It’s been 4 weeks since my last update, at 30 weeks pregnant. Sorry, the time has just gone, although there have been some mini updates in my weekly happy list posts…
34 weeks pregnant – 2nd baby
So 34 weeks pregnant it’s getting a bit scary and flying by far too fast.
We’ve had a visit to the maternity unit as baby didn’t kick much last weekend. She usually has a huge party every evening, and offers some rolls, jabs and sticking her bottom or foot out quite obviously at least a few times during the day. She’s also quite like Toddler H was, and I feel lots of movements on my hips, literally feel her rolling on them and rubbing them.
Anyway it was all fine, and we had a good listen to her heart beat too. It was really interesting, each time she moved (which I typically felt as soon as strapped to the monitor), her heartbeat went crazy right after. I think there must have been something about having the bands around my tummy that made her move!
If you saw my 30 week update you’d know we were measuring a bit small, but we’re up to fairly normal now, especially given the uncertainty around the funds measurement! At the maternity unit a student midwife measured me and got 31.5cm, so 2cm low, then a very experienced midwife did and she got 33cm… Im also actually pretty sure the first time the student did it she got 29.5cm! And, to be honest to me it felt like she measured the right places and the same as the experienced midwife.
Big sister to be
Toddler H is coping with the impending arrival of “baby sister” really well. She still loves picking out clothes and toys for her in the supermarket, or any shop we visit. She loves cuddling my bump and even saying “night night baby“, how much she actually understands about how her life will change is uncertain, but I’m trying to prepare her by saying “no mummy can’t do that, you do it,” or “that’s a game for you” or, “mummy can’t get on the floor, mummy’s sore” – it doesn’t always work, but fingers crossed she won’t keep trying to drag me around and will play better on her own soon, or learn quickly once baby does arrive!
Braxton Hicks
Week 32 brought some intense Braxton hicks, rock hard slightly painful period style cramps all morning (but not regular to time!). Baby also felt like she was pushing right down. Then during week 33 and particularly getting towards the start of week 34 I had two days of thinking should I be timing these? Each one followed another, again slightly painful, some slightly entering my back, and they went on all morning , then sporadically in the afternoon.
Now in week 34 I’ve been having more period type pains with it which is getting me wondering is this what everyone talks about feeling more with their second baby, or is it the lead up to labor?
Week 33 in particular brought out my nesting instinct, something I don’t remember experiencing with Toddler H.
I might have also had a few argghh we need this patio/bedroom/study/house sorted in the next xxx weeks moments throughout 30-34 weeks.
We had a break in the Lake District with my parents and sister celebrating my mum’s birthday. It was a lovely last break for us with on tap baby sitters. Although we only had one afternoon/lunch to ourselves as they did more walking than I was able to and we had our time as a family of three. I absolutely recommend a break to the Lakes, it was just so relaxing, eventually in the first week of the Easter holidays.
Toddler H also had her first, of many, boat trips… she LOVED it!
I do wonder how on earth we’ll fit a baby’s seat and baby’s this in the car in future. Much lighter packing, I guess!
Bump pic comparison – First baby VS Second baby
I’m sure that bump is bigger second time round!
Now strictly speaking this should fall under my next update but oh Toddler H and I got some yucky food poisoning or bug. Hubby was absolutely fine and we don’t know anyone that’s had sickness bugs recently so it must’ve been something we ate, we did eat mostly the same for quite a few days before. Today I’m feeling much better, myself really, apart from I can’t stand the taste of butter, or hot cross buns. My taste buds have gone really weird! I’m now wondering if it’s a pregnancy thing or just leftover from being sick. Did you have a change in taste in the third trimester? And, scary question, can it be a sign of impending labour?
Lynne X
Sarah Howe
May 3, 2017 at 7:26 amSorry you and toddler have you been so been ill. You look fab. Glad all ok with movements. The Braxtons were a killer for me at the end. Thought I was in labour on and off from 38 weeks but then you just know when you know!! Exciting stuff and thanks for sharing with #bestandworst x
May 3, 2017 at 7:32 amBeing ill was the last thing you needed. I agree the Lakes are absolutely amazing. Had a many a good holiday there. Not long now lovely and you’ll be a mummy of a newborn and a toddler #bestandworst
Mum in Brum
May 3, 2017 at 9:50 pmOooh so close now! I’m 29 weeks and I’m also measuring small so I’ve had a scan and I have another one booked in a few weeks time, just to be sure. Sounds like H will be a fab big sister! I can already feel the nesting instinct kicking in – and I tend to use it to its fullest as I know that once baby arrives I won’t be bothered/have the time for the house. When I was pregnant with Taylor I painted and refurbished the entire kitchen! That sickness must’ve been horrid, glad you’re feeling better now xx #bestandworst
May 4, 2017 at 7:31 pmOh how exciting – you’ll be introducing a baby before we know it! Make sure you squeeze in some feet up time for you and the hubby soon before it’s too late.
Your cupboard looked pretty clean before btw!!
Thanks for sharing with #coolmumclub
Mrs Lighty
May 8, 2017 at 12:56 pmAh lovely update! Hope you are feeling better now xxx

Mrs Lighty recently posted…How to Rock a Photoshoot, Toddler Style: A Munchkins Photography Review
British Baby Box & Baby Annabell Newborn | Mum to be gifts - New Mummy Blog
May 8, 2017 at 9:55 pm[…] inside to sooth babies. As our new baby hasn’t yet arrived (I’m currently 35+ weeks pregnant) H loves putting her dolls to sleep in the Baby Box, and has actually tried it out herself, she […]