How to get a good night’s sleep, that’s what we all want to know isn’t it? In fact I’d really love to know how to get a fabulous night’s sleep, just like when we stay in a hotel, or like those long lies we used to have before the little monster came along. Well, last night I had the BEST nights sleep that I’ve had in a few weeks. Do you want to know why and how??Well over the last few weeks we’ve had an ill little toddler, and we’ve also had two trips to A&E. So, no, things haven’t gone smoothly, and none of us have been sleeping brilliantly. That’s the way things are for parents isn’t it?
Luckily, you might have seen a few posts about sleep tips as Yorkshire Linen are running a Sleep Revolution Campaign to get us Mum Bloggers talking about our sleep troubles (where do we start?!!!) and our tips for a good night’s sleep.
We’ve had one of those January’s: Baby H has been waking, and we’ve been checking her so often as she had such a horrible fever, she’s also teething again, and well, my leg hasn’t been brilliant since I tipped a boiling cup of tea on it few weeks ago.
On top of all that we have been decorating since before New Year and sleeping in the spare room surrounded by boxes. Ok, some nights we did sleep well despite the clutter, but believe me we were exhausted beyond crazy levels!
Anyway, what happened last night to give us such a fabulous night’s sleep? Did baby H sleep through? Nope! I was up twice, at 3am and 5.30am. So what was our secret? How did we get a good night’s sleep?
1.Bedding is number one in this list…
- We changed the sheets yesterday. Don’t you always LOVE clean sheets? They feel comfy, snuggly and I always just want t? jump right into bed straight away and have a wee nap. Chance would be a fine thing, eh?!
- Brand new bedding… Ok it’s not brand new, but it’s nearly new and so soft. It also give such a lovely feel to the room, finishes it off nicely, and just offers a really quick pick me up and new bedroom feel.
- Good quality bedding – let’s face it we’ve all stayed in a hotel or B&B or hostel with terrible rough scratchy bedding. Sleeping in bedding you just feel un-comfy in and then have an awful nights sleep. Our bedding is lovely and soft, like this from Yorkshire Linen () with a 200 thread count.
2. Newly decorated room. Before, it was still as the previous owners had left it, not to our taste. But, now it’s a nice calm grey, with lamps and ?cushions and our homely bits and pieces.
3. The right temperature, ok this is slightly harder to control, but don’t you think you sleep better if the room is just right? Especially as a mum getting up throughout the night you don’t want the house being really freezing, but cool enough that it’s lovely and comforting to get back into that soft snuggly bed.
4. Downtime before going to sleep – yes, go to bed slightly earlier, read a book, watch a favourite TV series, do whatever it is couples do. Basically, just relax so you’re not thinking about your to-do list or the day’s troubles. Even browse a few blogs (I can recommend a few if you like!) so that you’re nicely tuned out and ready for sleep.
5. Dim lighting, yes turn off that main light, and get some lamps. Bedside lamps and a standing light give a completely different feel to a room. Think of hotels, you always end the day with just the lights on which have switches by the bed – usually a bedside light or standing lamp. Recreate that feel at home! That’s our aim with our redecoration – I’m creating our own hotel room!
So those are my tips.
I especially recommend going for a lovely hotel room feel. I can’t share piccys of our bedroom yet, as it’s not quite finished, but here are some ideas of what we’re going for:
Good quality bedding like these:
Hotel room style just like this:
Scrumptious throws:
Of course every hotel room has several cushions on the bed, just to make you want to dive straight in and go to sleep RIGHT NOW.
So, why not check out Yorkshire Linen – I know so many lovely shops have gorgeous bedding, but they’ll struggle to beat Yorkshire Linen’s prices!
So let’s also bring some positive thinking into it…. ?Say it with me, “I will sleep well tonight!” Yes, despite having babies, toddlers and kiddies keeping us from our beds in the night, it is possible, in-between the night feeds and cuddles we WILL sleep well too. Go on, create that haven in your home, with some gorgeous new sheets, some nice dim-able lighting and some homely touches.
So I believe we all have tips to share, so please share your sleep tips below... I’ll add your ideas to the post here (a nice comprehensive list… (My OCD likes nice lists!)) So please take part! I need all the tips I can get 😀
If you want to share tips on Twitter, use the #PatchUpWithYourSleep #MumBloggers&YorkshireLinen hashtags when you tweet to be part of the Yorkshire Linen Campaign.
What have I missed that helps you sleep nicely?
Lynne x
Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post and I have been compensated for writing this… However, all opinions are still my own, and are my very honest opinion. We all need the best sleep we can get! Unfortunately all the trips to A&E, and my burnt legs are also true!
All images are from the Yorkshire Linen website
February 15, 2016 at 10:57 amDef agree with the low lighting… I’d extend that tip to low lighting all evening… Gives the house a cosy feel. Evening in the G unit are a no big light zone!

MMT recently posted…Creating a Spa Inspired bathroom…in a small space
February 16, 2016 at 5:24 pmVery good idea!
Mama, My Kid Doesn't Poop Rainbows
February 16, 2016 at 3:24 amGood tips. The temperature thing is definitely my biggest issue.

Mama, My Kid Doesn’t Poop Rainbows recently posted…The #FartGlitter Linky: Week Sixteen
February 16, 2016 at 5:23 pmHaha yes, I can imagine it is!
Verity @ Mumsnet Kent
February 16, 2016 at 9:22 amAfter nearly 18 months of a night of uninterrupted sleep this post brought back fond memories!
I think I’m going to start cleaning our sheets more regularly because it is so nice to get in to freshly laundered sheets! Almost makes up for being woken up multiple times…almost!
February 16, 2016 at 11:43 amIt makes a massive difference… I always forget after the first night! Thanks for commenting x
Katie/Squirmy Popple
February 16, 2016 at 9:34 amGetting the temperature right is the hardest thing in our flat. It’s really cold if the heat is off, but too hot with it on. Winding down is hard too – I find it really difficult to pry myself away from the iPad at night! #TheBabyFormula

Katie/Squirmy Popple recently posted…Things I want my daughter to know about being a woman
February 16, 2016 at 5:22 pmI know what you mean, I think oooooh I’ll just read that blog!
Mummy Fever
February 16, 2016 at 9:40 amTemperature and clean sheets make a difference but to be honest with four children and a business most of the time I could sleep on a washing line if given the chance. #TwinklyTuesday
February 16, 2016 at 5:22 pmHahahaha 🙂
laura dove
February 16, 2016 at 9:53 amGreat tips but my sleep issues are most definitely less to do with my bedding or room temperature and more to do with the three screaming babies who have decided that sleep is for the weak! Maybe I should point them in the direction of this post so that they can take note!! Thanks for hosting! #TheBabyFormula

laura dove recently posted…An interview with Eva, aged 3 years, 51 weeks.
February 16, 2016 at 11:46 amHahaha yes, three must be a lot more work than one!
Crummy Mummy
February 16, 2016 at 10:54 amGreat tips! I did a post for Yorkshire Linen too – we all really do need more sleep! #TheBabyFormula

Crummy Mummy recently posted…#Poweredbyplants: 5 ways to get kids to eat more veg
February 16, 2016 at 5:21 pmDefinitely, more sleep and more relaxing to 🙂
Jessica Powell (Babi a Fi)
February 16, 2016 at 11:28 amThe big one for me is the down time – if I go straight from being busy to bed I can never get to sleep. x #thebabyformula

Jessica Powell (Babi a Fi) recently posted…Have You Got Klout?
February 16, 2016 at 5:20 pmYes, an over active mind is asking for trouble
Cheryl @ ReimerandRuby
February 16, 2016 at 3:41 pmThese tips are spot on! I always love a downtime moment before bedtime, contributes a lot in having a good night sleep. And yes, a more comfy and cozy sheet makes a big difference too! Lovely post! #thebabyformula

Cheryl @ ReimerandRuby recently posted…Gro to bed – Review
February 16, 2016 at 5:19 pmThank you! I’m glad it’s not just me that inks these work 🙂
Single Mum Speaks
February 16, 2016 at 10:14 pmOoh that room with the log fire looks so cosy-although I’d be terrified of setting fire to the bedclothes. Clean sheets are always amazing. Fab tips. #thebabyformula

Single Mum Speaks recently posted…How I Ended Up as a Single Mother
February 17, 2016 at 7:55 amOh no hope your legs are doing better. I agree nice, clean bedding with a high cotton count is perfect for a good nights sleep 🙂 #bloggersclubuk

Emma recently posted…Is it Selfie-ish or Selfie-less?
Fi - Beauty Baby and Me
February 17, 2016 at 6:17 pmThis is the perfect article for me at the moment!! Clean sheets are the absolute best! Thanks for such a comforting post xx #TheBabyFormula
The Mum Project
February 17, 2016 at 6:33 pmAgreed. Definitely on the dim lighting and newly decorated room. I’m currently re-decorating my living room and although it’s not totally there yet, the couch and new pillows have transformed the room already!
My tip would be to take a hot bath an hour before bed (if you have time, if not, a shower will do). You feel fresh, clean and warm, ready to fall asleep in your nice clean bed. ; ) #TheBabyFormula

The Mum Project recently posted…8 Ways to De-stress Your Life
February 17, 2016 at 8:51 pmDefinitely nice clean sheets (especially ones that have been dried on the line outside, hard to do in soggy winter) and a cosy well decorated room. My trouble with our room is clutter. Sometimes it becomes the place for tucking things out of the way or putting the odd pile of washing that I haven’t had time to put away.

KidGearUK recently posted…Half Term Birthday Card Making
Fern P
February 17, 2016 at 11:06 pmNothing beats clean fresh sheets and bedding!

I find avoiding caffeine in the late afternoon/evening really helps, and if I have a lot on my mind then a good vent to the husband or writing my feels out in a journal or blog post works wonders as it gives me the chance to let it all out so my brain will shut up!
Fern P recently posted…10 Ways to Find Yourself Again
February 19, 2016 at 8:49 pmWell you’ve made me want to go out and buy a load of new bed linen now! I love getting into a freshly made bed! I completely agree about the right temperature being key in feeling like you’ve had a great night’s sleep, I’m sure we sleep better when we’ve had the window open a little to let the fresh air in.
Mudpie Fridays
February 21, 2016 at 12:18 pmI good nights sleep is so important, I am struggling with pregnancy insomnia at the moment and it makes for one grumpy mummy!!! We are also in the throws of decorating our bedroom and would love for it to look like a hotel room!! Thank you for joining us at #BloggerClubUK hope you can make it again next week x

Mudpie Fridays recently posted…Project 52 – Week 7
Becky at PinksCharming
February 22, 2016 at 8:28 pmMy number 1 tip is to get an electric blanket! I’ve wanted one for ages but my husband gets really hot. Then someone suggested just getting a single one, for my side only and it is the BEST THING EVER! Becky x #TheBabyFormula

Becky at PinksCharming recently posted…Ava and Thea’s latest antics: IKEA and a VERY muddy adventure
July 9, 2016 at 7:20 pmGreat.. Thanks for sharing