I’ve been itching to make a new cake ever since making a Hey Duggee cake for H’s first birthday, so I tried making an Iggle Piggle cake as H also loves In The Night Garden on cbeebies bedtime. It’s actually part of our routine, as the tones are so soothing and it is quite easy to take with us whenever we’re not at home – the cbeebies app on the tablet helps. It’s a much easier cake to make that it looks, you just need to divide the cake up into bits. If you want to try to here is a step by step guide on how to make an Iggle Piggle cake…
It’s quite easy really… and can you tell I now have the bug for challenging myself to make all sorts of kids birthday cakes now – do have a browse at the other kids birthday cakes I’ve made too.
How to make an Iggle Piggle cake
1. A template
Draw out a template on baking paper (or print out an Iggle Piggle from the internet). I use the baking pan as a template then sketch Iggle Piggle in.
As you’ll see in point 3 below,I tried to use the length of the tin and sketch in arms and legs to add on from the off cuts.
2. Make the cake!
I’m using my usual cake recipe… which I’ve detailed here.
3. Cut the cake
Place the template on top of the cooled cake. Use a sharp knife so you can use the point for accuracy.
Try to cut away from corners so that you can be precise with them and not over cut into them.
Another tip is to cut to the line not it outside it as I did. Iggle piggle is a thin character so I think the extra width has made my Iggle Piggle cake a bit chubby!
4. Jam
I usually heat some jam for the middle and top and sides to help the icing stick. It also makes it taste nicer.
5. Iggle Piggle icing
I used a blue and white packet of icing. As the blue was too dark for Iggle Piggle, I mixed white in with it. However, I recommend adding blue to white as Iggle Piggle is quite a light blue.
Now it’s starting to look much more like an Iggle Piggle cake!
Use a small ball of icing wrapped in cellophane to smooth the icing and and cracks that appear. Be gentle and it’ll be fine!
Iggle Piggle’s head has a darker blue forehead. The original blue icing is too dark, so I used a bit of almost original blue icing (it want quite the original as I didn’t have any left), and added white to it so it was darker than the rest of Iggle Piggle. Roll it really thin and nudge it into the right curvy shape. Then pop it over the top of your cake and nudge as necessary! (I didn’t get a photo so you’ll see this in the finished cake).
6. Iggle Piggle Hair
I rolled out a snake of red icing and the cut it up into inch sections. Then just pop them together. I squashed the snakes so the were ovals to get the right width and put a wee platform of icing under Iggle Piggle’s hair to place the hair on. It just felt a bit far back on his head otherwise!
I didn’t get photos of this either, so here’s what I did using blue icing!
7. Iggle Piggle Eyes
Use some white icing, either royal icing – the easy way, or, make your own using water and icing sugar. If using water and icing sugar don’t add much water, keep it very thick. Then make some thin blobs for eyes and let them dry a bit before popping them on the Iggle Piggle cake. Use a black icing pen (like this) to draw on his pupils or a teeny bit of black colouring to icing.
8. Iggle Piggle Mouth
Use a leftover bit of blue icing or some original blue icing from the packet. Roll it into a teeny tiny snake and tease one end so it’s a bit cone shaped. Then flatten the cone and make it curve slightly. Then pop it on!
9. Blanket
Roll out some red icing and cut out the blanket shape using your template or make it up. I made it up so it would fit on my board. I also has to use fondant icing as I didn’t have any red left to just cut the shape. The trick is to make it thick and leave it to harden on piece of baking paper then cut the around the baking paper.
For the blanket edging use some of your blue icing and roll our really thin snakes. Then just cut up the snakes into teeny bits – mine are around one cm or just less. Judge the size yourself depending on your blanket.
10. Definition Lines
Sometimes Iggle Piggle has different coloured blue hands, chest and legs. The picture I used didn’t show this so I didn’t do this. I did start to and didn’t think he needed it. However, I did think he needed something, so I used a roller tool to mark where these changes are defining Iggke’s chin, and, straight-ish down Iggle Piggle’s tummy. You can use a knife too!
There you have it one Iggle Piggle cake! See it really is quite easy… Go on give it a try!
Tag me in your Iggle Piggle cake creations!!
Lynne x
UPDATE May 2018: I’m super excited that this how to make an Iggle Piggle cake has been featured over on Funky Pigeon’s blog!
Lucy At Home
September 17, 2016 at 9:44 pmOoh I’m bookmarking this – it’s my daughter’s 2nd birthday this week and she loves In The Night Garden! My own blog post this week was on decorating cupcakes with fondant icing, but I’ve never attempted a cake!

Lucy At Home recently posted…Farm Animal Buns for Beginners
The Tale of Mummyhood
September 18, 2016 at 12:00 pmThis looks great, my eldest would love it!
September 18, 2016 at 5:28 pmThat’s amazing, no way mine would look like that! Might just try his head! #KCACOLS
Carol Cameleon
September 18, 2016 at 7:05 pmWell done, looks great. Not sure how Iggle Piggle would feel about having his arms and legs chopped off for the template though… 😉 #Justanotherlinky

Carol Cameleon recently posted…Time for some happy in my #HighlightsofHappy #10
Alana - Burnished Chaos
September 18, 2016 at 8:21 pmWell done, looks great. And a really detailed instruction too, I have seen some that are so vague they are impossible to follow but this is really well done x

Alana – Burnished Chaos recently posted…My Sunday Photo – 18th September 2016
September 18, 2016 at 10:31 pmThis is really cute, great job! Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday

Jen recently posted…STEAM Kids: Let’s make Learning Fun!
Pink Pear Bear
September 19, 2016 at 11:31 amLooks fab! Iggle piggle is such a firm favourite with the littlies that I’m sure this will be a very popular post! Thanks for sharing this with us on the #bigpinklink

Pink Pear Bear recently posted…Big Pink Link 31
Kirsty - Winnettes
September 19, 2016 at 12:26 pmAh this looks brilliant! This is right up my street, I love baking and decorating cakes. My eldest is four in March and she has already decided she wants a unicorn cake. This will change at least 20 times between now and then but I’m excited about making whatever it is.
Fiona Cambouropoulos
September 20, 2016 at 7:49 amWhat a lovely effect you have created. My kids were huge Ickle Pickle fans when they were young. I wish I’d thought to make a cake like this. #bigpinklink
The Speed Bump
September 22, 2016 at 9:19 amThat looks amazing! Super talented; I can barely bake let alone decorate cakes! #KCACOLS
Emma Plus Three
September 22, 2016 at 1:16 pmThis is awesome, well done you. You make it look so easy but I reckon I’d still manage to mess it up somehow! x #KCACOLS

Emma Plus Three recently posted…Ready for Autumn with Lighthouse
September 22, 2016 at 8:35 pmWow, I am in awe of your cake making skills! Bake off C4’s first entrant! I was going to attempt a 2nd birthday cake for the mouse but the MIL has offered so I have a great excuse!

Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub!
MMT recently posted…#coolmumclub Linky week 38
helen gandy
September 27, 2016 at 6:54 pmAhhh very cute, you are so creative! Thanks for linking up! #bestandworst

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