We’ve just had a fantastic morning visiting the Confetti Flower Field at Wick, Pershore (near Evesham) over the border from us in Worcestershire. The colourful delphiniums are stunning and the sunflowers just fantastic, its no wonder my Instagram is full of pictures from here each year.
First though, if you are seeing this after Sunday 16th August 2020, I’m sorry the Confetti Flower Field is now closed until next year. They only open for one week a year in either July or August. Anyway, if you haven’t been I’d thoroughly recommend it. This year, 2020, post lockdown, like so many days out this summer, you have to book a time slot online to be able to visit.
** Link to book the Confetti Fields **
Our day out to the Confetti Flower Field, Wick, Evesham
I really think a picture tells a thousand words in the case of flowers… So have a watch of my video (coming tonight!) and scroll to the bottom for the nitty gritty of visiting the Confetti fields and sunflowers at Wick, or read on for tips we gathered as we visited, how the parking worked etc.

Arrival and parking
Our timeslot was for 10.00-10.50 am and so we arrived around 10.30 after a bit of road works and a petrol station stop held us up. However it should take around 40 minutes from Cheltenham.
On the B4084 (road from Pershore to Evesham) pale blue signs directed us which exit to take to Wick (the second!) and on arrival at the field we were in a queue of a few cars, with many more arriving behind us. We were asked if we had a ticket and then told a lane to drive up. I had kids jabbering and absolutely didn’t have a clue the lane number I’d been told as I drove off, so when you arrive, DO LISTEN TO THE FIRST PERSON YOU SEE!
I drove up the closest and the next lady checked our ticket and then we drove into the car park area where the parking attendants were directing the cars.
Parked, we grabbed our hats, extra sun cream and rucksack with water, wipes and hand sanitizer and headed to the entrance.
We were all in a queue going into the field, but it seemed people were just walking slowly in and it wasn’t anything to do with tickets. The wildflowers were gorgeous though…

The Confetti Flower Field
Firstly the confetti fields, even when you glimpse them from the car look stunning and inside we were not disappointed.
The were stunning, different colours, gaps between the rows to walk down and just a lovely morning out. The girls loved finding their favourite colours, but because of the heat and at times wasps they did both get grumpy. Aka we had two cries, but the bribe of an ice cream if mummy could take a nice photo of us all seemed to work wonders.

The bees and wasps were not bothered by us on the slightest and I guess at kid height they are more in their faces than for us. H was also stung on her foot by a bee earlier this summer so is a little on edge about them at times. In saying that after I mentioned ice cream she didn’t have any problems with them!
There are areas with hay bales which are fab for getting lovely pictures on and also a more elevated position over the confetti fields.
We have never managed the week they’ve been open before so I believe the flowers are shorter this year than in previous years.
Sunflower field
The huge yellow sunflowers were shining out to us, and H is now adamant they are her favourite flowers ever. We headed across as by this point the girls were hot and bothered as the temperature creeped up around 30C. So we missed the top half of the delphiniums, but really with kids every day out has its limits!

There isn’t much to say about the sunflowers as the pictures say it all. They are immense, gorgeous and I’m very very tempted to make one of my sunflower photos my blog header!
A lovely morning out- I’d thoroughly recommend it and the girls would too, they’ve already asked (as we left) if we could go back on a cooler day.
It was very hot but ice creams helped and getting the first slot of the day must have helped too.
We can’t wait for next year already!

All you need to know for visiting the Confetti Flower Field
Only open for one week each year, the week varies.
2020 dates: Friday 7th – Sunday 16th August 2020
* MUST BOOK ONLINE: https://www.confettidirect.co.uk/flowerfields/
Confetti Flower Field address
The Real Flower Petal Confetti Company’s Confetti Flower field:
Wyke Manor, Wick, Pershore WR10 3NZ
Pale blue signs from the B4084 (road that runs between Pershore and Evesham) tell you which way to head into Wick so that you go the right way (there is a separate exit).
Car park
Yes, with tickets checked in the car and parking attendants directing you where to park.
Yes! Cafe (outdoor), baby changing tent, portaloo toilets at the entrance, sunflower selling tent, shop selling confetti and Artist in Residence.
Have you visited the Confetti Flower Fields?
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