I started this post before my blog went live, about 3 months ago…. so I thought it’s about time I finished it before H is one!
Really, this post should be titled… Super Mums, How Do They Do It?
I see those put-together, out of the house, perfectly dressed, make up perfect mummies and wonder…
- Is your baby really always that smiley, why does your baby never have an off day? Why is she never sick on you, grumpy or crying uncontrollably?
- Do you really do everything on your Facebook page or have you staged those photos? How do you do so much with a newborn and a dog/toddler/cat in tow? The park, the supermarket, a hill walk, a day trip, is more than challenging enough with a baby, nevermind a newborn, nevermind how on earth, do you find time to walk a dog? I barely get out of the house by 2pm, how do you take a dog out morning, noon and night?
- Is that the same park visit from last week? Please tell me it is, because I’ve tried to set foot outside the door, but it didn’t happen today, and actually, it didn’t happen yesterday either. How did you post photos from the park by 10am?! Please, how? What’s your magic formula?
- How is your house so clean, it’s spotless and quite frankly there isn’t a thing on your worktop, no shoe out of place, no pile of clothes on the chair, no dirty mugs, no lunch plate visible. Where is all your stuff? Better yet, where is all the junk, the baby paraphernalia, the thrown to the side wet wipes, the mug of tea with tea still in it, the biscuit crumbs where you’ve lived off biscuits all morning because baby needed feeding and that was the quickest breakfast and lunch you could find? When on earth did you actually find time to clean, nevermind tidy, nevermind be nothing-out-of-place super crazy neat?
- And most of all, how do you have the time, never mind the energy to bake cakes too?
If you can do any of this, I think you’re a super mum, how do you do it? If you can’t either, please tell me I’m not alone!
Much messy love,
Lynne x
(Aka the New Mummy Blogger who has a semi messy house and can’t get out the house before 10…. and I have an 11 month old)
October 26, 2015 at 10:01 pmYou are definetly not alone. I’m up from 5.30 most mornings including around 3 times before that. I’m still running around trying to get out the door at school run time at 8.40am, I wonder how those people manage it too x

Pauline recently posted…How to stop your baby crying Instantly #Parenting Tip
October 27, 2015 at 10:24 pmI’m impressed you manage 8.40 🙂
Mummy's Blog
October 26, 2015 at 10:04 pmHaha, I think we have all had these feelings. I like to imagine a pile of dirty laundry just out of shot! If it helps my house looks like a tornado has gone through it – which it kind of has, just a toddler shaped tornado! xx

Mummy’s Blog recently posted…Baby Number 2 Wishlist
October 27, 2015 at 10:25 pmYes that’s what I’ll do from now on…huge piles of washing and plates piled up just out of shot x
October 26, 2015 at 10:26 pmIve decided you either have a tidy house and untidy appearance or a messy house and straight hair. I succeed in both frequently but never together 🙂

Thanks for linking up #maternitymondays
Farmerswifeandmummy recently posted…#MaternityMondays Week 43
October 27, 2015 at 10:25 pmHaha yes, I agree!
Kat @ Eat.Live.Love
October 27, 2015 at 9:31 amI can so relate to this! Even at one I still feel like our days revolve around eating, napping, cleaning and cooking! X #twinklytuesday

Kat @ Eat.Live.Love recently posted…Sunday Mini Styles #26
October 27, 2015 at 10:26 pmThank you!
October 27, 2015 at 10:58 amYou are not alone. Let me tell you about our morning. I Throw myself in shower and as I get out and still in towel baby howls like he’s dying! I fed him less than an hour before so I strip off his nappy wondering if a poo was pending after some farting marathons in the night. Nope. New nappy, redress and still howling I feed him again.
Peace restored I pick him up to burp and towel slips off. Baby takes this opportunity to spew milk down my back!!!!! You couldn’t make it up!!!!xx
October 27, 2015 at 10:30 pmOh no! That is a bit more in line with my day, but seriously that’s one bad crazy (funny) series of events x
This Mum's Life
October 27, 2015 at 2:02 pmPeople who document there life in this manner on any social media should not be trusted, and should be unfriended immediately! It abates their insecurities, and make ours worse! Here’s a massive high five for all mums still in their pjs covered in cheerio dust and baby vom at 11am! And yes, mine are nearly 3, and 20 months old, and I laugh in the face of anyone who suggests meeting before 10 (because after all this time, I still don’t have it nailed!) Great post!

This Mum’s Life recently posted…Ways I Have Lost My Dignity Since Becoming a Mum
October 27, 2015 at 10:35 pmPjs at 11 is fab, i think some days I’m lucky to have a shower before mid day x
Rhyming with wine
October 27, 2015 at 5:44 pmI am with you. I’m supposed to get my kids to playgroup at 9 and I always end up rocking up with the “school drop off mums” at 9.15, which is fine. But I don’t do a school drop off

I just. Can’t. Do. It! It’s just not possible. These women are just fabulous mirages! Brill post. #abitofeverything x
Rhyming with wine recently posted…Featured in #Fartglitter!
October 27, 2015 at 10:36 pmHaha I guess that’s that then, 9.15 for you! ?
lisa lock
October 27, 2015 at 7:44 pmI can get everyone out early but it is a military operation with no faffing allowance as that seems to be when it all goes wrong. I just get them both breakfast when they wake , while I get bags ready and myself something, then us all upstairs i get them both dressed, try and get them to play together while I try and get dressed (usually ending in me getting cross because they wont stop asking me stuff or fighting so I have to interviene) and then out the door.! I never bother with make up hair etc and do all cleaning house stuff later on in the day!
October 27, 2015 at 10:39 pmOh wow, it sounds like you’ve got it all worked out, well done! 🙂
Vix at AnotherMumInLondon
October 27, 2015 at 8:23 pmIt’s so true. I literally have no idea how they have their hair and makeup perfect at that time in the morning. I can generally get out the house when I need to but I look an absolute scruff and usually have t9 dash back into the house at least twice because I’ve forgotten something!!

Vix at AnotherMumInLondon recently posted…Happy Days Week 3
October 27, 2015 at 10:42 pmThank you, it’s so nice to know! I’m with you on the back into the house twice part, every time!
Kyles @ Pickles and Pords
October 28, 2015 at 4:12 amThis is great. I said to my husband the other day “It’s so weird. I see other babies and toddlers out and about all the time who don’t have food smeared on their clothes or bits of paint on their faces, or mud on their knees. What’s going on? Do you think they have boring lives?” To which he replied: “No, I think their parents probably just make sure they are clean before they leave the house.” Pfft. #abitofeverything

Kyles @ Pickles and Pords recently posted…Bookends to My Day
October 29, 2015 at 9:43 pm🙂
October 28, 2015 at 11:53 amWhen you get a reply, please write another blog post! Because I have no clue as well as how some mums do it. It’s a good day if I manage to have breakfast by 12pm. Hope to see you again at #abitofeverything.
October 29, 2015 at 9:44 pmI will do!
Sarah Howe (@RunJumpScrap)
October 28, 2015 at 1:16 pmI was thinking earlier. I’m the laziest Mum ever. On my days off work we mooch about drinking tea, watching telly and never get out before 10am, unless we have too. Forget super Mum, thinking relaxed Mum! haha, Thanks for sharing with #bestandworst and see you soon x

Sarah Howe (@RunJumpScrap) recently posted…Best and Worst Week #24
October 29, 2015 at 9:44 pmI like that, relaxed mum… Not running mum! 🙂
Elizabeth (Wander Mum)
October 28, 2015 at 7:13 pmThey are totally faking it too! To be that organised takes a lot of work behind the scenes- evenings spent putting out clothes to wear, early mornings getting ready and with at least 20 minutes dedicated to actually getting out the door – with everyone’s shoes on. As for the house stuff – they must have a cleaner and as for the tidiness it must be an illusion – surely. There must be a cupboards with piles of clothes and toys filled to the brim. Seriously, if anyone knows the secret to this please share! #bestandworst

Elizabeth (Wander Mum) recently posted…The Worst Taxi Ride Ever, Istanbul
October 29, 2015 at 9:46 pmHmmm a cleaner IS a good idea!
Nige higgins
October 28, 2015 at 9:02 pmSounds like a normal day in our house great post #bestandworst
October 29, 2015 at 9:47 pmThanks!
Lisa (mummascribbles)
October 29, 2015 at 8:06 amI was terrible for getting out of the house – it was often that I’d be ready and then Zach would do a poo or spew all over me! I also didn’t know how other people did it! I went back to work when Zach was 10 months old and suddenly I had to be up and ready – I just have to set my alarm super early! Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday

Lisa (mummascribbles) recently posted…Pumpkins Pumpkins Everywhere – book review
October 29, 2015 at 9:30 amHaha this is so true! Im awake by 6 most mornings so I get a lot done before 9 😉 I often wonder how I manage it tbh, being a working from home mum, with an 11 year old and a 14 month old, with a blog to run, a job to fulfil and keep the little one busy! I wish the OH could see what a wonder woman I am sometimes 😉

Good luck with the blog!! #brilliantblogposts
Lianne recently posted…Glam Glow Brightmud Eye Treatment : Review
October 29, 2015 at 9:49 pmYou do well! Well done… Though I’m not sure I’m going to start getting up at 6am to get more done…
Ellie @ Hand Me Down Baby
October 29, 2015 at 1:45 pmThe only way I can do things is if the kids stay asleep, then I power through a bunch of stuff! http://www.handmedownbaby.com/list_before_kids_wake_up.html
If the kids are awake though…pah! It’s just carnage! 😀
#brillblogposts #brilliantblogposts

Ellie @ Hand Me Down Baby recently posted…Blog Post: What to do on Maternity Leave: Flower Team Coordinator
October 29, 2015 at 9:52 pmVery true! I get loads done in naps, but with H only napping once a day after lunch (usually when we’re out), I rush home and then try to get on top of everything… I wish she had two naps like most little ones!
October 29, 2015 at 4:56 pmOhh I’m with you 100%, I don’t know how they do it either, I am not a ‘together’ mum at all but then those other mums probably aren’t behind closed doors either! #bestandworst xx

Rachel recently posted…Bedtime Story of the Month – October – Dinosaurs in the Supermarket
October 29, 2015 at 10:03 pmHahaha I hope so x
Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)
October 29, 2015 at 6:57 pmI know what you mean about the “super mummies” on social media – although when I start feeling like everyone else has things together more than I do, I remind myself that I’m comparing my reality with everyone else’s highlights reel and that puts it back into perspective. I’m constantly running late for things – it always seems to be a mad dash to get out the door. I have to confess that if I’m taking a photo that I’m probably going to upload to social media, I do quickly move the piles of clothes out of the way or wipe the worktop down! I suspect for many, the clutter is still there, it’s just not in shot! And as for the mummies who look immaculate at 8am, maybe they have amazing partners who are getting the children ready while they get ready themselves and a cleaner to help keep the house looking so clean. I think though all of us have these kinds of thoughts – it’s so easy to compare ourselves unfavourably to others but as long as your children are loved, fed and happy, you are doing a great job! 🙂

Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love) recently posted…Parenting Pep Talk #4 – Le Coin de Mel
October 29, 2015 at 9:46 pmThe person you’ve described doesn’t exist, right? I hope she doesn’t exist.

Min recently posted…Can I interest anyone in a flat? Anyone?
October 29, 2015 at 11:16 pmThank you for helping me feel like I’m not alone with this post! Some days I can bake cakes, feed the baby, and walk the dog. And I wonder how I do it, and I’ve passed out for the night almost before the baby has. But more days than that, it’s bedtime again before I’ve realised it and I haven’t left the house, that looks like a bomb has hit, and there’s no point getting ready for bed as I haven’t had chance to change out of my pjs. Great to find your blog 🙂 #bestandworst

Rebecca recently posted…Reasons to be cheerful
October 30, 2015 at 9:31 amThank you for your kind comment, I’m also very glad to have found I’m not alone ?
Life with Six Kids
October 30, 2015 at 11:52 amPersonally, I think there’s a lot of pretending going on. Most of us are not like that.

Life with Six Kids recently posted…Stress free Cleaning Tips for Busy Mums
October 31, 2015 at 10:37 amWhew, I suspected so 🙂
November 4, 2015 at 3:04 amYEP!! That is so true. My comment below pretty much says the same thing that you just said.
October 31, 2015 at 8:27 pmNow, there are elements of Supermum in me, as you know. I can be pretty miltant in everything I do (reading the #coolmumclub posts for example after a second day of hosting birthday shenanigans) but as I say, I think you are either wired that way or you aren’t? I DEFINITELY have bad days though…and often look / feel like a sack of shite! Hair straightening definitely suffers, but I can’t live in mess, so those instagram pics are, I’m afraid, the real deal. It comes with its own stresses though – wish I could let go a little sometimes! x MMT #coolmumclub

mummuddlingthrough recently posted…Quotes from the G-unit – October 2015
Tracey Abrahams
October 31, 2015 at 10:58 pmMy kids are all grown up and left home, and I still am not that organised that I can be dressed with makeup on and out the house before 10!!!

Tracey Abrahams recently posted…50 Things About Me, With A Twist!
November 1, 2015 at 5:20 pmI’m thinking they must be aliens? Or holograms? #sundaystars

Talya recently posted…Mum guilt, the secret to happy toddlers, bad ass mums & the beauty marks of motherhood
A Bit Of Everything Linky – Week #4 | The Anxious Dragon
November 2, 2015 at 9:55 pm[…] most viewed post from last week was by Lynne at New Mummy Blog. 8am Mummys, How Do You Do It? is as the title suggests a post that asks how the perfect mummys of the world manage it when the […]
A bit of Everything Linky Week 4 - The Secret Diary of Agent Spitback
November 3, 2015 at 11:27 am[…] week’s Most Read Post goes to New Mummy Blog : 8am Mummy’s, how do you do it? I can totally relate to her! If anyone has an answer to that question, please pop over […]
October Review, November Aims - New Mummy Blog
November 3, 2015 at 4:17 pm[…] Most read post: 8am mummies, how do you do it? […]
November 4, 2015 at 3:01 amI have ten kids and am expecting baby #11 at the end of this month. And I STILL don’t have it all together. My babies always smiley? Please. They throw fits and have off days just as much as I do. My house, clean? Please. I have a sign up in my front entry way that says “The house was clean yesterday. Sorry you missed it.” Things organized around here? Um, no. But I try. I do really, really try! Life with kids is hard. Don’t let anyone fool you. You know how some bloggers make it seem like all sunshine and roses? Yeah, they are only showing you what they want you to see! They only make pictures of the clean corners of their homes! They don’t break out the iPhone camera when their two year old has wiped poop on the walls (or on the couch, like my two year old did today) because ewwww…who wants to see poop? I’ll tell you who wants to see poop: us mothers who struggle, that’s who! We want to see the messes and the clutter and the chaos and hear all about your failures so that we will feel like we are normal. I try to keep my blog real. I try to show and tell it as it is. Messes and all. And my sorrows. I tell them openly because you just never know who out there might be going through something similar and really, really need to find someone who is struggling like they are. Keep it real, fellow mama bloggers. Just keep it real. And watch your blog grow with followers.
November 6, 2015 at 11:44 pmI can get everyone out of the house pretty sharpish but my house always looks like a bomb has hit it. I know from speaking to many bloggers that they always crop, or even physically move things out of the way to get those picture perfect photos.

Thanks for linking up with #sundaystars
Katie recently posted…Sunday Stars Linky 01/11/15
My 2015 review / 6 months of blogging - New Mummy Blog
January 1, 2016 at 8:03 pm[…] 8am Mummies, How Do You Do It? […]
Sarah | Life of a Digital Mum
January 27, 2016 at 5:11 pmYou’re not alone! I only ever made it up early because I had to go to work. I have a 4 year old now and still can’t make sure we’re all up, ready & presentable early on the weekends.
I have a friend who is like one of the mummies you described, and I can tell you that she is the most stressy person ever. So I guess it’s better to be a bit late or not have perfect eyeliner than be THAT stressed every day?

Sarah | Life of a Digital Mum recently posted…The Rise of the Slummy Mummies
March 14, 2016 at 10:01 pmI think I generally keep on top of things and then I suddenly reach my limit and have a few pajama days because I can’t keep the manic pace going! The Hubs and I tend to be quite minimalist so unnecessary crap is regularly thrown away, and we always tidy the kids’ toys up after they’ve gone to bed so the house feels more “adult.” If I know I need to go somewhere in the morning, I prepare the evening before. I’m screwed if someone tries to make spontaneous plans with me because I can never get out the house quickly and I am basically late to EVERYTHING these days. In the early days, I used to get really flustered if the twins had a meltdown when I needed to be somewhere. Now I just think, “Ah, what the heck, I was running late anyway,” and by being calmer (something I often fail at!), I am able to comfort the meltee more effectively.
April 2, 2016 at 12:42 amI think lots of us wonder the same. I so wish I could always be on time, ready to go! Oh, I wish I could do so many things … don’t get me started listing them all. 🙂 Lovely post that resonates with many parents. #CommentLuv #maternitymondays (belated)

aNoviceMum recently posted…WWW 12 | Looking Beyond the Bars
November 14, 2017 at 9:37 pmThis made me laugh !! My baby boy is 9 weeks old,
Some days I can take on the world and get so much done.
MOST days I’m with you 😂😂