:54 pmLovely post, I’m so pleased that you’re getting on well with breast feeding, sadly I didn’t but very much admire the ladies who do 🙂 Thanks for linking such a positive post up to the #bestandworst and hope you’ll pop by again! x

helen gandy recently posted…When you need to step back.
August Review, September Bucket List - New Mummy Blog
September 2, 2015 at 9:27 pm[…] I also wrote 2 posts for #worldbreastfeedingweek: one on my issues of breastfeeding and H’s weight due to her tongue-tie and a second on things I love about breastfeeding. […]
December 28, 2015 at 9:13 pmLoving the honesty! Breastfeeding is amazing but at the same time hard work!
Sounds like you are doing a great job!
Amina xx |
January 4, 2016 at 3:27 pmIt really is hard! But worth it 🙂
December 28, 2015 at 9:20 pmI love breastfeeding too! We were lucky it worked out for us, and still going strong at 17 months.

Min recently posted…Thank God, they put the right one in
January 4, 2016 at 3:27 pmThat’s brilliant, it’s such a lovely experience isn’t it 🙂
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