It feels weird writing this post, given I’ve only been blogging for 6 months, I don’t have any real concept of where my blog could be in a years time. But here goes…
- Add some category pages to provide a good structure to the blog
- Finish my Linkys I Love page… It’s been a work in progress for a while, but mostly because I add a link once a month and then don’t get time again! Actually if I just sat with my laptop it’d take 10 minutes to finish, it’s so much more cumbersome on an iPad!
- Write a ‘Featured In’ page so I can keep trac and also so if brands do stop by my page they can see where I’ve been before even seeing any stats
- Get my #BehindTheLinky series off the ground. I’ve started planning it, just need to finish sorting the formatting
- I need to work at Facebook, my issue is that as I’m semi anonymous, I don’t want to invite all my personal Facebook friends to like my page… It’s a difficult decision, but one I need to contemplate some more. If you’re on Facebook, I’d really appreciate the followers, and if you have any tips I’d really really appreciate any help I can get 🙂
- Continue growing Twitter (I’ve been astounded at how quickly my following has grown, I reached 2,400 followers just before New Year), and use Instagram a bit more. I have also been expanding Pinterest following and also need to work to add all my previous posts to Pinterest.
- Join StumbleUpon…. I’ve only just realised it could be a good option!
I’ve decided I need to limit the Linkys I join, for a while there I was joining every linky left right and centre. I thought I was doing the right thing, but I got so stressed, so anxious and so behind. I was panicing and struggling to keep up with commenting on all the blogs I was meant to. I really tried to read every one properly, but I don’t like rushing things, and like to do it properly, so this strategy doesn’t work for me. Blogging is a hobby at the moment as I’ve only had one product to review and don’t monetise the blog (apart from Amazon Affiliants which has brought in a grand total of ?0.00 so far)…
During this time I also fell behind on replying to comments on my own blog, something I feel terrible about. I really appreciate every comment, and every single reader, and feel I should thank every single person. I’m sorry I haven’t been doing that lately.
So, my plan is to join certain Linkys every week, and others more sporadically. I think I need to stick to where I’ve really been part of the community and hopefully that will allow me to comment as I’d like to on those Linkys (commenting on more than the rules specify) and be really be happy with the balance. This should also allow me to comment on my own blog and if that starts to wane again, I will make more adjustments so that I can always thank my readers and commenters.
Linky aims:
Join less Linkys* = Comment on more posts = More time to blog + More time to thank my own readers & reply to comments
Continue to run #TheBabyFormula. I love the community and that, although small, those of you linking seem to like it too as you keep coming back 🙂 I love seeing so many?#TheBabyFormula comments on each linked up post 🙂
*Note. When I say join less Linkys, I will still be joining about 7-8 a week… So
- I love writing whatever I fancy and will keep doing this
- I also plan to keep the series which I’ve started going, as these are fun too and I always get fabulous comments and mostly because I really enjoy writing them too (#thingsparentssay and #mummyhumour)
- I love the fun Linkys ?like #wickedwednesdays by Brummy Mummy of Two,?and hope I can get back into that as H is older, she’s getting into more and more predicaments!
- I also enjoy #throwbackthursdays by Run Jump Scrap and All The Beautiful Things which was another linky I lapsed on recently in an attempt to stop being stressed! but as it’s now monthly, I really will keep up with it…. Here’s to more fab throwbacks!
- Reviews – I’ll keep reviewing what I love, and don’t…. And will accept ?sponsored reviews and products to review if they fit my blog.
- How to’s, these are really satisfying to write and I will keep them up too as and when hey occur to me. I will probably add a specific category page for these posts too… (Note to self!!)
- The lovely RainBeauBelle had a fabulous linky in December called ?’5 Things for ?5′ which I thought was a brilliant idea and took part in (here), I hope this continues each month in 2016 as I really enjoyed it.
I’m a sucker for these, any competition or exam, I always want to get an A or reach the top. Well, blogging is no different.
- My blog stats – I’d like to improve these, though having checked google analytics tonight I now see my visitors and views are both much higher than WordPress had me believe, so I had a very nice surprise. I’m just sorry I didn’t add GA straight away … Sorry I’m not giving numbers!
- Twitter – I’m going to be bold and hope to double my current followers, and of course as that would be 4,800 followers, I might as well round it up to 5,000 🙂
- Facebook – I currently have 25 followers, I’d definitely like more than 100 by the end of 2016, preferably a lot more than that, but it’s so difficult to grow so I’ll play it safer!
- Instagram & Pinterest I have 248 and 42 respectively and would just like to keep them growing, perhaps reach 500?followers?
- Top Mommy Blogs – I’ve just joined this, so we’ll see, although I seem to be getting viewers from it already, so if you’ve popped over from there, hi and please share the love if you can hehehe 🙂
- Parent Leaderboard – my last ranking of 2015 was 264, and highest ever was 261 r. So I’d like to break into the top 200.
- Tots 100 – my start of December Ranking was 681, I’d like to break into the top 500 in 2016…. And if I’m being really super duper drunk-too-much-wine ambitious the top 250, yes I did write that…. But I’m sticking with a goal of the top 500 🙂
I did have a post chosen as a Tots100 Good Reads in December, so I’d love to make the list again and perhaps love to be featured on Mumsnet or Netmums, and well The Huff Post would be just AMAZING…. here’s hoping!
Check out my ‘2015 Review / 6 Months of Blogging‘ and my personal resolutions too!
Lynne x
Jessica Powell
January 4, 2016 at 12:56 pmYou’ve achieved loads in six months, well done! I’ve found Facebook a real uphill slog too – running a few giveaways is what really got the ball rolling for me. (I just went to like your FB page and the link from your ‘follow me on social media’ section is broken – it has the facebook bit twice. Just to let you know!) x #TheBabyFormula

Jessica Powell recently posted…Photo-Love, April 7th 1979
January 4, 2016 at 3:15 pmThank you!! I’ve sorted that link now too xx
January 4, 2016 at 4:23 pmWell done – you’ve achieved a lot already.
Generally, I think it pays to be really clear about what your priorities are. If, like so many of us, you’re restricted for time, I think you’re better off doing a few things well (and then moving on to the next thing) than a lot of things so-so.
My personal experience is that I realised quite quickly that (a) I don’t have time to maintain a strong, consistent presence on every social media channel and (b) I don’t really care what my Tots100 ranking is (other than it being a nice ego boost), so I just write what I want and I focus on Twitter and Facebook (and to a lesser extent Instagram), which I enjoy the most, and not worry about Pinterest or other channels, which I’ve never been able to get to work for me. But equally Pinterest is a big driver for many other bloggers, so do what works best for you.

Tim recently posted…No New Year resolutions, but a man with a plan
Crummy Mummy
January 4, 2016 at 7:08 pmThese seem like really achievable goals – I like the one about limiting linkies – I should probably think about that… #TheBabyFormula

Crummy Mummy recently posted…How to cope with a grumpy man
lizzie ( firstooth )
January 4, 2016 at 10:20 pmYour achievements so far are fabulous, you should be proud! I like how your aiming slightly higher each time, so you’ll hit your goals in no time. I know what you mean about joining links, I try my best to join the ones who remind me because I do like finding posts I wouldn’t usually come across but it can be hard to keep up and remember to comment on them all but like you say, this for me would probably be a quick job if I could focus on it. Thanks for hosting my lovely x #thebabyformula

lizzie ( firstooth ) recently posted…New Years Resolutions
Catherine Green
January 4, 2016 at 11:11 pmWow, you’ve achieved all that in 6 months, and with a new baby, kudos to you! I started my blog about 5 years ago (and my eldest daughter will be 5 this month, notice a pattern here?!), but it is only recently that I am discovering all of the fabulous parent bloggers here in the UK. I am moving my focus more from indie authors towards lifestyle interests, and will begin to reflect that in my blog in 2016 as well. See you on some of the linkys you mentioned… if the children allow me to!

Catherine Green recently posted…Happy New Year!
Wave to Mummy
January 5, 2016 at 1:11 amI think you have done fabulously so far – and over 2k followers on Twitter in less than a year. Wowzers! 🙂 I want to up my blogging this year too – the only trouble is finding the time to do it ha ha, always something more that I could do and improve!

Wave to Mummy recently posted…Choosing a New Years resolution – my ‘word’ for 2016
Su {Ethan & Evelyn}
January 5, 2016 at 1:16 pmWow! You have done so so well! Well done you! I’m the same with linkys, some weeks I can join a lot, some I have to limit myself. Thanks for mentioning the numerous linkys above – some I have not even heard before! I might have a look and see if I can join depending on my own workload of course. I look forward to the linkys you are developing on. Remind me of this as I do have such a baby brain still. lol! All the best in 2016! You shouldn’t have anything to worry about you are doing fab! 🙂 x

Su {Ethan & Evelyn} recently posted…POINT + SHOOT: Playground Time
Lady Nym
January 5, 2016 at 5:54 pmWell, I’ve liked your page with mine on Facebook so that will help a teeny tiny bit! Haha.
You’re doing amazingly well, though. You’ve also reminded me about StumbleUpon. I’d totally forgotten so thanks! My main goal is to go self hosted and then I might have a think about what I’m trying to achieve after that.

Lady Nym recently posted…It Was the Best of Christmases, It Was the Worst of Christmases
January 5, 2016 at 9:12 pmJoining all those linky’s sounds like a bit of work, I join about 3 or 4 if that and it stresses me out a bit too. It sounds like we’ve been blogging for around the same time and you have achieved so much more than me, keep up the great work! I love the idea of your how-to post’s, your duggie cake was amazing! #TheBabyFormula
Pauline xxx

pauline recently posted…My Blog Goals For 2016
Natalie Streets
January 5, 2016 at 9:26 pmSome fab goals here, I really need to set out some clear goals for myself. 2016 is my ‘year of the blog’, Oliver has started nursery today so it means I actually get time. I haven’t got any clear aims though, other than to make a bit of cash on the side and develop the wedding planning section of my blog.

Natalie Streets recently posted…Cambridge Blog Meet Jan 2016
January 6, 2016 at 9:37 amLovely goals and all achievable. You are doing amazing considering you are only blogging for 6 months. 2400 followers is incredible. I am blogging nearly 2 years now and I am only at the 1k mark. You must have great content.

Janine recently posted…Top 11 Sights to Visit in New York
January 6, 2016 at 12:39 pmYou’ve got the right approach. You’ve set yourself goals, which gives you something to work towards. I know how you feel about Facebook as I too was hesitant to set up a Facebook page for my blog for a couple of reasons 1) I don’t really like it. 2) I didn’t want the people I know on Facebook to feel obliged to read it. I haven’t invited my friends to like my page, instead every now and again I share a post I have written that they can like if they want.
I am still finding that balance with blog hops and commenting. Since starting to participate more in blog hops my views have gone up, but like you, I feel I am constantly trying to reply to comments on my blogs and where once upon a time I would visit each and every commenters blogs in return, I can’t always do that now, so it’s a tricky one.
I wish you and your blog a good 2016 and reach for the moon, after all the worst that can happen is you land among the stars!

Debbie recently posted…Mount Skopos: Our New Years Day Walk
Eb Gargano / Easy Peasy Foodie
January 7, 2016 at 4:57 pmWow, you have managed to achieve a lot in 6 months! I am particularly impressed at how many Twitter followers you have got already…have you got any tips??? I started my blog around the same time as you and I thought I was doing well with 800 or so!! 🙂 Hope you have a fab 2016. Eb x #brilliantblogposts

Eb Gargano / Easy Peasy Foodie recently posted…Sweet Potato Chilli with Brown Rice and Avocado Salad (Vegan)
January 9, 2016 at 8:40 pmThank you! I’ve mostly been taking part in Linkys, other than take part in twitter conversations and really try to engage with other bloggers.
My personal goals for 2016 - New Mummy Blog
January 8, 2016 at 9:12 am[…] I’ve already written about my Blogging Goals for 2016 here, so what would I like to achieve outwith […]
January 8, 2016 at 10:54 amWow, you’ve achieved so much! That’s fantastic … I have not even dare to venture to other social media platforms. There are just too many! All the best for the next 6 months! Look forward to following your blog. PS. I have Liked you on FB! Thanks for sharing with #abitofeverything

El recently posted…A bit of Everything Week 11
January 9, 2016 at 8:37 pmThanks for the like! And for the lovely compliments, it means a lot x
Rhyming with wine
January 9, 2016 at 5:30 pmI’m still quote new at this blogging malarkey but you’ve given me lots of great inspiration here. Off to Google “Top mommy blogs”. Congratulations on a very successful 6 months! X
January 9, 2016 at 8:33 pmThere is a icon in my side bar 🙂 it seems to work by getting a vote every time someone clicks on your badge on your site, hence I’m a bit sure how it’ll be and might be better in America x
My blog aims and personal goals for 2017 - New Mummy Blog
February 5, 2017 at 12:15 pm[…] thought I should pop these down in a post just like I did last year: blog aims 2016, personal goals […]