Dreamgenii Pregnancy Pillow | REVIEW

Pregnancy, Reviews
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For the last few weeks I’ve been trying a new pregnancy pillow, a Dreamgenii pregnancy pillow. With my first pregnancy with Toddler H I had a long straight 5 foot pregnancy pillow, but this time my back and hip problems, along with SPD, all started much earlier and I knew I needed to try something different. The Dreamgenii pregnancy pillow seemed to fit the bill perfectly, it had amazing reviews and had won umpteen awards, and the Internet forums are filled with people recommending it.

As the Dreamgenii pillow costs more, I guess the big question is, is it worth it?

Is a pregnancy pillow worth it?

Absolutely yet. A pregnancy pillow helps your knees, hips, and back stay in alignment while baby grows and your weight adjusts. As baby grows and you sleep on your side, you can become twisted as you try to sleep, which I found to be painful in my hips, legs and back.

Dreamgenii Pregnancy Pillow Review

I was shocked at how small the packaging was, but it’s folded in really well! The Dreamgenii just looks comfy as it comes out of the packaging.

It’s much neater than I expected, for some reason I expected a pillow that took up our entire kind size bed, but it really doesn’t.

Why do so many people recommend the Dreamgenii pregnancy pillow?

The Dreamgenii has a lot of support in that small package…

  • It supports my bump, back and knees
  • Keeps you on your left side and supports you there
  • Stops you rolling onto your back
  • Can also be used for feeding baby

Using the Dreamgenii pregnancy pillow…

It was so comfy, actually the first and second nights I used it, I didn’t have it in quite the right position so I was waking and a bit uncomfy at times. However by the third night I’d figured it out and it has helped my back and hips so so much more than I could have imagined. I think the back support has a lot to do with it and stopping me being in a funny position with bump pulling me out of alignment.

It’s actually very easy to use, I think my issue was putting the back support in the right pace and figuring out where my knees went.

There are some instructions on the packaging to help you…

Dreamgenii pregnancy pillow reviews

Using the Dreamgenii as a breastfeeding support pillow…

I haven’t obviously used it as this yet, but am looking forward to in the next month or so. From the pictures looks like a perfect breastfeeding support pillow. I used a V-shaped cushion for feeding Toddler H, and struggled. U I had to pile cushions behind my back and side, but this looks lovely and simple.

I’ll write a bit about using the Dreamgenii as a feeding pillow once Baby #2 is here and we’re hopefully breastfeeding nicely.

Update: The Dreamgenii pregnancy pillow is long and curved so very useful for using as a feeding support while breastfeeding. It makes getting baby into the correct position easier, and also keeping baby there. I’d definitely recommend it as a breastfeeding support, although I’m not sure I’d buy it for that primary purpose as it is expensive, but I would buy it as a pregnancy support pillow to then use for breastfeeding.

Dreamgenii and their covers are stocked by Amazon, John Lewis, Boots etc.


Dreamgenii pregnancy support pillow review verdict:

Is a Dreamgenii pregnancy pillow worth it?


I definitely recommend the Dreamgenii. I actually find it incredibly comfy, those first few nights were just teething troubles and to be honest my back and hips were so out of sync at that point they really were terrible. Now, touch wood(!), I’m really not having much trouble, waking every hour or two for the toilet or a slightly sore hip, but after adjusting the pillow slightly I go straight back to sleep. The back support is a huge advantage and really does push me into a nice aligned and supported position.

Have you got a Dream Genii or another pregnancy pillow? 

Lynne x

PS. We were sent the Dreamgenii for the proposes of this unbiased review! All opinions are my own!

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    Mum to be - products I'm loving during my second pregnancy - New Mummy Blog
    May 5, 2017 at 7:01 am

    […] link*) – I was very kindly sent a dreamgenni pregnancy pillow to review, you can see my full dreamgenii review in yesterday’s […]

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