Baby B is getting stronger and stronger, and reaching new milestones each day. She’s been throwing toys out of her sit-me-up ring and then trying to get them this morning. I remember Toddler H being in the same position so much, desperately trying to crawl and launch herself over the side to reach a toy.
The BKids Robot is a huge hit. I think he’s definitely in her top 5 toys list. She’s transfixed playing with him. A fab toy even at 4 or 5 months ✔️
Mummy, keep me entertained…
But back to Baby B being 5 months, how did THAT happen???!!! She’s constantly after things to play with and ways to be entertained (while sitting or standing). Oh and for the last few weeks she’s been sat in the high chair every time we’re at the table. We just could not take her shouting at us to life her up on our knees. She’s as happy as Larry now she sits with us. But, now she wants food. She’s absolutely desperate for it… So that’s going to be there next thing. #weaning
I’m excited for her to start, but finding it hard to realise she’s not just needing my #breastmilk anymore, she needs more. She’s not two weeks old anymore.
Oh, I do so so hope that that myth that they sleep better once weaning it true.
Sleep (that always present topic)
She’s rubbish at sleeping. Seriously, I say she’s up 2-3 times a night, but I’ve just twigged Most babys sleep from 7pm-7am… In which case she wakes a minimum of 5 times – at least every 2 hours, sometimes every hour. The last week has been every hour with a wake up around 3-4am that is almost 2 hours. She just won’t sleep, doesn’t want milk, and the second I lie her on our bed she chatters away and falls asleep.
Last night was another matter: we’ve been up all night. Maybe separation anxiety or maybe she was too cold, whatever the reason the second I put her down she screamed, the second I picked her up she fell asleep snoring in my arms. She was shattered but hated her crib. Hated it. That’s two nights she’s done the same. The night before at 6am I popped her between me and hubby and she was so happy and then fell asleep. Sound asleep. Last night was similar but every time I moved her she screamed. I don’t want her getting used to our bed and us getting stuck in a trap. I want her napping and sleeping in her crib/cot.
Now we just need to finish her bedroom so she can move into her big cot, but I’m not sure I can cope with that either. I love my baby sleeping beside me (in the Next2Me crib)… but I suspect we’ll all sleep better once she’s in her own room.
I wrote about how I felt I was just surviving, and some days really were so hard at 3 months, and have to say at 5 Months things are better, though maybe that’s because we had a holiday and Christmas is now starting to approach. Well, that and the realisation that Toddler H is almost three, and I have so much to organise over the coming weeks – birthday and Christmas presents!
Big sister, little sister
Toddler H and Baby B are cuter than ever. They dote on each other, giggle, smile and really cheer up on seeing each other in the morning. Toddler H really loves being a big sister, actually I’m pretty sure she loves it more and more every day. I’m not sure how that is possible, but it is.
As Toddler H has now started playschool I’m sure Baby B misses her. On her first afternoon, B was miserable the whole time. Crying, clingy, just not happy. Just not herself. She just wanted cuddles. I didn’t mind, but did find it odd realising she was happy as soon as we had collected H. I guess she’s never known. Life without H, always hearing her, giving H her first smiles in the pushchair, every time H popped in front of her she’d beam away, never beaming at mummy! The last few times B has been much happier, although that might be because she’s slept every time! I think she’s taking advantage of the peace and quiet 😂
Linked to #bloggersbest
November 15, 2017 at 10:05 pmThere is no way she is already 5 months old. I refuse to believe it. Where is time going!!! #BloggersBest
November 16, 2017 at 11:39 amI’ve heard it goes so fast the second time round – 5 months already crazy!!! Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub lovely hope you’re doing well xx
November 16, 2017 at 9:05 pmCrikey – five months?! Where did that go?! She sounds a dear little thing – the two girls are already very close clearly. Long may it last xxx
Thanks for linking to #coolmumclub
five little doves
November 21, 2017 at 6:24 pmOh wow that has flown! They change so fast at that age, she sounds lovely and I’m sure your girls will grow up so close. #coolmumclub
Riva Altus
December 17, 2017 at 11:08 amMy little baby girl jannat is now 11 months old and i remember the whole 11 months that how fast baby changes with each coming month. The become more cute day by day. So much love for these toddlers. #MomLove

Riva Altus recently posted…We are Coming Soon