The fabulous Rainbeaubelle has started a December link up centred around 5 little things for ?5 or under… Check it out here.
I love this idea, well it’s fab secret Santa inspiration and stocking filler-tastic!
Here are my 5 favourites this Christmas…
1. My lantern from Sainsburys (it’s currently on offer at half price so was only ?4), they do have a smaller version that is normally ?6, and currently reduced to ?3, so at normal price that’s almost ?5!)
2. These gorgeous felt coasters from Waitrose
3. My new Homebase mugs – how Christmassy are these?!! I LOVE them! (Homebase ?1.49 each)
4. A santa cuddly toy for Baby H’s stocking from Waitrose (?4)
5. Baby H’s new Christmas leggings from my mum…. How cute are they!! (?4.50 Sainsburys)
You’d think Sainsburys was my closest supermarket, it’s not! Seriously though, this post is not endorsed, sponsored or paid for by Sainsburys, we bought everything ourselves, and I didn’t even use Nectar points!
Why not join in with Rainbeauelle too?
Lynne x
Linking to Rainbeuabelle’s ‘Five under ?5’ linky
Julia @ Rainbeaubelle
December 14, 2015 at 9:46 pmOh these are so lovely! I really love the lantern, what a bargain as well, there are so many nice Christmas things around aren’t there – and it’s hard to be restrained when they are all under a fiver! Thanks for joining in! x #fiveunder5

Julia @ Rainbeaubelle recently posted…When the school nativity makes you cry
December 18, 2015 at 8:24 amOh it’s so hard isn’t it! Thank you for such a lovely idea, I’ll definitely join in future link ups x
Hayley @hayleyfromhome
December 18, 2015 at 10:57 amThe Christmas leggings are so lovely and what a great price. I wonder if I might still get away with them on my boy twins? SO cute. The lantern is lovely too, I like things that are a little festive without being too over the top and those and the mugs are perfect! xx #fiveunder5

Hayley @hayleyfromhome recently posted…Picture Ledge Styling
Ellie @ Hand Me Down Baby
December 21, 2015 at 3:26 amCute bargains! I got some great deals from Sainsbury’s the other day, including a Christmas jumper for Little Miss A and gorgeous Christmas candles.

Ellie @ Hand Me Down Baby recently posted…My Childbirth Experiences: A Summary
January 4, 2016 at 3:34 pmI LOVE Sainsburys, they just always have such nice stuff, and often great bargains 🙂
New Mummy Blog's 2016 Blogging Goals - New Mummy Blog
January 3, 2016 at 5:21 pm[…] called ‘5 Things for £5′ which I thought was a brilliant idea and took part in (here), I hope this continues each month in 2016 as I really enjoyed […]