We’ve progressed this week from sitting down or running away tantrums to sprawling flat out tantrums and ‘that’s mine snatches’. It’s the flat out throw myself on the floor tantrums that took me by surprise first… They’re achievend in one swift splat. I first thought she tripped over her own feet, but no, on the second instalment, I realised the truth. We’ve progressed, entered a new phase, we reached a new level or tantrum. I’m not sure I like it. One, the splat, two, the screams, three, the leg kicking. All on their own they aren’t that bad depending on the surroundings, but together and the fact they’ve been mostly over nappy changing, or food choices or, ‘I just feel it’s time for a tantrum’ means I think we’re definitely entering the terrible twos four months early. Before you say….
What!!!! She’s 20 months and only having tantrums now!!! You got off lightly!
No, tantrums started at 10 months. Sitting on the ground screaming, has been going on for a long time. Insignificant things have been huge problems for 10 months. It’s just the throw herself on the ground and thrash her legs screaming for 10 minutes that’s a new take on the tantrum.
To throw into the mix, she decided to take toys off her friends yesterday. Snatching them back. To be fair she hadn’t had a nap, and needed one desperately. But not having a nap not unusual for the nap avoider (see my nap time poem from way back, or numerous other posts). Until now, she’s always given her toys away and shared everything without a second thought. She really hasn’t cared whose taken what off her, who’s played with which of her toys, she simply played wit something else. So, I really do fear, we might truely be there. Truely in the
That’s MINE!!!!
phase, truely a toddler.
Is mummy prepared? Nope! I haven’t a scooby how to cope. To be honest I’ve tried to ignore her these moments much as possible, thinking it’ll pass. I try not to bribe with snacks every time we get in the car. I try not to placate with anything, that could be a reward for said tantrum. I try, but at least 50% of the time I’m not good at just sitting and watching. I’m not sure I’m managing to be strong enough. I do give in, I do give a snack for an easy ride. I do pick my arguments, knowing there’ll be a big tantrum later and getting in the car is a necessity. Oh, I do hope it’s just teething to blame again. I do hope, she’s just grumpy pants. I even wonder if she’s just a big under the weather (without a temperature). Anything but admit have the terrible twos come early.
In amongst the tantrums she’s very sweet: the cuddles, making mummy and daddy laugh, peekaboo, silly dancing, jumping and sleeping bunnies. She loves giving us kisses, giving her dolls milk and cuddles, drawing pictures of daddy and ducks, running to us to cuddle our legs and then she’s off again. That sweetness is what gets us through the tantrums. That, and the fact that I find them hilarious. Hilarious, she’s screaming about nothing. Hilarious, she’s screaming because mummy wouldn’t let her throw forks over the kitchen floor spearing our feet. Hilarious, she’s screaming because I shut the bin lid. Hilarious, she’s screaming because I washed an outside chair, which she told me was dirty. Hilarious, she’s screaming because I tried to put her leggings on her. But, I must not laugh. She must not see me laugh, if she does she might think tantrums make mummy laugh. That would not be good. Arghhhhhh. Fun. Games. And cuddles.
You’ll find me with a big cup of coffee, cake and bottle of wine, chanting any of the following:
it’s not the terrible twos, it’s a phase, that’s all. Please….
My baby’s not old enough. She’s a baby. She’s not going to be two in 4 months.
It’s a phase. It is.
Is it wine o’clock?
How all my pregnant friends or those with new babies cope, I don’t know. Well done ladies, you’re AMAZING.
July 29, 2016 at 3:12 pmOh god bab. The terrible twos go into four!!! DRINK ALL THE WINE! I hope to see you next week for Wicked Wednesdays and I will see you on my return from my summer holiday! x

brummymummyof2 recently posted…Five Ways To Prepare For Your Child Starting School
July 29, 2016 at 3:24 pmHave a fab holiday, and not too many #wickedwednesdays lol though holiday is the perfect excuse for even more wine!