We’ve had a very up and down week.
1. Family and friends day
We visited Prescott hill climb on Sunday with friends and had a really lovely day. We love being outside and it was just the fresh air we needed. Baby B also loved it, getting lots of cuddles and being in the Ergo Adapt, which always sends her to sleep #mummywin. We unfortunately ended the day at the hospital with Toddler H who had been unusually napping in the day, and ended up with s huge temperature and throat infection.
2. 6 weeks
We had our 6 week checks for Baby B and I this week and we both sailed through. We also saw the health visitor and Baby B weighed in at between the 75th and 91st percentile lines, so she’s keeping a consistent growth pattern.
3. Cluster feeding days
Monday was one of these and I seriously could not put B down. I was very tired, as was H after our late night at out of hours, but she was so good amusing herself while I fed and we read lots of books. We were tired when hubby got home but my new 4.30pm coffee routine seems to help us get through the witching hours a bit easier and help me avoid that slump.
4. Coffee and cake
These make me happy and are always in stock on our house… So I think they definitely need to be included this week as I would have struggled even more without them.
5. Hubby holiday
Following from coffee and cake, I think our late night on Sunday, the cluster feeding all day on Monday and a slightly tired H who hadn’t caught up on any sleep or had any naps caught up with me on Thursday. I had had it and so was so glad hubby had booked Friday off work. I needed that help, four hands are definitely better than two. We had a lovely day going to H’s toddler yoga and movement class and having lunch with friends at Whole Foods.
6. Baby smiles
I have to mention this as I didn’t write a happy list last week… Baby B woke up the morning she turned 5 weeks old and smiled a proper smile. It’s gorgeous and she’s now such a smiley girl. She also started properly following us around the room turning her head. Let’s just say I’m not sure she’s sleeping as much now and I’m not sure if it’s because she’s following Toddler H constantly! She absolutely loves her, smiling and following her. I love their bond already.
1 Comment
Sarah | Baby Brain
July 24, 2017 at 2:32 amI love that they’re bonding already! And yay for hubby and Whole Foods. That extra pair of hands sure does come in handy!

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