It’s H’s birthday this month, and what with Christmas fast approaching I though a good old brain dump of a post might be useful to me (and anyone else) who has to decided these things. Yes, I know, she’s on,y going to be two, but as her birthday and Christmas are soooooo close together it feels like we have to give her something for each, just as we would if her birthday were in June. So here’s my list…. I’ll let you know in a few weeks what we actually bought for her birthday!!
Gifts for a 2 year old:
1. A toy kitchen
We’re definitely getting Toddler H a toy kitchen as she LOVES them everywhere we go, playgroups, friend’s houses, the toy shops. We actually have a few options on this:,default,pd.html?cgid=D18M17G2
1. Ikea Toy Kitchen
2. Asda Toy Kitchen
3. Little Tykes Super Kitchen
2. Wooden blocks
Toddler H only currently has baby clocks like these, we think she’d like more than 6 blocks. So are getting her one of these sets for Christmas.
3. Scuttlebug
A few friends have mentioned Scutttlebugs, and I think it’s great we could just keep it in the car, and get it out at the park. H has a Little Tikes car, and her inside VTech Zebra, but no outdoor scoot-a-long.
4. Scooter
A bit like the Scuttlebug, I think H is ready to try a scooter, ready to take that next step. We have a couple of options on this,
– one the must-have Micro Scooter (a recommendation from the fab Mum Muddling Through),
– and, also the new Smart Trike T3 Scooter. We love H’s Smart Trike, it’s better than the cheap trike we have, well built, well thought out robust.
5. Balance bike
I’ve pretty much ruled this out as I just don’t see the point, she needs to know how to peddle to ride a bike, and let’s face it stabilisers never did us any harm did they? I might be a cynic, but she has a trike and, really how many bikes does she need! So, no, by writing this, I’ve completely ruled this out in my head. Absolutely ruled out, but if someone can explain to me why balance bikes are useful, other than teaching balance (which a scooter would do)…. please explain ?
6. Easel
Toddler H like most toddlers loves to draw and paint, so an easel is a good idea. I used to love mine as a child. And, he added bonus of chalk not being a permanent fixture on walls, furniture and the toddler, is too good to turn down!
7. Wendy house
This is one I’ve not managed to look into really, but I thought I’d throw it in here for completeness as it’s on my list.
8. Outdoor toys
We have these covered quite well, and got quite a few bits and bobs this summer from the local selling pages on Facebook. If you’ve not already ventured down that route, or have a summer 2 year old here are some of our favourites…
We have a Little Tikes Cube slide like this and Toddler H loves it.
Yes, a sandpit is a must…. I bought ours from Hobbycraft, but really it’s a bit small, so we might get one like this for H next summer -let’s call it her half birthday!
This is a MUST HAVE!
9. Happy Land Imaginative play
We have a couple of Happy Land sets from Mothercare, which we got H at 18 months, but we’re adding to it with these:
- Church
- Post Office
- Shop
(I actually got these second hand, so we’ll spread these between Birthday and Christmas)
10. Dolls and all their bits and pieces
I’ve spotted a few bits and pieces, clothes and dolls accessorise in Home Bargains, as well as Tescos.
11. Duplo
H loves her Duplo and I’m sure more pieces wouldn’t go amiss! Building towers and train stations, they keep her very busy. I also keep a small box of duplo in the bathroom so, when I’m having a shower she’s occupied.
12. Movies
I’m talking about the Classic Disney movies, ones that kits love and can watch again and again. I’m thinking these would be great for downtime, times when H is tired but refusing to nap.
13. Talking toys – Peppa pig
H really seems to enjoy Peppa Pig now, and I’m not one of those parents that thinks she’s a spoilt brat, actually a lot of the time she’s trying to teach George new things. So, we spotted this talking Peppa on Amazon, and really might have to get one…
14. Car garage
Yes, I’m not into gender stereotyped toys, I had a Fisher Price Garage like this when growing up and loved it. H also loves playing with her friend’s garage every time we visit, so this would be a sure fire hit with her, and surely most kids!
15. A toy hoover
This is another toy I had as a child, though mine was a carpet sweeper (am I showing my age!). I think H would love copying mummy!
16. Kids Keyboard
Toddler H loves playing the piano with us, so it would she’d be ecstatic to have her own keyboard. Now as long as it had a volume setting she couldn’t turn up full blast! I’ve found this one in Mothercare which looks fun.
17. A latch board
Hubby was going to make one of these for Toddler H, but one like this is would also be fab! (Available on Amazon and Jo Jo Maman Bebe)
18. Gorgeous clothes
Where do I start? From Marks and Sparks to Joules and Mothercare, everywhere just has gorgeous clothes at the moment, and of course we shouldn’t forget the organic kids clothes brands either! This Norwegian style jumper from Sense Organics is on H’s Christmas list, and, we’ve already bought this super cute Christmas jumper for wearing throughout December from Mothercare:
19. Bath toys
Even just a few ducks, or a full blown bubble machine. I love he idea of the bubble machine, and so would H but we might never leave he bath if we bought that!
20. Water colouring pads
I’ve mentioned these before on our tips for flying with a toddler post, but they are amazing! Mess free colouring! We’ll definitely be getting Toddler H another for her Christmas!
Hope these help with the huge (daunting) task of thinking of ideas for a gift for a 2 year old,
Lynne xx
December 1, 2016 at 8:36 pmHey hun! Some amazing bits on here! Thanks for the mention also 🙂 The mouse is causing havoc with her micro scooter and will be whizzing alongside her sister on the school run in no time! Having 2 girls, I’m really struggling for christmas – shockingly, we already have most of the bits on this list. First world problems :-/

Have a fab time with H on her birthday! Sending her a big Hug from little C.
Thanks for sharing with #coolmumclub
MMT recently posted…#coolmumclub Linky week 47
December 3, 2016 at 8:08 pmSome really good ideas here. I always struggle with what to get my kids and what to tell others to get them for xmas because they usually have everything. I’ve started just asking my daughters now! My girls are obsessed with Peppa at the moment so have a got a few bits related to this. One thing we don’t have is a car garage which may be an idea!
Amina xx | #coolmumclub

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SmarTrike T3 Scooter Review - New Mummy Blog - A pregnancy, parenting, lifestyle & home blog in Gloucestershire
February 12, 2017 at 9:19 pm[…] Christmas approaching I had started researching scooters, and must say I was a bit lost. Mum Muddling Through had recommended the Micro Scooter, […]