I’m super impressed I’m writing this at 26 weeks pregnant given my last update was my 24 week pregnancy update! So here it is…
These last two weeks have flown by, but more so because we’ve just been so busy and relieved to be back to normal after half term. I must say I have loads more energy and really am not that tired at the moment. Well nothing much more than tiredness caused by a 27 month old toddler who doesn’t nap and sometimes really should!
We’ve had an interesting couple of weeks as we’ve just bought a Lascal BuggyBoard for Toddler H which I’ve now reviewed. She loves her friend’s one and threw some amazing tantrums last week over not being able to use it as her friend was on it. It’s his! In typical first world mummy style, I immediately bought one too.
I’ll have a couple of posts going live on it in the next couple of weeks, as we’ve used it on our Phil and Teds, and our Summer Infant Ume One stroller – I don’t want to overwhelm my review of the buggy board with details about both pushchairs and their specifics. Simple is best!
Anyway, I divert, I’m hoping this will help with all manner of pregnancy and toddler related problems – her wish to walk everywhere, her tantrums when she decided she wants a cuddle and I can’t carry her anymore, her wish to be like her friend (who she worships!), and saving my back and hips (and sanity!).
That leads me into this week’s niggles… Hip pain. I did experience horrid hip pain and shooting pains when pregnant with Toddle H but never really mentions them to the midwife, just assume they were part and parcel of pregnancy. At times I did limo about and really had the most excuciating pain at night, struggling to walk in the morning. Of course by pregnancy number 2 I’d glossed over it and hadn’t really remembered the excuciating pain, until I got a few twinges at 16 weeks. I did phone the physio as this was much earlier than with H, however life and toddler got in the way and it wasn’t too bad so I didn’t ever follow it up. Fast forward 10 weeks (where did that time go!), and the pain came back with a vengeance. Serious stop me in my tracks can’t move, can’t stand from sitting, can’t sit from lying dow, can’t turn over in bed, pain. I saw the midwife, she immediately told me to phone the physio. I’ll do an update when I know what’s what, a diagnosis PGP or sciatica, and a way forward. I’m hoping she’s wrong about it being early for my level of pain, which she saw clearly as I got on the medical bed for measuring and hearing little one’s heartbeat.
Second Pregnancy: Being mummy too:
I’ve kind of covered this, I’m hoping the buggy board is he answer to my toddler’s toddlerisms! Yes it adds an extra layer of tiredness to pregnancy, but this second trimester is almost over and I’ll make he most before the next tired phase kicks in.
I think I’ve grown! It definitely feels like it. Little one is measuring correctly and kicking huge kicks sending my entire stomach area jumping. A little active bubs like Toddler H was.
The second trimester definitely is the one to get on and do stuff. Nesting is kicking in so we’re sorting everything we hadn’t yet got to. It feels a relief to be getting the spare rooms and study in order, and starting to think of Baby’s room. Toddler H is liking that too and coming up with ideas – we were talking about stickers for baby’s walls: “not animals” “baby like owls”
She even took my hand and said “we go upstairs to baby’s room, mummy” – she actually wanted to see if she could raid her old toys that we’d put in there in a box to keep away ready for baby.
It’s definitely interesting being pregnant with a toddler, but I think she loves baby already, she’s forever telling me baby is asleep “shhhh be quiet!”
Lynne x
Steph Gore
March 6, 2017 at 9:41 amCongratulations and wishing lots of love and luck with baby number 2! #bigpinklink
Become Mum
March 6, 2017 at 10:18 amI really feel you on the hip pain! I suffered terribly in my first and stopped work at 32 weeks because I could not walk! I am 20 weeks with #2 and so far (fingers crossed) so good. Although I have stopped ALL forms of exercise, and wearing a support band for just in case. Good luck #binpinklink

Become Mum recently posted…Fighting the funk (medication, doctors and tea)
Louise Pink Pear Bear
March 6, 2017 at 11:52 amOh I remember those pains well. I still get them occasionally now 4 years on. There are exercises you can do as my friends is 39 weeks and has been taught some at yoga to try. Thanks for being part of the #bigpinklink

Louise Pink Pear Bear recently posted…How to make raised beds for veggies and what to plant in March.
Happy list - IKEA, gardening, a family break - New Mummy Blog
March 8, 2017 at 7:49 am[…] I saw the midwife this week and am measuring well and heard baby’s heartbeat which is always lovely. It seems I probably have sciatica which is being rather painful this week so have to follow up with the physio asap. (More in my 26 week pregnancy diary) […]
Hello March 2017 - New Mummy Blog
March 8, 2017 at 7:54 am[…] so look forward to trying it out and saving my back, and toddler tantrums too I hope! Update: BuggyBoard Mini review is now […]
Fi - Beauty Baby and Me
March 9, 2017 at 8:17 amI am so excited about this! I love a good bump update and you’re looking beautiful! So cute that your little one is already so loving towards the baby <3 xx #coolmumclub
Mum in Brum
March 9, 2017 at 11:44 amAw sounds like H is being so cute (aside from the tantrums of course!) Taylor’s way too self-involved to realise anything’s going on! Lol. Those pains sound terrible, hope they get better soon after your appointment. I’m trying to make the most of the second trimester but to be honest I just keep getting various illnesses – the time of year I guess! xx #coolmumclub
March 12, 2017 at 8:13 pmI know what you mean about catching illnesses, I’m the same. I didn’t at all with H, so it’s a shock! Lol I’m sure Taylor will come round to the idea 😀
March 9, 2017 at 8:06 pmAh honey it’s going SOOO fast! I swear there have been no faster pregnancies than that of fellow bloggers – one minute they’re announcing the news, the next it’s a first birthday post. There’s quite a collection of #coolmumclub babies and I can’t wait to ‘meet’ Baby ?.

Look after yourself and rest those hips (easier said than done right?)
xxx Thanks for linking #coolmumclub
MMT recently posted…#coolmumclub Linky week 59
Happy list 10 - family break, garden, #rockingmummylife - New Mummy Blog
March 11, 2017 at 8:39 am[…] can’t believe I’m now 27 weeks (26 weeks pregnant in […]
Crummy Mummy
March 15, 2017 at 4:52 pmI’m four weeks post partum and am still having hip pain…sorry probably not very helpful!! #coolmumclub

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