A lot can happen in a year, more in 18 months and, in 5 years, well, that’s a completely different story. So, my little one, Toddler H is now 19 months, she’s babbling away, saying all sorts of words and such a happy cheeky little girl. I wanted to capture all of these moments, these changes, the difference a month makes, and the difference a year makes. That is why I started this blog. One year ago today, I wrote my first real blog post. To be fair, I did write this?one a year ago yesterday, but it’s not really blogging, it’s just an wee introduction.
So with this anniversary looming, I wondered what I could do to mark it. What would be special. We all know so many blogs don’t reach 1 year, they disappear into the blog-sky, they provide an outlet during maternity leave, or the writer looses interest within the first 6 months. So yes, this is an achievement and I really hope in 12 months time, I’ll be celebrating 2 years of blogging and increased?growth, friendships and some interesting posts.
It’s been some year, little H’s first birthday (with her Hey Duggee?cake), our first family holiday in the UK, and our first family holiday abroad. In terms of blogging, I’ve launched my own linky, joined in with at least 10 others every week, written 200+ blog posts and had way more views that I ever dreamt I would (though no where near as many as the fab Our Rach received in her first year – seriously she’s AMAZING!) I’ve honed my Google Analytics, worked on Instagram (over 900 followers yay!), pottered occasionally on Pinterest, and, well I should potter over there more really. I’ve also been very privileged to work with some big brands like Dettol and Summer Infant (pushchair & Babble Band baby monitor), be chosen to write about the Teletubbies as part of Mumsnet’s Blogger Review Panel, and work with newer brands like Bake Box, Naturelly, and Hatch Cards (seriously check them out for ANY kids birthdays – they sign and dance!!).
I’ve been very very blessed to be chosen as Mummy Pages Mum Blogger of the Week after only 3 months of blogging, as well as having numerous posts picked by linky hosts as their featured posts, and of course all the really lovely people who voted for me in the MAD Blog Awards and Bibs. I love reading the posts on my linky, #TheBabyFormula, and thank every single one of you who link up each and every single week (Monday evenings if you’d like to join in with any post that has a number!). I love the community, and thank you, especially to Any Way to Stay at Home, Five Little Doves, Our Rach and Beauty Baby and Me for being amazing. Seriously everyone who has read, does read and might read, thank you. Thank you all for every single post you read, share and comment on. Thank you, with tears in my eyes, for giving me such a warm welcome into the blogging world, for becoming such lovely friends, for reading all these thousands and thousands of words I have written. Thank you for your lovely comments, and every single time one of you writes that I “hit the nail on the head”, how you relate to a post, or “how you cried with laughter”,??it really really really makes my day and inspires me to keep going and writing.?
Writing has helped me so much, I didn’t appreciate how much I would love it, nor how I’d become immersed in the blogging world. A world I didn’t know existed. A year ago, I didn’t have a clue about linkies, blog love, commenting, the communities or how I’d make so many connections. I didn’t expect to be addicted. My husband will verify I’m often sat all evening with my laptop, writing, reading and commenting. Seriously, I read SO much, I love reading and sharing the blogging love. I really didn’t have a clue that writing a blog wasn’t just writing, it would include so much more. I didn’t imagine for a second I’d have attended my first blogging conference (Brit Mums Live), meet friends (Mum Muddling Through, Run Jump Scrap, Motherhood The Real Deal, With Franca), and seen one of the blogs I relate the most to, a blogger I see as a friend, win best Family blog (Mum in Brum). Huge congratulations again Nat!
To some, writing is therapeutic, to others it’s their outlet and to many it just provides sanity. Ok, maybe that’s just me, but blogging has taken me from my maternity leave, and mum of a 7 month old, to being a SAHM. Through this huge change in my life, sorry, in our lives, blogging has let me find a little bit of me again. A bit of me that was lost in nappies, baby-proofing and play groups. Blogging is opening up a new world, one which I hope to really take control of in the next year. I say take control, but that’s not really what I mean, I mean through meeting so many blogging friends at BritMumsLive I realised that I can do this, I have been doing this and I should have confidence. I was so nervous beforehand, thinking no-one would have heard of my blog. Thinking I’m still new, no-one will know me. Thinking they’ll wonder why I’m here. But, you were all lovely, and I really thank you from the bottom of my heart. I know I might have made it into the Tots Top 500, (well, until a couple of weeks ago when I fell to 501), but that’s still just a number, it doesn’t mean anything (yes, even a data-y person can say that!). It’s a number, not a ‘real reaction’. I have so few email subscribers, so few wordpress subscribers and so I really don’t believe it. But, I know I want to make this work, this is my way to really stay at home and see Toddler H grow up. Blogging and all of it’s associations, all of the skills I have learnt along with way will be my?route to doing what I want, being happy and (with hubby’s support, obviously), being there for school pick ups when they come around. Being there for days when H is ill, for days when we can just get up and do what we want, and for taking advantage of that dream: just going out and enjoying the weather because we can.
So, I’ve rambled on a bit more than I intended, and trotted down a few tangents, but I’m sure you get the gist. I really really really have enjoyed blogging, the friendships, the outlet it’s provided me with, the achievements and the sanity. It’s become much more than a little blog I potter around on, writing about things I want to remember, how to posts, lists and reviews, it’s something I really want to see succeed. ?I love that I can help others through writing posts I feel passionate about: MMR & Autism: 12 children is not enough, Why would you not vaccinate your baby?, Our tongue-tie nightmare… I know I have some influence as I have over 5k Twitter followers and?views in the thousands. It’s scary writing that, and weirdly I feel like I shouldn’t say such things, as lets face it celebrities have millions, and the pro bloggers have thousands of thousands, or in reality millions of views a month too. So really I’m a small fry in this blogging world, but I value every follower and am so grateful to every single one of you. ?I really feel in awe that you’d all follow little old me.
So, on that more serious note, happy blogiversary to me!! I hope you’ll stick around on this journey, and see all the new avenues I hope to go down in the next 6 months, and next year too. You all know I love a list, and goals, and after being so inspired at Brit Mums, the ideas are flowing!
On another celebratory note… I have a fabulous birthday #GIVEAWAY! Enter here?to win a piece of jewellery of your choice from KAYA Jewellery (winner receives a ?40 voucher).
I’ll have a few other competitions running this month too, so look out for them on Instagram and?Facebook?(I’d love some more facebook love, so if you have a second pleeeeease pop over ?)?
Lynne x
July 3, 2016 at 11:48 amCongratulations on reaching your first year blogerversary. It is a milestone that should be celebrated. I’m glad that it gives you such pleasure, and also it is a great way to create memories. Plus a great way to build friendships, and even better that you have met people in real life rather than just virtually.

Amanda. #kcacols
Amanda recently posted…Book Review: The Sunshine and Biscotti Club, by Jenny Oliver.
Joanne Mallon
July 3, 2016 at 12:31 pmThis is so lovely to read, Happy Blog Birthday to you. As the author of a book about toddlers I can tell you that you are in for some fun and maybe challenging times in the year to come. But the good side of that is that you will have no shortage of stuff to blog about!

Joanne Mallon recently posted…Giveaway & review: Mindful Moments Gift Set by Spiezia Organics
Kim Carberry
July 3, 2016 at 6:24 pmCongrats and happy birthday to your blog!

Here’s to many more years x
Kim Carberry recently posted…Anyone for cake? #MySundayPhoto
From Day Dot
July 3, 2016 at 6:42 pmCongratulations! What a milestone and what a huge list of achievements to tick off so quickly – clearly down to a lot of thought and time invested. It’s inspiring for a newbie like me 🙂 #fortheloveofBLOG X
Mum in Brum
July 3, 2016 at 7:59 pmLoved reading this Lynne – such a lovely heart-felt post! I feel the same as you about writing/blogging/recording a journey – it’s a fabulous outlet to have and it’s lovely to know that you’ve created something out of nothing that you can build on. You’ve done so well with your blog and should be proud. Thanks for the shout-out it was so lovely to finally meet you at BML! xx #KCACOLS

Mum in Brum recently posted…#MySundayPhoto – a trip to Salcombe
July 3, 2016 at 9:21 pmAhhh happy blog anniversary! So exciting! Congratulations! It’s people like you that I look up to as a newbie. I see the passion you have for your blog and the community and of course your family and it all encourages me to go forward with my own blog #KCACOLS
July 8, 2016 at 7:14 pmOh thank you so much! I’m really touched by that. Good luck with yours, I’m sure you’ll go from strength to strength too x
Baby Anon
July 4, 2016 at 9:12 amWhat a lovely post – and congratulations on your anniversary! It sounds like you’ve got a lot from blogging and a year is a real achievement. I know what you mean about writing – it’s cathartic. #bigpinklink
July 4, 2016 at 10:47 amHappy Blogerversary, one year blogging is very special. I have been blogging for one month and hope to be around for my first year too. You have achieved so much in your first year of blogging well done. #bigpinklink
Emma Plus Three
July 4, 2016 at 1:08 pmHappy blog anniversary! It sounds like you’ve achieved a heck of a lot in that year! I’ve been going for 6 months and hope to still be loving it as much in another 6 months time x #bigpinklink
July 8, 2016 at 7:14 pmI’m sure you will be, it really is an obsession ?
Bridie By The Sea
July 4, 2016 at 2:07 pmIt was so lovely to meet you at BML – I think you most certainly should have confidence in everything you do as you are brilliant! But equally I know what you mean and I too was shocked when people knew of my blog and came to say hello(this only happened once or twice but that counts ha!). Well done on a brilliant year and hope the next is full of wonderful things too xx #bigpinklink

Bridie By The Sea recently posted…Staring At The Empty Gap
July 8, 2016 at 7:13 pmThank you so much for such a lovely lovely comment. It really hit me, thank you. It was lovely to meet you too, and hope to meet again at another event x
Emma Jones
July 4, 2016 at 2:41 pmWell done on your fabulous achievements & happy 2nd year in the making. My twitter has stalled but as you said its not all about the data. #bigpinklink Lifeinthemumslane

Emma Jones recently posted…How much news is good news?
July 5, 2016 at 3:56 amI love what you said how blogging helps you find a little bit of you again. I can totally relate after becoming a SAHM myself. I am a newbee blogger and already it’s helped give me an outlet that I so desperately needed. Congratulations on 1 year and great post 🙂 #KCACOLS
July 8, 2016 at 7:12 pmThank you! It really is, and I don’t always stick to a schedule, so blogging really is getting things off my chest so to speak x
July 8, 2016 at 7:12 pmGood luck and hope you find the same ?
Agent Spitback
July 5, 2016 at 11:00 amHappy Blogisversary Lynne! You have done very well for your first year! Amazing!! Look forward to reading more of your posts. #bigpinklink

Agent Spitback recently posted…Big Pink Link 21
July 8, 2016 at 7:11 pmThank you! That means so much, I really appreciate it x
A Moment With Franca
July 5, 2016 at 10:20 pmCongratulations for your 1 blogging anniversary. We are not far off, just a month apart. It is amazing how much you can learn in one year and all the amazing experiences that we can get. Your blog has grown a lot. It is of course to be proud of. It was also very nice to meet you at BML. Thanks for the mention and thanks so much for sharing this at #KCACOLS. Hope you join us again on Sunday, 🙂 x

A Moment With Franca recently posted…The Great British Tennis Weekend #GBTW
July 8, 2016 at 7:11 pmThank you Franca, that means so much to me. I can’t believe we’re so close together, your blog is SO amazing x
Two little piggles
July 6, 2016 at 6:49 amWow congratulations on an amazing achievement sounds like you have done wonderous things in one year! #BloggerClubUk
July 8, 2016 at 7:16 pmThank you! It’s scary how fast the year has gone if I’m honest x
July 6, 2016 at 7:07 pmHappy Blogger birthday, what an achievement of a year you have had, and the work you have put in is really admirable. Your blog site is lovely as well, really nice to navigate around! It sounds like your blogging for the right reasons, your enjoyment is infectious! #bestandworst
July 6, 2016 at 7:19 pmCongratulations lovely!!! I do love your blog & you’ve achieved so much. You should be very proud of yourself. Here’s to another year of blogging xxx
PS. I’m not amazing, I just spam links all the time! ???
laura dove
July 6, 2016 at 8:43 pmWOW what a year!! You have achieved so much, there is so much there to be proud of and inspire new bloggers, myself included! I hope that the following year is just as successful, if not more so! #TheBabyFormula

laura dove recently posted…SANDS Summer Soiree, getting my priorities straight.
July 8, 2016 at 7:09 pmThank you Laura! That means so much to me, and really gives me confidence in keeping going x
(Love your blog too btw!!)
July 6, 2016 at 9:04 pmYey for you! This is such a lovely post. Congrats on your first blog anniversary and here is to many more! Keep up the hard work hun because you have got a lot of people who love reading your posts. Hip hip hooray x
Amina xx

Amina recently posted…Breastfeeding 101
A Mum Track Mind
July 7, 2016 at 7:01 pmHappy Blogiversary and well done on making it to a year and still going strong! You do write a fab blog and I’m sure that you will go from strength to strength! #fortheloveofBLOG

A Mum Track Mind recently posted…Long Haul Travel – Then & Now
July 8, 2016 at 7:08 pmThank you so much, that means so much x
helen gandy
July 7, 2016 at 7:09 pmAhhh happy bloggy birthday! Lovely giveaway too, I will head on over and check it out. Thanks for sharing with the #bestandworst and here’s to the next year! #bestandworst

helen gandy recently posted…Best and Worst Linky #55
July 8, 2016 at 7:08 pmThanks Helen, and for hosting too x
Fran Back With A Bump
July 8, 2016 at 6:47 amWhat a great first year! Thanks for hosting #thebabyformula

Fran Back With A Bump recently posted…RECIPE I Perfect Protein Pancakes
July 8, 2016 at 7:07 pmThank you! And thanks for linking up x
An imperfect mum (Catie)
July 8, 2016 at 8:35 pmHappy anniversary and what an amazing g first year you have had. Your love of blogging shines through and I hope you reach your goals ?
Nige higgins
July 11, 2016 at 7:21 amWell done on reaching your first year blogging good luck for the future #justanotherlinky
becca farrelly
July 12, 2016 at 1:23 pmWow what a year!! So many amazing achievements, they make blogging so worth it don’t they?! I have yet to go to a blogging event but Britmums is on my list for next year as it sounds amazing! Heres to another successful year 🙂

becca farrelly recently posted…My LyliaRose.com Wish List