#GetTheWorldReady for your new arrival is a new campaign from Dettol to help mums-to-be, as well as all other mums, to get ready for their new baby.
When I heard about Dettol’s campaign to help new mums and mums-to-be to #GetTheWorldReady for your new arrival, it really resonated with me, here’s why…
Preparing for baby’s arrival is a big thing. Yes, both mentally and physically. We had a scare after the 12 week scan and so spent the next while thinking something might go wrong, anxiously awaiting each extra scan (every 2 weeks), and feeling so relieved when everything was ok. After the 20 week scan we felt a bit better, and then at 23 weeks, when hubby was going away for work, we bought the first baby grow. Yes, much later than most people!
However, nesting is a whole other matter, and one that stands out in my pregnancy. I remember it well as we were trying to sort so much and be prepared to move house. Now, I have several friends who are pregnant and due between next month and August…. So it seems everway I turn I’m either talking about getting ready for baby, or, cleanliness and craziness with our little monster toddlers!
Firstly though, H is now 15 months old, and really really REALLY wanting to do everything herself. From feeding herself using her spoon to walking EVERYWHERE. So we always have anti-back wipes like Dettol at hand… They’re highchair friendly which is something to look out for, as not all say they are!
How did we prepare??
We decluttered, tidied, and hid stuff away before H arrived…. Partly because we were trying to move house before she made her appearance, and also just so we were ready. Oh, and yes, my nesting instinct definitely contributed to this!!! Some ideas we had were:
- Start early, just gradually do a bit here and there
- Be ruthless
- Don’t buy too much before baby as you don’t know what you’ll really need… We didn’t have masses of room in our old house so bought most stuff as and when we needed it, so didn’t clutter the house with too much unneeded stuff
- Plan, plan and plan. If you know what space you need before you start decluttering, you know what extra storage you need or furniture you might need to get rid of: spare bed, spare room wardrobe…. Or even chest of drawers in main bedroom for the crib/Moses basket. Also remember things like the crib in the main bedroom is only temporary so the nursery could be a dressing room too!
Cleanliness essentials:
- Loads of anti-bac wipes, especially ones that say they are high-chair friendly
- Nappy bin – this was one this we were sceptical about, but it’s brilliant. Keeps smells to a minimum and all nappies safely bagged. It ?also takes up hardly any room
- Bottles of anti-bac cleaner
- Baking soda… Takes the smell and stain out of milk spills!
- Baby wipes…. No need to say anymore!!
- Mini-bottle of hand cleaner, great for nappy changes out and about!
- A handheld vaccum cleaner…. When baby starts weaning this is essential (I have heard friends say their dog is essential for this matter too!!!), I’m not recommending you get a dog just to clean up the floor after little one ‘eats’, but it does sound nice. And picking up those crumbs are a nightmare and job I really could do without.
- Also when weaning a drop-zone mat is essential! I’ve even seen these in Poundland, but I just use a PVC tablecloth so it’s easyish to wipe up the mess.
As I mentioned we were trying to move house before H arrived, so we knew some of our stuff we needed to store temporarily until we moved, as we’d then have space for it. So bare that in mind too, if you do plan to move shortly. Having one jumble boxed up room ready to move really does help. But really try to be as clutter free as possible before baby arrives as you’ll want cleaning to be an easy quick job.
Dettol have shared some videos which mum’s will understand…
Dettol have been sharing preparations for baby arrival, check out their fab videos here! They definitely strike a chord with me…
Get the World Ready for a new arrival
?Dear Baby, if you can?t tell by the bump, you?ll be here soon. While it?s still a bit unbelievable, the pain in my feet and back remind me it?s about to get very, very real. Love, Mum.?
Get the World Ready for bringing baby home
?Dear Baby, today?s the day you?re coming home. I?m so relieved, and terrified, and excited. All of a sudden, I?ve got this little life I?m responsible for. Love, Mum.?
Get the World Ready for your little one
?Dear Baby, welcome to the world. It?s big, and scary, and wonderful, and terrible, and amazing, and I?ve tried to get it ready for you. Love, Mum.?
A few tips from Dettol:
Dettol have some tips of their own which you might also find useful:
Getting the world ready for your new arrival
Whether you?re a first-time mum or you?ve been through it all before, a little help to get everything ready for your new arrival can go a long way.
No matter how clean your home is, it?s essential to take extra care when you?re preparing for the arrival of a new-born or have a toddler keen to explore.?? Adopting these simple hygiene habits will ensure that your home is hygienically clean and safe for your little one:
Healthier Surfaces
Nurseries should be kept free of harmful germs, especially in the first few weeks. ?Don?t forget it?s not just the changing mat and cot that can harbour germs but also frequently touched areas like the door handles and light switches.? Dettol Anti-bacterial Surface Cleanser has no taint, no odour and no bleach and is suitable for use in baby contact areas.
Germ Free on the Go??
From that first night in the hospital to the first trip out,? keep car seats, highchairs and all your baby equipment germ free with Dettol Anti-bacterial Cleansing Surface Wipes which kill 99.9% of bacteria and viruses and are great for hard to reach surfaces and on the go.
Keeping your hands clean, before and after handling your little one, is really important to make sure germs don?t spread. If you?re feeding, changing, or perhaps handling food or pets, try our Dettol No-Touch Hand Wash System. It automatically dispenses anti-bacterial Hand Wash, after you place your hands under the nozzle to help prevent the spread of germs.
Added Laundry Protection
It?s not just re-used baby clothes and bedding that can harbour germs, new ones can too! While washing at low temperatures is kind to baby?s clothes, it doesn?t offer protection against bacteria which can survive below 60?C. Use our unique Dettol Anti-bacterial Laundry Cleanser alongside your normal detergent and softener to guarantee hygienic cleaning, even at temperatures as low as 15?C.
Remember the day you brought your baby home for the first time? That first trip out in the car? All the things you have done to prepare your home for the arrival, such as cleaning every inch of the house?? Share your memories of getting the world ready for your baby #gettheworldready
Dettol, helping mum get the world ready for baby with a range of anti-bacterial products that are suitable for use in baby contact areas.
Lynne x
Disclaimer: this post is written in collaboration with Dettol to share their videos and get us mums helping each other!
Jessica Powell (Babi a Fi)
February 28, 2016 at 11:59 pmI was so obsessed with cleaning in the last few months of pregnancy – I was getting through so much bleach! Sadly the passion died away when Marianna was about 4 months. I still clean, but I no longer enjoy it… Lol. x #thebabyformula

Jessica Powell (Babi a Fi) recently posted…This Week #24
Fi - Beauty Baby and Me
February 29, 2016 at 7:59 amLove this! I am a cleaning freak – I love it ha ha! I love the tips on here too thanks for sharing lovely xx #TheBabyFormula
Mama, My Kid Doesn't Poop Rainbows
February 29, 2016 at 8:54 amAh I so miss having a dog. She was a fantastic help cleaning up around the house. Didn’t know that about baking soda. Off to take some to the car back seats just shortly- thanks!

Mama, My Kid Doesn’t Poop Rainbows recently posted…The #FartGlitter Linky: Week Eighteen
Crummy Mummy
February 29, 2016 at 11:23 amI swear by Dettol laundry cleanser – I couldn’t live without it! #TheBabyFormula

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Becky, Cuddle Fairy
February 29, 2016 at 12:24 pmI’m obsessed with Dettol wipes! They are so handy. I have every kind of Dettol spray in my house too. Good luck getting everything cleaned & baby friendly! #FartGlitter

Becky, Cuddle Fairy recently posted…February 2016 at a Glance
Cheryl @ ReimerandRuby
February 29, 2016 at 4:02 pmI love Dettol, I used it in kitchen, bathroom and almost everywhere. Knowing its anti-bacterial action, it means I’m confident that surfaces at home are not just clean but free from bacteria as well especially having kids who can sometimes be prone to catch any type of illness. Very informative post Lynne!

Cheryl @ ReimerandRuby recently posted…Highlights of the Month – February
Sarah Howe (@RunJumpScrap)
February 29, 2016 at 8:43 pmI so should have bought a hand held vacuum as the weaning mess drove me nuts! We used a lots of ant-bac wipes for the high chair…they get sooo gross! Takes me back to all the pre-baby prep 🙂 xx #fartglitter

Sarah Howe (@RunJumpScrap) recently posted…Every Child is Different…
Single Mum Speaks
February 29, 2016 at 9:29 pmI didn’t buy the first babygro until way past the halfway point either-I was much too anxious about things going wrong! I didn’t get the cleaning bug though. I’ve always hated cleaning and was just waiting for that nesting instinct to kick in. It never did.

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Silly Mummy
March 1, 2016 at 10:23 pmI’m obsessed with cleaning, and I have had a house full of antibac cleaners and antibac wipes ever since I had kids! I use wipes for everything. Probably far too much! I do the antibac lanudry detergent added to wash that is mentioned in the tips too! #abitofeverything

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Crummy Mummy
March 2, 2016 at 5:33 pmBack again from #twinklytuesday! This reminds me I have run out of laundry cleanser!!

Crummy Mummy recently posted…5 Mother’s Day presents you ACTUALLY want
March 3, 2016 at 12:10 pmI love Dettol I am obsessed with their spray! Don’t know what I would do without it. Great tips here and thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub lovely x

Talya recently posted…And the real cost of having a child is… £231,843!!!
March 3, 2016 at 1:19 pmThank you lovely! And thanks for hosting #coolmumclub ?
March 5, 2016 at 10:36 amVery useful review and recommendations! Gotta love a bit of Dettol…one of my favourite smells as a little kid (which always seemed to get brought out after a fall or tumble)! #coolmumclub

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March Bucket List - New Mummy Blog
March 6, 2016 at 9:50 pm[…] #GetTheWorldReady – Getting ready for your new arrival with Dettol […]
Agent Spitback
March 13, 2016 at 12:38 amGreat tips and yes, I was sanitising and cleaning all the time when my kids were little. Wipe are so handy! #abitofeverything

Agent Spitback recently posted…Are you part of a Mummy Pack?
March 22, 2016 at 10:25 amThanks x