Our 2017 was momentous as its the year we became a family of four. We welcomed Baby B in the summer and somehow time has flown by and we are now weaning her. We also ventured to Majorca on holiday in October where we took this photo on the beach – I think it’s one which symbolises our 2017 quite well.
We were so happy our flights went well and flying with a toddler and a baby went so smoothly. So well we’re eager to jump on a plane again soo so we’ll be off on holiday in February too, taking advantage before H starts school and before we have to pay for a seat for Baby B… we might even manage an American road trip – eeeeek!
Looking back at 2017, the first half of the year was filled with pregnancy ups and downs, and trips as a family of three. Peppa Pig World, Slimbridge, Birdland and of course our break to West Bay in Dorset (Poldark). The second half of 2017 was a complete baby bubble, juggling a new baby and a toddler is no mean feet. It’s exhausting, it’s fuelled by coffee and cake and chocolate. It’s a whole new ball park, but it’s so inbelievably amazing to see the relationship between the girls. I’ve written about their relationship and my hopes for it umpteen times before, but now six months in I need to mention it again. They really love each other unconditionally, they light up when they see each other, cry when the other does and are so cute as they play and cuddle. Very helpfully the baby is oh so distracted by Toddler H at every single feed. Ok, maybe not so helpful. It’s lovely seeing their relationship develop and through the 2.5 hourly feeds and wake ups (yes, still at 6 months), I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel: I can totally see that they will play together and hubby and I will have an easy life watching them play and entertain themselves. Please don’t shatter my illusion, it’s what gets me through! Yes I know we’ll referee, we’ll negotiate and whatever one has the other will have to have. But already they are desperate to play together, Baby B is almost 7 months they actually are starting to play – H loves to show her how things work and B lights up when she does.
2017 has been momentous, yes there have been downs, and things we’d rather not talk about, but we enter 2018 as a family with so much to look forward to – holidays, renovations, new prospects and more blogging opportunities than I ever dreamed of.
I’m looking forward to spending more time with hubby, just being us. It’s true what they say you’re so much more relaxed with the second. I didn’t have an overnight away from Toddler H until she was 23 months old. Actually, that’s the only night I’ve had away since she was born. But, plans for 2018 include a night away in January for hubby and I. Mum, if you’re reading this, please will you baby sit over night??? Toddler H is also now in playschool two whole days so we might also have some mini dates on those days when we only have Baby B with us. Cheeky I know, and something I didn’t understand until recently but seriously juggling two is hard work.
We’ve also got lots of house decoration and renovations planned for 2018, it’s so exciting. We do love putting our stamp on a house and feel we really are getting somewhere now. I expect I’ll publish a lot more home style posts next year, something I love and hope will come through into my Instagram too.
That’s enough blabbering from me for now, wishing you all a Happy New Year and good health, happiness and love for 2018,
Lynne xx
Darren Coleshil
December 31, 2017 at 9:32 pmWhat an amazing year you’ve had.
Thank you for linking up during 2017 and have a Happy New Year.
April 19, 2018 at 9:11 pm2017, of course, had the ups and downs, and I’m sure 1018 will be more of the same, but hopefully much more of the ups for you.
Great post, thank you.
Cheers Sharon…

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