I was having a long overdue catch up with a pregnant friend, and as it does, conversation drifted onto silly things that we’ve blamed on baby brain. It’s such a thing, it really does exists before and after baby arrives! im not normally clumsy, accident prone or forgetful, but oh baby Baby H did affect me.
So…. Here are my top 4 baby brain ooops moments:
1 Slicing my hand while cutting melon
I was being healthy and it all went wrong. Oh I cringe at the memory. I was just slicing a melon to take to work, in an automatic pilot, 36 week pregnant tired daze. I cut and the new sharp knife slipped straight into my hand between my thumb and forefinger. I had to phone hubby at work to to come home to take me to A+E as it was bleeding everywhere. Of course the one time I need him, he wasn’t at his desk, so, I had to phone one of his colleagues…. and they obviously all thought I was in labour as I was 36 weeks pregnant, obvs. It wouldn’t happen any other time would it?
2. My nearly blow up the microwave incident
This was about 7 months after H was born, I microwave sterilised some new toys. BIG MISTAKE. They were a plastic rattle and a tambourine. Big big BIG #mummyfail. (I did post about it here).
3. The lost key
I was constantly loosing things. I say constantly, and I mean ALL THE TIME, it was hilarious. This started from days after falling pregnant, I could never ever find my car keys. I was CONVINCED hubby had them. He never did, they were always in my bag or pocket, exactly where I (must have) put them. I even did this when 6 weeks pregnant and we’d met up with my mum and dad. They all thought it was hilarious… and they didn’t even know I was pregnant. Needless to say I’d definitely take this as an early pregnancy sign if it started happening again!!
4. The wrong place
I made a cup of tea. It went cold, as tea usually does when you have a little one. So I poured the tea in the bin, while holding the tea bag in the spoon. Yes, poured it in the bin, not the sink. Oooooops. I’ve probably tried to do that many many times when I think about it now, but never link that time. Half the cup was in the bin before I realised it wasn’t right. 😐
If you’d like to share #BabyBrainOoops moments too, tag me in your post as I’d LOVE to read it, and tag some friends who could join in too!
Do you have any #BabyBrainOoops moments to share? Pleaaase share ?
Lynne xx
Linked to #KCACOLS, #BigPinkLink and #chucklemums
Ali Duke
October 16, 2016 at 9:27 pmI too have left many a cup of tea to go cold, but I have never poured one in the bin lol. I have put the milk in the cupboard instead of the fridge when I have been distracted.
kid can doodle
October 16, 2016 at 9:43 pmYou know, people used to talk about baby brain and I thought, that will never happen to me, and then I remember forgetting things, etc, and realised the struggle is REAL! cheers from kid can doodle. #KCACOLS
October 17, 2016 at 6:29 amI have also poured things in the bin! My worst ones are leaving my keys in the front door and trying to put dishes in the fridge or milk in the cupboard! XD #kcacols

Claire recently posted…Creepy Halloween Jelly Recipe!
Squirmy Popple
October 17, 2016 at 10:45 amThere was that time when I forgot to put the brakes on the pram when we were on the bus and the Popple went sliding down the aisle – big baby fail. #bigpinklink

Squirmy Popple recently posted…I get bored by my child – and that’s okay
Becky @ Educating Roversi
October 17, 2016 at 8:54 pmI randomly forgot my pin code for one of my bank cards and never remembered it ever again ? #KCACOLS #BabyBrain
October 17, 2016 at 9:12 pmOooooooh no! That’s not good! It definitely sounds like a baby brain moment x
Rachel - Volcano Mama
October 18, 2016 at 12:12 pmHahaha! I’ve found myself headed straight for the refrigerator to put toys away. Right. Thanks for the laugh!
October 18, 2016 at 6:58 pmhahaha I sometimes forget things on the stove, lucky my husband is usually around to switch it off. that’s my #babybrainooopsmoment thanks for the laugh, all mummies have similar moments#KCACOLS
Pink Pear Bear
October 19, 2016 at 11:33 amI think my whole life is a bit of a baby brain moment!!! I can never find the keys, find random things in the fridge and walk into rooms and have no idea what I came in for! Thanks for joining us at the #bigpinklink

Pink Pear Bear recently posted…Big Pink Link 36
Kirsty - Winnettes
October 20, 2016 at 12:31 pmHehe! I have so many. When I was pregnant for the second time I couldn’t remember my mobile number. Just couldn’t even think of it! I’ve had the same number for 15 years!

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Devon Mama
October 20, 2016 at 4:15 pmHaha! Love these. I’ve done so many – completely blanked on my PIN code, put the kettle in the fridge (took me AGES to find it), completely forgot the dog was outside for HOURS, convinced myself I’d lost my phone when I was holding it the whole time… Thank god for pregnancy to blame!!

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Rainbows are too beautiful
October 20, 2016 at 5:40 pmPlates in the fridge, stirring tea with a fork, where are my keys…. again? #kcacols

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Louise - Mummy Miller
October 20, 2016 at 8:32 pmI constantly have baby brain (8 months post baby and it’s still happening) I am always trying to put fridge items in the cupboards and visa versa. One time I tried to put a clean glass in the fridge!! At least we all get affected!! #KCACOLS
Poppy Reflects
October 21, 2016 at 11:17 amI always thought baby brain was a myth but surely discovered it most certainly is not! What’s even worse is it never goes away, those brain cells just seem to have vanished never to return again. I can’t think of many particular moments but looking for the Sky remote for ages and then finding it in the vegetable drawer in the fridge is a fairly standard baby brain moment for me. x #KCACOLS
Tracey Bowden
October 21, 2016 at 3:10 pmI think I’ve still got baby brain all these years later! I’ve absolutely done the tea in the bin thing more than once too! These days it’s either my phone, keys or her glasses. I will pick them up and put them somewhere I can’t fail to see them so I know where they are before losing them all the time!

Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday
Tracey Bowden recently posted…My Iconic Film Moments
Madeline (This Glorious Life)
October 21, 2016 at 6:50 pmI once made a cup of tea without boiling the kettle first. Not great! x #KCACOLS

Madeline (This Glorious Life) recently posted…Maxi-Cosi RodiFix Airprotect car seat review
October 22, 2016 at 12:01 pmHaha, I didn’t have baby brain, but boy did I have baby RAGE. Everything p1ssed me off, I was convinced I was surrounded by incompetent morons and was sooo grumpy! Thanks for linking up to #chucklemums
Silly Mummy
October 24, 2016 at 10:58 pmHaha – oh dear! I’m sure I did some but don’t remember any too ridiculous. I do remember seeing an article of people’s worst ones though & there were some crackers in there! #chucklemums
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