You might recall that I was a bit unsure about revealing Baby B’s gender. Both hubby and I were absolutely totally and utterly convinced Baby #2 was a boy. With Toddler H we were adamant we did not want to find out what we were having until she was born. However with Baby #2 we couldn’t wait to find out. My pregnancy was so different we just had this gut instinct that baby was a boy. We were so eager we actually had a private gender scan at 16 weeks to confirm what we were sure we knew. I was so excited we could do a ‘gender reveal’ like I saw time and time again on Facebook.
I had all sorts of ideas of how we would reveal we were having a boy…
My top 5 gender reveal ideas…
1. Balloons
I had two ideas for this:
- Toddler H holding blue balloons
- Me holding a “baby boy” balloon and pointing at my tummy.
Perhaps in reality, we’d have used a helium balloon like this:
2. Toddler H holding a sign
A bit boring, but nice and simple and not too much to go wrong!
3. Cakes
Obviously because I was obsessed with cake (and coffee) throughout my pregnancy, cake popped into my head. I was going to make a cake and video us cutting it to reveal a blue inside. Toddler H would then shout, “It’s blue! It’s a boy!” It would all go to plan perfectly, obviously!
4. Cards
I’d buy an “It’s a boy” card that we would open on video and send to our parents and pop onto Facebook. Simple but effective. Maybe Toddler H would also say “it’s blue!”
5. T-shirts
Toddler H wearing a t-shirt saying “Big Sister” and holding a blue baby vest which said “Little Brother”
Or something like this babygro…

Big sister t-shirt is homemade using Hobbycraft Tulip paint, and, Little Sister babygro is from Next
6. Shoes in a line
I love shots like this when people announce their pregnancies, so could have done this for a gender reveal too…
As this was our second baby we were much more prepared for all things pregnancy and baby.
We knew preparation would be key as juggling a toddler would add extra challenges – pregnancy vitamins, like these from Vitabiotics, were key to ensure I kept my energy levels up as much as possible, well, along with coffee and cake! We wanted the 16 week gender scan so we could prepare over the Christmas holidays sorting out the baby clothes we wouldn’t need for a boy. We’d also been talking about baby to Toddler H, and by the gender scan she was very excited to be a big sister. We couldn’t wait to tell her she was having a brother. Of course, I was also spotting boys clothes in Next and planning how to transform our study into a baby blue nursery.
To our shock, the scan revealed we were having a girl! It felt like we were in shock. We were still in a daze that afternoon when we met our NCT friends and swiftly blurted out the news to them. We also told our families, it was all we could think about. The gender reveal plans were out the window.
It would have been so fun to do a gender reveal, but we’ve so many other first with Baby B, along with lots of sleep deprivation. I’m at the stage of just trying to record all the moments that I can and remember to take my breastfeeding vitamins, where I left my car keys and what plans I’ve agreed to this week!
Did you do a gender reveal? Was it as much fun as they look?
Lynne x
Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post.
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