It can be hard to find activities for toddlers when they’re throwing a tantrum or you’re exhausted. I often find Toddler H playing with all sorts of household items and many keep her interest longer than shop bought toys. Just yesterday she shunned her ‘water toys’ for my plastic kitchen jug for an hour while sat in her paddling pool. A WHOLE hour. AMAZING! It got me thinking about all the other toys she plays with that are just lying around the house, or, that I’ve made from stuff we all have. Here are 35 activities for toddlers using household objects (they are probably suitable for lots of pre-school kids too, but as I only have a toddler, I don’t want to presume they are)…
Activities for toddlers using household objects:
- Plastic jug for water play/paddling pool time and inside play (putting things in, and apparently drinking from!)
- Spoons for hitting things and hitting together
- Saucepan drums
- Saucepan and bowls for sorting things into
- Plastic tubs & baking trays for sorting and putting on your head?
- Paper cups or plastic beakers for towers, sorting, moving around or putting things in
- Toilet roll tubes for binoculars
- Toilet tubes for putting oranges through (learning in and out)
- A towel or blanket to put things under (learning under and on)
- A piece of toilet paper/tissue/feather to hold up and drop, watching it float to the ground – say up, and down as you drop it.
- Toilet roll threading – practice their dexterity with a ribbon and cut up toilet roll tub?
- Pillow den – pile up pillows and let them have a cuddle with their toys
- A box bed for dolly, add a few muslins or blankets (homemade cot tutorial COMING next week)?
- Under bed plastic tub sand box
- Under bed plastic tub water box with plastic cups & a colander for pouring & bath toys
- Plant pots and pebble sorting (supervise closely!)??
- Water painting on the patio
- Watering the plants (realistically in the case of my toddler this involves watering the patio, grass, mummy, the rabbits and herself)??
- Water and sand walls – using plastic bottles, pipes and plastic trays (tutorial coming NEXT WEEK)
- Blackboard wall or board (tutorial in a couple of weeks)
- Home made play dough
- Yogurt painting – add food colouring to yogurt
- Flour play
- Plate sorting using coloured plastic plates?
- Socks – learning to put them on themselves
- Sock puppets – make use of all those odd socks!
- Old greetings cards – for learning what things are and playing “what is this?”
- Big cardboard box den?
- Crayons for colouring, and supervised cardboard box den colouring/decorating
- Sensory bottles (tutorial coming next week)
- Sponges for funny feelings – squashing, rubbing, and water play
- Coconut shells – again supervise this and keep out of reach as they’re heavy
- Wooden spoon for ‘kitchen play’ (again keep out of reach)?
- Wooden spoon as a prop for ‘row row row your boat’ ?(again keep out of reach)
- A thin scarf for peekaboo and floating ?(again keep out of reach)
So, there we have it loads of activities for toddlers (and young kids too). Please supervise your little ones where needed!!
Hope this list helps stave off some boredom this summer holidays! I’ll definitely be checking back myself to keep us busy. It’s really hard on us toddler parents when all the playgroups and classes we usually attend stop. I’ll be publishing toddler activities every week of the holidays so sign up to get a wee notification straight to your inbox.
Here’s a picture of my daughter to finish just to show that any item can have multiple uses to a toddler!
Many items here can be included in a treasure basket, I’ll talk more about that next week,
Lynne x
PS. If you’re still stuck for ideas see my post on how to ‘Make a Fuzzy Felt Style Board‘ for toddlers & kids.
Emma Plus Three
July 25, 2016 at 8:47 amAh some really great ideas here. My kids used to love saucepan drums! x #bigpinklink

Emma Plus Three recently posted…5 Things I’d Do If I Won The Lottery
Squirmy Popple
July 25, 2016 at 12:05 pmThanks for sharing – some great tips in there! Water play has been a big hit with the Popple, although Scottish weather really isn’t ideal for it. She’s just started showing interest in writing utensils, but I’m hesitant to give her crayons just yet – within 5 minutes of holding a pencil she tried to draw on both the couch and the wall! #bigpinklink

Squirmy Popple recently posted…How to make your blog content not suck
July 25, 2016 at 1:12 pmHaha yes we only do drawing in the highchair, and only tried the box den colouring briefly…. But think it would be ok in a few months so included it so I don’t forget it ?
Ross - The Stented Papa
July 25, 2016 at 5:49 pmReally cool practical hints & tips here, I’ll be referring back to this for sure!! #bigpinklink

Ross – The Stented Papa recently posted…He Said / She Said #2
Louise Pink Pear Bear
July 26, 2016 at 8:14 pmGreat idea! I often found the household items to be the most fun toys. Paint brushes and painting the fence with water is still popular with my 3 and 5 year old now. Thanks for joining us at the #bigpinklink

Louise Pink Pear Bear recently posted…Wicked Uncle Review
July 26, 2016 at 9:41 pmSome really good ideas here! Mine love the saucepans and spoons, my ears love them not so much! #BabyFormula

Emma recently posted…4-Ingredient Delicious and Healthy Ice-Lolly Recipe
Fi - Beauty Baby and Me
July 27, 2016 at 5:55 amSome great ideas!! Josh is just starting to have some awareness of wanting things around the house so it’s good to know I actually have lots I can occupy him with!! xx #thebabyformula
Fran Back With a Bump
July 27, 2016 at 6:17 amBack again for #bloggerclubuk
Rhyming with Wine
July 27, 2016 at 7:02 amLovely ideas for the summer holidays here! We went “nature exploring” yesterday with some binoculars made out of toilet roll tubes and decorated with mini beasts. I honestly never thought that a three year old would get so attached to a pair of “noculars”. She wanted to take them to bed!?
#bestandworst. x
Lucy (@Lucy_at_home)
July 27, 2016 at 7:29 amOooh some great ideas here. As you say, kids can be so creative when it comes to repurposing everyday items! I like the idea of yogurt painting – never come across that before! #bloggerclubuk

Lucy (@Lucy_at_home) recently posted…20 Life Hacks For Parents
Hannah (tuesdayschildblog)
July 27, 2016 at 7:52 amSome great ideas I’ll keep in mind for the future! I have lots of funky, interactive toys for my baby but all she wants to play with is a plain old muslin! Xx #thebabyformula

Hannah (tuesdayschildblog) recently posted…My perfectly ‘ordinary’ day
mainy - myrealfairy
July 27, 2016 at 8:22 amSome great ideas there. It took me back to the time of my boys taking everything out of the cupboards to use as drums!:)

mainy – myrealfairy recently posted…Dorset Facts & Trivia – A myrealfairy infographic
July 27, 2016 at 10:01 amBrilliant picture of H with her head in the jug at the end!! Theer are so many great activities there. We like saving up all the bottle caps from Ella’s Kitchen pouches and using them for all sorts of things. Colour sorting. Filling jugs and pans. Throwing at the cat when mummy’s back is turned!! #TheBabyFormula
Mummy in a TuTu (@mummyinatutu)
July 27, 2016 at 10:48 amwow… some absolutely brilliant ideas that aren’t really going to cost you anything!! A really great and useful post – pinned!!
Sarah Howe (@RunJumpScrap)
July 27, 2016 at 2:21 pmMy daughter used to sit on the floor and just play with plastic tubs and tupperware for ages! I never got it but looking at this post you can see how and why! There are so many things you can do without spending money and they are occupied forever!! Great tips and thanks for sharing with #bestandworst

Sarah Howe (@RunJumpScrap) recently posted…Best and Worst Week #59
the frenchie mummy
July 27, 2016 at 10:18 pmI love the way you use ‘everyday’ objects for another purpose. LOL. For babies, one that works really well with Baba: coaster. He can be fascinated for a good 10 minutes and Mummy can get on with her blogging obsession… #TheBabyFormula

the frenchie mummy recently posted…Summer holiday in Norfolk – Day 1
Cheryl @ ReimerandRuby
July 28, 2016 at 7:54 amLovely post! I’ve noticed it too that kids easily got fed up with the toys we bought at the shops, most of the time, they’re more interested playing household stuff. It’s great to know these list to add more to their existing household toys. #TheBabyFormula

Cheryl @ ReimerandRuby recently posted…Highlights of July
Cheryl @ ReimerandRuby
July 28, 2016 at 7:55 amI forgot to mention, Toddler H looks so cute with that water jug over her head… she’s adorable, isn’t she?

Cheryl @ ReimerandRuby recently posted…Highlights of July
July 28, 2016 at 2:28 pmThank you Cheryl ? x
July 28, 2016 at 9:45 amThis is a post I’ll be tagging for later when my son gets a bit older- love that it’s things from around the house to use as a different purpose, really clever #coolmumclub

Blabbermama recently posted…The Daily Blab: The spreading deficiency that YOU are suffering from
July 29, 2016 at 8:01 pmHi lovely…oh yes, the mouse loves any toilet roll related play. Mainly the ones still on the holder, andrex puppy stylee 🙂
Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub!

MMT recently posted…#coolmumclub Linky week 35
July 29, 2016 at 9:28 pmLol I’m not saying it, but we’ve not had that yet somehow. Have a fab break, and thanks for hosting x
August 10, 2016 at 6:55 pmHahaha, yes I can imagine, though I’m not jinxing it by saying you’re on your own experiencing that!! Fingers crossed!
July 29, 2016 at 10:30 pmSome great ideas here! We love homemade Playdoh…we put lemon in ours to make it smell nice!! Even though he is 4, Archie still loves playing in the sink with a jug and some tumblers! #coolmumclub
July 30, 2016 at 7:00 amThis is a fab list, so many great ideas. Will definitely be checking this out on this days where I’m looking for something to do with Leo xx #bigpinklink

wendy recently posted…Thomas Land, a fab day out for toddlers
Mum in Brum
July 30, 2016 at 8:56 pmSone really great ideas here! Ours has always had more of a love for household objects over toys – it does make you wonder why you spend so much money. Love the idea of a box bed for dolly – I’m definitely doing this tomorrow! #coolmumclub

Mum in Brum recently posted…Hatton Country World – A review of our family day out
July 30, 2016 at 9:56 pmI do plan to cover it in sticky back plastic but haven’t got there yet! Hope Taylor lives it too x
July 31, 2016 at 7:52 amWhat a fantastic list, lots of fab ideas. When my son was about 18 months he had abou five shape sorted but all he wanted to do was use our egg poacher pan for essentially the same thing lol! xx #bloggerclubuk

Laura recently posted…Kidloland: Fun & Educational Rhymes, Games & Activities For Toddlers & Preschoolers
July 31, 2016 at 2:57 pmSome great ideas here for my little boy – I’m going to pin this ad I’m looking forward to trying some of these out with him. #TwinklyTuesday

Gemma@CotswoldMumsBlog recently posted…It’s nursery time!
August 10, 2016 at 6:54 pmThank you! Hope they’re nice and helpful in those arghhhhh-what-can-he-play-with-next-moments x
Lisa (mummascribbles)
July 31, 2016 at 8:30 pmGreat post! Why is it the things we buy them throughout the year are nowhere near as good as a wooden spoon or water jug??!! Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday
August 10, 2016 at 6:53 pmYep! I do think everything is only good for 2-5 minutes though hahaha x
Annette, 3 Little Buttons
July 31, 2016 at 9:37 pmWho knew so much fun could had with items that you are likely to have around the house. I especially like the dolls bed. What a brilliant idea! Thank you for linking up to the #dreamteam X

Annette, 3 Little Buttons recently posted…Watch Disney Pixar’s Inside Out on NOW TV
You Baby Me Mummy
August 10, 2016 at 1:58 pmWow so many great ideas! Thanks for linking up to #TheList x
August 10, 2016 at 6:52 pmThanks Aby! Hope you’ve had a lovely week x
Colette Stevenson
April 3, 2018 at 8:21 pmLots of lovely ideas. Thank you. Time to share!
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