I just read a post on netmums, ‘10 reasons mums don’t get weekends‘…. Well, I think I do, and I look forward to it. Actually, I love weekends.
- Hubby is not at work, that’s an extra pair of hands, two people to change a nappy, two people to make bottles, two people to feed baby… That’s half the work!
- Weekend trips… These are different to trips with friends, they’re family time trips
- Nice breakfast, bacon sandwiches, eggs and soldiers, something different to boring porridge, cereal or toast
- Film night, or if we’re addicted to a TV series a TV marathon. Well, usually it’s a DVD or netflix marathon
- Friday food: pizza, Chinese with the trimmings, fish and chips from the chippy. Something different with added treats, poppadoms, prawn crackers, nann bread, dough balls… Something that says, it’s the weekend, it’s us time
- Hubby gets to see baby and gets to see how baby’s changed that week while he’s been at work. See her eat new foods, crawl better, stand better, develop.
- I can spend time with hubby. We can go for a walk or shopping together, things we always did. Only now we often have lunch too. Baby eats with us and shows daddy what a good girl she is. How she loves watching everything around her, eating her food, playing drums on the table. Meanwhile we eat nice food, sit in the sun, have a glass of wine, laugh and smile at each other as we watch and play with baby. Ok, we might also have to play peekaboo with her or clap your hands, but we laugh and giggle along. Isn’t a good date one where you laugh, smile, and enjoy the company?
- Sunday evenings were always a bit of a downer, back to work tomorrow thoughts filled my head, deadlines, pressure… Now, it’s not quite as bad, once baby is in bed, and once we clean up and catch up (usually while dinner cooks), it’s us time. Time for us to be a couple, and watch Homeland.
I agree with that article to an extent, weekends aren’t what they were, and definitely aren’t what they were when I was a student or early 20s, but I admit it, this is 10 years later, hubby and I probably should have gone clubbing more in our later twenties and early thirties, but we loved going out for dinner, cinema, or a few drinks, and as we still do, a film and takeaway at home.
Come on, you might miss some of the things in their list, and yes, clearing up after baby has gone to bed, and preparing for the next day, might take up some of your time, but not all evening! And, tell me you don’t love to watch a film curled up on the sofa with your other half, a tonne of popcorn, glass of wine, and, if we’ve really planned it some chocolates or sweeties? Yes, you might fall asleep while watching it, but for the last 5 years, that’s just something I’ve done after a hard week at work… it’s not new! Tell me, you don’t relish the thought of your baby (however old) getting excited that daddy is home all weekend to play? Seriously, how can you not look forward to having another pair of hands to change those nappies? And most of all, how can you not be looking forward to spending that time with your other half? I most certainly do. I love our life and how it’s evolved, how we’re a little family unit.
I love how I look forward to the weekends and getting to see my hubby for two whole days every week. How we share the work, how much closer we are, how we work together. That working together, really shines through at weekends, we get more done, catch up where I fell over, and I don’t change every pooey nappy! Please tell me I’m not alone… Please tell me you love weekends too…
Lynne x
Raising Mighty Girls
October 12, 2015 at 8:42 pmReally enjoyed this post. My favourites are point 5 and 8! Thanks for sharing. #AnythingGoes
Bear and Cardigan
October 12, 2015 at 8:53 pmI agree. We look after our grandson (Bear) 3 days a week. It’s great to share the chores and the fun. We love having meals together, even if one of our meals is always cold because Bear needs help eating. My “weekend” with Bear starts on a Monday lol. Thinking about it I get another starting on a Saturday, 2 weekends. Lucky me.
October 12, 2015 at 9:14 pmthis is very true. You can’t beat the weekend. For me, it is when I get to spend some time with my little one – I work full time during the week. #fartglitter

Pen recently posted…matchmyex.com – in the spirit of fairness
Catie: An imperfect mum
October 13, 2015 at 7:35 amI agree with you entirely I love the weekends. For me weekend time is family time and we always plan something or just do something fun, even if it’s just popping out for an ice-cream. The weekend like life is what you choose to make of it! #twinklytuesday
Rebecca U
October 13, 2015 at 8:30 amWeekends are the best. We always have neflix marathons too – the best! #twinklytuesday

Rebecca U recently posted…TrolleyBags UK | Review & Giveaway
Rhyming with wine
October 14, 2015 at 7:12 amBrilliant post and I totally agree with every point. Weekends don’t look the same as they did ten years ago, but then neither do we!? All of those cosy nights in are part of what make us a family and I wouldn’t swap them for the world.
October 14, 2015 at 7:17 amLove all your reasons and I absolutely hate Sunday night awesome post. Visiting from #twinklytuesday
Renee @Peonieandme
October 14, 2015 at 8:29 amThanks for reminding us how amazing the weekends can be with husband in tow. Especially all the lovely food eating. Sometimes I’m convinced I lose 2lbs in the week and add 10lbs on the weekend.
#bestandworst @peonieandme x

Renee @Peonieandme recently posted…#WellMyBaby…Has two front teeth…x
Sarah Howe (@RunJumpScrap)
October 14, 2015 at 11:50 amI flipping love weekends hun! They still feel like them to me for exactly the reasons you say. Time with the hubby and a bit more help. They may not be the same but that’s life with kids eh? Wouldn’t swap it! Thanks for sharing this positive post with #bestandworst and see you soon xx

Sarah Howe (@RunJumpScrap) recently posted…Best and Worst Week #22
Caroline (Becoming a SAHM)
October 14, 2015 at 1:58 pmI am totally with you and love weekends too. They are not the same as they used to be and we dont get lie ins or lazy days anymore but they are still better as Daddy is here to help and be with us! Xx

Caroline (Becoming a SAHM) recently posted…10 things I have learned since having a second child
Anna Brophy
October 16, 2015 at 7:08 amFreakin’ Fabulous Friday is here!!!! Yes; it is hugely different to days of knock off without kids, but it is definitely a wind down….hurry home Husband!!! #The List

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Victoria (Lylia Rose)
October 21, 2015 at 6:28 pmI am always so excited come Friday and I know hubby has two days off and we have treat night Friday! Definitely always sad come Monday too! Weekends are the best 🙂

Victoria (Lylia Rose) recently posted…Luxemme Gallia Playsuit
October 25, 2015 at 12:13 pmThey really are, thank you for commenting x
October Review, November Aims - New Mummy Blog
November 4, 2015 at 8:49 pm[…] I’m a mummy, here are 8 reasons I love the weekends – Netmums had a post called Mummies don’t get weekends, but I disagree, I definitely do! Ok they’re not what they were before baby, but who needs a lie in? […]
Jessica Powell
November 4, 2015 at 9:06 pmI love weekends – and the treat food definitely has something to do it! 😉 #brilliantblogposts
November 4, 2015 at 10:14 pmWhat a beautiful post, Lynne! I love weekends for exactly all the reasons you have written. We always have Family Movie Night on Friday/Saturday and we love it as we all love movies. The only thing now that my kids are much older, sports has taken over our weekends but that’s been great too. We cheer for our child as a family and then we pop off for brunch or a picnic- can’t think of a better way to spend my weekend. And of course, there’s always lots of cake too! #brilliantblogposts

El recently posted…A bit of Everything Linky Week 4
Su {Ethan & Evelyn}
November 19, 2015 at 12:11 pmGreat post! I genuinely love weekends because my Ethan is off school and we get to do things together. I missed him during the week. I do love my time with Evelyn too but it takes three to make a pack for us. 🙂 Thank you for linking up with me. Lovely to have you here. #FabFridayPost p.s. please don’t forget the badge. thank you. xx

Su {Ethan & Evelyn} recently posted…Book Interview Review #18: Sardines of Love by Zurine Aguirre
Nikki Frank-Hamilton
November 21, 2015 at 2:13 amI’m with you, I love weekends. I like weekdays too, I get to work from home and have time to myself to get things done. On the weekend I still work from home, but I have company and we have a great time together. I enjoy the connection, sitting together for meals, television time, working together to cook or do chores. The evenings are rushed at times, trying to get everything done, but the weekends are slower and much more fun!

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