I wrote a post on Monday about fun fruit ideas inspired by Robinson Crusoe. Why you ask? Well I was asked to share some fruity recipes to celebrate the release of the new Robinson Crusoe dvd that was out on Monday. In the DVD the characters all eat a lot of fruit throughout, and so hopefully inspires little ones to eat their fruit too.
Well as I was writing Monday’s post of fun fruit art I was realised it’s not fair to exclude those little ones who are weaning and big ones who still like a fruity pouch. Let’s face it fruit pouches get us parent’s through all sorts of close call food situations! So, here’s another fruity post to coincide with the Robinson Crusoe DVD’s release.
Weaning is of course a time when baby might be crawling, is parents shattered and exhausted, so I’m not saying just give them homemade, far from it. Try lots of recipes, plain purees, combinations and try try and try again… Apparently it can take 15 tries before they decide if they like something! Supermarket pouches have a lot of merits to, we love the Ellas pouches and found some combinations that Baby H loves through those. If I hadn’t I never would have thought of peas and pears together. Oh and be prepared for mess!
Recipe 1: Apples and pears
Yes, a simple on to start with, but one of my daughter’s favourites. Yes, still at 22 months. In saying that it’s a bit like apple crumble, which my hubby loves, so she probably just takes after him on that too, along wig eating bowls full of peas!
What do you do?
- Peel and chop one apple and one pear,
- Pop it in a pan with a tablespoon of water, cook until it’s all softened,
- Let it cool.
- Blend and pop it in your freezer pots or pouches.
You can add some apple or orange juice or water if you want too, just judge the consistency yourself – I don’t add much, table spoon by table spoon!
Recipe 2: Kiwi, strawberry and banana
Kiwi’s are full of all sorts of goodness and so I love popping it in pouches where ever I can. I know many little ones don’t like kiwis, so if you can blend it and hide it, it’s worth a go! The whole ounnet of 6 costs only 69p in asda, so they’re not an expensive fruit (or 30p each).
To make this one, literally just cut up two handfuls of strawberries, a kiwi and a small-medium banana, then blitz it. Easy peasy.
Recipe 3: Blueberries and apples
This one also requires cooking, but it’s only slightly more time… not much:
- 50g of blueberries and an apple.
- Bring the blueberries and chopped apple to the boil with 2 tablespoons of water.
- Allow to cool
- Blitz it in your blender. Job done!
H loves blueberries, she’ll open the packet if I’m unloading shopping, she’ll steal them from the fridge if I’m not looking. Seriously she’s hunched over the drawer eating them. Who knew 21 month olds knew how to be so sneaky!
It’s quite easy to try new things with blending too, just make small quantities.
Of course weaning has its own fun and games, summed up in my things parents say when weaning and the weaning coefficient posts… Go have a read if you fancy a giggle, or to find out what you’re in for!!
Enjoy your blending folks, and definitely check out Robinson Crusoe on DVD for some light relief and to inspire your kiddies to eat their fruit,
Lynne x
*** Check out my other recipes too! ***
Mummy Muckups (Anna)
September 30, 2016 at 8:06 amI cheated a lot with my second baby, but I genuinely enjoyed mixing and making the purees for my first. Wish I had these pouches back then. #TheList

Mummy Muckups (Anna) recently posted…MUMMY BLOGGERS OVER?
Rosie (@greenrosielife)
September 30, 2016 at 8:45 amI used to love making fruit and veg purées from my boys and it is so easy as you have shown. In fact they refused to eat the jarred stuff when I bought it once. Love my boys LOL #TheList

Rosie (@greenrosielife) recently posted…Weekly Green Tips #25 – 7 Green Halloween Tips
You Baby Me Mummy
October 6, 2016 at 9:57 amI planned to only cook from scratch but she would only eat Ella’s kitchen stuff! Thanks for linking up to #Thelist x )it would be great if you could add out badge or link x

You Baby Me Mummy recently posted…The Pro Blogger Diary #5