I have a few bits and bobs I’d love for blogging, some are really basic, nice things for Instagram, I do love a pretty picture, and some really are ‘wishes’ that I’d love to earn enough from the blog to them be able to purchase with profit. I’m a blogger and I’d love…
1. Blogging mug
2. Pretty flowers – there must be a subscription service or something so that I can always have a gorgeous bunch of flowers to post on my Instagram?
3. A good SLR camera and the time to play with it… hmmm maybe that’s a long term wish – I definitely don’t have the time to figure it out at the moment. My iPhone is good for now, given the practicalities of carrying (remembering) a camera while chasing two little ones!
4. A few hours to blog a week – just a few hours to myself and a few to blog, to take it to the next level.
5. A MAMA sweatshirt – this is a blogger staple isn’t it? I don’t think I’ve seen a single blogger who doesn’t own a Selfish Mother sweatshirt
Now, I also asked some fellow bloggers what was on their wish lists… and had a rather enthusiastic reply… so here are 50+ bloggers wish lists…
I’m a blogger and I’d love…
Cameras are rather popular…
– a GoPro to complete my camera collection. – http://asliceofmylifewales.com
– a proper camera! – www.justaveragejen.com
– new camera – I’ve been looking at upgrading my DSLR, a Canon EOS 80D would be nice – http://mumsthenerd.co.uk
– a camera and someone to show me how to use it 😊 – www.ricecakesandraisins.co.uk
– an Olympus Pen camera and a home office so I can have more work space. – www.ricecakesandraisins.co.uk
– a better camera to up my Insta and YouTube game! – www.dadgeek.co.uk
As are camera accessories…
– a tripod so I can start doing Youtube videos next year! – www.mehimthedogandababy.com
– some lights so that I can take decent pictures in the evenings as that’s when I do most of my work. – www.thestrawberryfountain.com
– a new lens and some photo props! – www.mymummyspennies.com
– a new lens for my camera! – www.mummycatnotes.com
– a new theme for my website and a decent camera 😊 – https://stressymama.com
– some lighting, a new camera lense and a wellies! – http://mimiroseandme.com
– a tripod – can’t tell you how many great shots I’ve had that have slowly gone off centre as my arm starts to ache, or how many pieces to camera have gone wrong cos of the same thing! Any recommendations welcome. – www.amumfullofdreams.wordpress.com
– a foldable tripod for night time shots. I don’t seem to be able to hold it steady enough for a clear shot, so a portable tripod would be ideal! – www.yorkshirewonders.co.uk
– more photography props from Etsy, I love ‘At Eva and Ava’ shop on Etsy. – https://thimbleandtwig.com/
– a photography back drop from Captured by Lucy. I have one already that I love but would love another. – www.theladybirdsadventures.co.uk
– a whole new set of flat lay backgrounds. – www.theladybirdsadventures.co.uk
A few computer-y basics…
– a new computer as the laptop is getting super slow and a camera. – https://busylazymum.co.uk
– a brand new laptop that could keep up with me! – http://lukeosaurusandme.co.uk
– a desk to avoid aches and pains of using laptop on the sofa! – www.youhavetolaugh.com
– a graphics tablet to make it easier to go from drawing on paper to putting them on screen. – https://littleheartsbiglove.co.uk
– a mac book and a camera so I can finally start my YouTube channel! – https://littleheartsbiglove.co.uk
New blogging technology, and know-how
-a decent wifi connection! Simple things but it would make all the difference. – www.thebalancecollective.co.uk/blog
– I’m going to treat myself to buying a domain name and going self hosted in the New Year! www.yammymommyblog.wordpress.com
– to have a few more page views 😂 – www.brokenthoughts.co.uk
– a live in technical guru to help me navigate the techhy bits! Or just an hour with one to go through my snag list… – www.mummuddlingthrough.com
A phone upgrade
– the brand new iPhone X as the camera on my current phone is terrible – www.mytunbridgewells.com
– the iPhone 8… it is sooo pretty and the camera is epic! – www.northernmum.com
– a new iPhone X case that has an inbuilt battery booster for when I’m out and about at events and my phone runs low. – www.northernmum.com
– a travel journal – We are going travelling in the new year so we would love a travel journal that I can write in as we go around. We would also love the new GoPro, but it is a bit pricey, so we have asked for money towards it when people have asked. We have asked for new backpacks for the boys and money towards experiences while on our travels – https://ourfairytaleadventure.com
– a family ticket around the world ! What endless inspiration and adventure we would have! Oh, and a new PC, mine is dead as a dodo! – www.familytravelwithellie.com
Ways to stay organised
– a Stigu planner for 2018. It is the only planner that I’ve continued to use for a whole year. I love it! – www.dearbearandbeany.com
– a moleskins smart writing set! Then I can draw some of my ideas so much easier, and I’ll use it like a bullet journal which keeps me focused! – www.misadventurousmummy.com
A bit of book inspiration from a pro
– the book ‘Blogging your way to riches’ – www.emmaand3.com
and another book-y one
… to turn my blog posts into a book. I would love a coffee table style book that contains selected posts and photographs. I think it would be lovely to feel the pages flicking between my finger tips and to share with friends and family that are not online, making all I have done with my blog over the last 7 years more tangible for everyone. What a lovely gift for any blogger to find under the tree this Christmas – www.edspire.co.uk
– a year’s subscription to the Mamapreneur Inner Circle – http://www.raisingaragamuffin.com
Pretty things… and blogger branding!
– a pretty radio! So I can sit and listen to music while typing, instead of being distracted by the tv 🙈 – http://www.emilyandindiana.com
– a tonne of stationary and a bag in my brand colours! – www.welshmumwriting.com
-a personalised mug. – http://thequeenofcollage.blogspot.co.uk
and well, it seems bloggers are short on time… (who knew?!!)
– a regular babysitter so I can get some work done! – http://hibabyblog.co.uk
– … more time! – www.theminimalpi.co.uk
– more time in the day to write and share on social media! – www.Arepops.com
– I’m a blogger and I’d love a day off, or alternatively a new desk chair, mine isn’t very comfortable – www.anywaytostayathome.com
– To have 4 more hours in every time to get a tonne of work and social media done! – www.runjumpscrap.com
– to not get bogged down by numbers; stats, followers etc! Oh and I’d love one hour to myself a day entirely dedicated to blogging – www.beautybabyandme.com
– a subscription to tailwind, social oommph, pic monkey or canva to make life easier and to get the jobs done quicker and to have more time with my family! – www.crazyfamilystory.com
– …a live in maid! – Lifeasmrsd.co.uk
Three I definitely agree with…
– time! Time to blog, time to think 😂 – www.ojosworld.com
– a sparkling clean, well-decorated house to make my Instagram photos look less shabby 😂- www.naturalbeautywithbaby.com
– my brand collaborations to be a bit more consistent – they are like buses it’s either feast or famine!!! – www.motherhoodtherealdeal.com
and one I had to Google (I think I might be too old for this one!)…
…bernards watch!! How handy would that be! – www.twoheartsoneroof.com
(According to Wikipedia, Bernard’s Watch was a British children’s drama series about a youngish boy who could stop time with a magical pocket watch.”)
and my two favourite replies…
… an assistant! – www.lyliarose.com
… a bright yellow pair of Hunter Wellies to really make me stand out in the crowd!!! – www.motherand3sons.com
What would be top of your Christmas blogger wishlist?
Kelly-Anne -| Mimi Rose and Me
November 22, 2017 at 8:24 amOh this is such a good shift guide for a blogger, I definately need a blogger mug!
November 22, 2017 at 7:03 pmI love that you got answers from other bloggers! I’d love to have a really fancy camera someday – and an opportunity to learn how to use it! For now, I just use my iPhone but it works. I’m with all those bloggers wishing for more time though! #bloggersbest

ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Bad Moms On the Orient Express
helen gandy
November 28, 2017 at 1:20 pmWhat a fab load of choices!! I spy lots of things on that list that I could fancy 🙂 Thanks for linking up #BloggersBests