As a SAHM I have to find varied ways to entertain both me and the little one. One of those, which I loved both before baby was born and after has been our walks.
From hill walks with hiking boots, baby carrier and waterproofs to pram walks around the area we live, I love them all.
- Walking gives you fresh air, and that does wonders for everyone!
- A change of scene. I noted from early on baby and I would go stir crazy if we stayed in all day. A grumpy baby is not good!
- Exercise, need I say anymore? Pushing a pram is hard work. Pushing a pram for an hour with shopping in the basket is even more hard work.??
- Hydrating! I take a bottle of water or luke warm cup of tea, pop it in the drinks holder and it’s a great way to keep hydrated and even have a vaguely warm cup of tea! (More ways to have a hot cup of tea here)
- Calming, a walk calms you down. If it’s been one of those days the rhythm and monotony will help
- Variety. Remember not to just do the same walk, visit the ducks, pond or a more exciting park otherwise you might get bored of seeing the same places
- Gossip Get some friends together and walk round the local park, and fit in a coffee too!??
- Confidence?Start going for walks as soon as you can after baby is born. The confidence of going out every day does wonders, and really gets you in the routine of getting out every day
- Family time. We often try to do a family walk at weekends, round the streets, park, or up a hill. I was brought up going up hills (and Munros) at weekends, and it’s something hubby and I have always enjoyed too.??
- Most of all, baby might sleep
We first took Baby H up our local hill when she was 4 weeks old, it was one of the things we didn’t want to change. We’ve alway gone walking its our ‘thing’. I’ll admit we’ve done it less, and we’ve struggled recently as she’s been a very grumpy girl screaming the whole time so we’ve had to cut our walks short. So I’d recommend timing your walks well around naps, and not when baby might decide one o’clock is nap time! Believe me, I can never get her to nap twice in a day, and never before 3.30, but at weekends when we want to go for a walk she decides lunch time is nap time. Babies (yes, toddlers too) are a law unto themselves!
I completely recommend getting some friends together and organising a weekly or biweekly walk. Of course, fit in a coffee too! My nct friends and I did this from when our little ones were five or so weeks old. It was brilliant, we met in the car park, bundled the babies into their snowsuits and we walked for an hour around the parks and had coffee at the park cafe or the boating lake cafe. We were also known to walk from a park or car park?into town for lunch or a coffee, or even?just do circuits round the streets near our houses.
Did you find walking helped post-birth? Did your tribe of mummy friends do similar walks??
Lynne xx
If you like my blog and writing, I’d love a nomination in the Tots 100 MADs Awards (Baby or Newbie categories)
Linking to #coolmumclub and #TheList and #FabFridayPost
Katie/Squirmy Popple
March 17, 2016 at 11:07 amSometimes it feels like all I do is go for walks! My baby wouldn’t nap anywhere but the pram for the first 7 months, so I’d be out pushing the buggy for hours in all kinds of weather. It can get exhausting, but it’s the only thing that’s kept me fit post-pregnancy since my cake consumption has gone through the roof! #coolmumclub

Katie/Squirmy Popple recently posted…An apology letter to my baby
March 17, 2016 at 2:21 pmWalking is ace! Me and the now toddler walk everyone and love it. Always such an adventure and a great way to burn off the cake & wine! Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub lovely x

Talya recently posted…4 new apps for parents-to-be and parents
Sam - Travelling With Our Kids
March 18, 2016 at 3:38 pmWalking is great. I love getting out and about with the kids. Definitely makes you feel better x #TheList

Sam – Travelling With Our Kids recently posted…Moving House
Harrogate Mama
March 18, 2016 at 5:29 pmWalking certainly kept me sane when my twins were little. All those reasons are SO true ?
Su {Ethan & Evelyn}
March 18, 2016 at 6:11 pmI agree that walking can calms you down a great deal. It really does help for me anyway. It gives you space to clear your mind and think rationally – I think. I also think that going with friend will also help the little ones with their social skills too. And a great catch-up gossip as well! 😉 Thank you very much for linking up with us on #FabFridayPost

Su {Ethan & Evelyn} recently posted…#FabFridayPost Linky #23 {18.03.16}
March 22, 2016 at 10:19 amThank you
March 18, 2016 at 7:46 pmI don’t think I walked more than when my now seven year old was a baby in a buggy, even if most of the time it was try to encourage him to sleep. I loved those times though! #FabFridayPost
Crummy Mummy
March 19, 2016 at 12:04 pmI was lucky enough to have a year of maternity leave after BB was born and I walked every day for all the reasons you list. Also, I do think fresh air helps us sleep better #coolmumclub

Crummy Mummy recently posted…5 reasons to enter Tots100 MAD Blog Awards
March 22, 2016 at 10:20 amIt definitely does help with sleep, on all counts! ?
Crummy Mummy
March 19, 2016 at 9:16 pmBack again from #thelist x

Crummy Mummy recently posted…5 reasons to enter Tots100 MAD Blog Awards
March 20, 2016 at 4:09 pmI found walking really helped me cope with my PND as well, except the time I got lost and got really anxious. But then a lovely woman I didn’t know came and helped me and that helped me learn to trust again. thanks for triggering that memory

Emma recently posted…#TreasuredMoments 18/03/16
March 20, 2016 at 4:51 pmCouldn’t agree with you more. We’ve just got back from a walk as it happens, we were searching for dinosaurs in the woods! I took L for his first walk when he was 7days old, they let us out of the hospital and we went a walking!
March 22, 2016 at 10:21 amIt’s great isn’t it
Fi - Beauty Baby and Me
March 21, 2016 at 9:23 amThis is so true – I go for a long walk every week with one of my good friends and our babies and also with hubby at every chance we get! I live near a lovely river and it is so beautiful to go for long walks along. Fresh air can clear your head better than anything xx #bigpinklink
March 22, 2016 at 10:21 amSounds lovely x
This Mum's Life
March 21, 2016 at 8:41 pmI see that somebody else said their baby wouldn’t nap anywhere but the pram for the first 7 months, and neither would mine-both of them were the same! So I spent up to 4 hours a day walking, for 2 years, until they both took long naps in the cot! With the first one, I did enjoy it. I found being in gave me a lot of anxiety, and I needed to almost walk off my nervousness! And I’d just moved to a different part of the city, and I got to know it like the back of my hand! I found beautiful buildings, short cuts, parks I didn’t know about, it was great! And meeting up with NCT friends to do it was a great social aspect too! But when I had the second baby, I must admit to some days being just too tired to commit to that level of walking, but I had to for them to sleep! It was either walk or have overtired screaming, and I always chose the walking! Now though, with one who has dropped napping, and one taking a short nap, we can go out walking on our own, adult terms, which is much better!

Thanks so much for sharing with #bigpinklink!
This Mum’s Life recently posted…The Big Pink Link
March 22, 2016 at 10:22 amIt is exhausting isn’t it, glad you’re over the worst now though 🙂
March 22, 2016 at 9:39 amLovely photos! I have a new baby and make it my mission to get out every day for a walk (weather permitting!) it really helps with sleep deprivation amongst all those other things you mentioned! #TheBabyFormula xx

Fi recently posted…The Liebster Awards
March 22, 2016 at 10:23 amIt’s the best feeling isn’t it x
March 22, 2016 at 9:58 amIt’s such good exercise, especially post partum because it’s gentle. I couldn’t walk for weeks after the birth (thanks, Mr Big Head) but once I was better we used to get out all over 🙂 #thebabyformula

Sarah recently posted…The Parent Hangover
March 22, 2016 at 10:24 amOh I remember those first couple of weeks, walking really oddly! Yes it was much better after a bit x
Ami from My Mummy Spam
March 22, 2016 at 12:54 pmI couldn’t agree more with you on this! I loved nothing more than going out for a walk when bubba was little. We are fortunate enough to live within a 5 mins walk of a woods which is lovely. And now that bubba is 18 months old it is great to go wandering around with him as he can now explore out of the buggy 🙂

Ami from My Mummy Spam recently posted…To the Mum who…
laura dove
March 22, 2016 at 7:17 pmI think walking is pretty much all we do as a family to be honest! At least I know that one of them will go to sleep in the pram, plus when there are six of you then it helps that it’s free!! #Thebabyformula

laura dove recently posted…The first time ever I saw your face…
March 23, 2016 at 12:21 pmI love walking, and have set myself goals to get out the house to walk a certain distance a day. Some days I do it some I don’t. I discovered that my Iphone has recorded my step rate per day for as long as I’ve had it. It was interesting seeing how one moment I was doing 2000-3000 steps on a work day to 12-15000 on a weekend. Now I do about 6000 steps but have a few long walks of 10000+ thrown in the week too! I’ve got back to my old weight from before pregnancy too. #bigpinklink
April 5, 2016 at 7:59 amJust don’t walk to the bakers every day 😉

X MMT (the sausage roll mum)
Mmt recently posted…Go outside the lines: Wall art review