I was nominated in March by Fi at Beauty Baby and Me?for a Liebster Award, and even though I’ve done this before, I thought why not do it again… the questions are different and I do love reading these sorts of posts from other bloggers 🙂
Firstly, Thank you Fi!!!
Questions, and my answers…
1.) What inspired you to start your blog? ?I loved reading blogs, especially Young House Love and thought I could do that and would love to just write my thoughts, and keep track of baby’s development. I eventually got round to starting New Mummy Blog when H was 6 months old. I did have a crafting and card making blog several years ago, but when I got busy at work if fell by the wayside.
2.) What blogging goal are you currently striving for? ?More Facebook followers, and to meet a milestone in monthly views…. I’m struggling to get above a certain threshold… so any shares or facebook likes would be much appreciated 🙂
3.) What activities do you enjoy outside of blogging? ?Walking, hill walking and coffees 🙂 Oh and DIY as we’re decorating our new house.
4.) What tactics do you employ on those days when blogging is hard & frustrating? Put it down. I blog for fun and if I can turn it into a source of income in the future that would be great, but it’s fun at the end of the day… very addictive fun!
5.) If you could have lunch with any famous person, who would you choose? Julia Bramley – we really enjoy her walks on TV
6.) What are your three favourite blogs to follow? Other than Beauty Baby and Me, I’d say Mum Muddling Through, Mum In Brum and Run Jump Scrap.
7.) What piece of blogging advice have you found to be most helpful? It’s hard to not get sucked by blogging, but it’s important to get a good balance… I’m sorry I don’t know where I first read about blogger balance and how hard it is to achieve, but I have read about it quite a few times over the past 10 months, and I do try, I’m not great at it, but the intention is there 🙂
8.) Are you a full-time blogger or do you also hold down a day job? I’m a full time SAHM… it’s a job, believe me, especially on no-nap days! Seriously how does a 16 month old refuse to nap from 6.30am til 7pm???! She’s been shattered all day and beside herself.
9.) What is your favourite post on your blog thus far? Oh what a hard question!! I have three: my Hey Duggee Cake, MMR Vaccine and Autism: 12 Children is not Enough, and, What Being a Parent Really Means.
10.) What social media platforms do you use and which one is most effective for you? I use Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram. Twitter is most effective, but I love the interaction of Instagram, and the addictiveness of Pinterest (but that is phased, otherwise I’d never be off it!), and would absolutely LOVE to get a better grip on Facebook.
Liebster Award Winner Rules:
1 ? Thank the person/blog who nominated you and post a link to their blog on your blog.
2 ? Display the award on your blog. This can be done by including it in your post and/or displaying it using a widget (note: the best way to do this is to save the image to your own computer and then upload it to your blog/post).
3 ? Answer the 10 questions about yourself that your nominating blogger chooses for you.
4 ? Create a list of questions for your nominated bloggers to answer.
5 ? List these rules in your post (feel free to cut & paste!)
6 ? Inform the blogs that you nominated that they have been awarded the award and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it.
I nominate…
I nominate, some new blogs I’ve recently discovered and/or I love on #TheBabyFormula:
and anyone else who wants to take part :-)?
I did think I’d heard the Liebster was only for those with under 1000 followers, but it’s just a fun bit of blogging that gives our readers a bit more about us, so if you’ve also already done one, or like me have more than 1k followers, why not do it again? I’d love to read your answers and find out a bit more about you!
Questions for you to answer (the same as I’ve just answered, as I think they were fab questions!)
1.) What inspired you to start your blog?
2.) What blogging goal are you currently striving for?
3.) What activities do you enjoy outside of blogging?
4.) What tactics do you employ on those days when blogging is hard & frustrating?
5.) If you could have lunch with any famous person, who would you choose?
6.) What are your?three favorite blogs to follow?
7.) What piece of blogging advice have you found to be most helpful?
8.) Are you a full-time blogger or do you also hold down a day job?
9.) What is your favorite post on your blog thus far?
10.) What social media platforms do you use and which one is most effective for you?
Lynne x
April 28, 2016 at 7:19 pmAh, always nice to feel like someones enjoying my waffle! Thanks so much hun xx

And also, thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub
MMT recently posted…#coolmumclub Linky week 24
Baby Anon
April 30, 2016 at 9:45 pmFab to know more about you and your experience 🙂 #KCACOLS
April 30, 2016 at 9:59 pmI really enjoy reading these kinds of posts, so nice to get to know a bit about other bloggers! And seriously, why do toddlers fight sleep all day when they’re so clearly tired?! x #KCACOLS
Fi - Beauty Baby and Me
May 1, 2016 at 6:57 amYay so happy to read this! It’s lovely getting to know more about you and you’re more than welcome for the nomination xx #KCACOLS
Sara Skillington
May 1, 2016 at 7:15 amOh no! I hate that toddler stage when they won’t have a nap when they desperately need one! Facebook is such a difficult one! Lovely to find out more about you, Lynne 🙂 Thanks so much for linking up with #KCACOLS. Hope you return next week:)

Sara Skillington recently posted…From Planting to Plate! 8 Important Reasons To Garden & Cook With Your Kids
May 1, 2016 at 10:12 amGreat answers! Also glad to read that I am not the only one who finds blogging addictive! It is so addictive isn’t it! #KCACOLS

Emma recently posted…BiBs 2016 *warning may contain nudity and Dirty Dancing*
May 1, 2016 at 12:10 pmIt’s such a shame that facebook is so mercenary! I got loads of traffic once from just one share. but your page will go no-where unless you pay, which is silly when you don’t make any money from what you are doing! #KCACOLS

Sarah recently posted…What’s a Mummy worth?
May 1, 2016 at 12:20 pmI still need to do mine 🙂 thanks for nominating me. I def agree on doing it for fun 🙂 #KCACOLS

Emma recently posted…4 Free Things to do in Bognor Regis
Jessica Powell (Babi a Fi)
May 1, 2016 at 4:15 pmI love these kind of posts – peeking into other people’s motivations! 🙂 I’m so with you on Facebook, it still feels a bit of a mystery to me. x #KCACOLS

Jessica Powell (Babi a Fi) recently posted…This Week #33
yvette morgan
May 2, 2016 at 8:11 amThe Liebster award is a great way for bloggers to get to know each other 🙂 #bigpinklink
This Mum's Life
May 2, 2016 at 10:10 amI love reading this sort of post too!! It’s always great to get to know the person behind the blog a little better!! I feel really bad for you that your daughter doesn’t nap at all, at 16 months… That must be seriously hard work!! It sounds like you are seriously addicted to blogging-it’s such a great outlet isn’t it? I think Facebook is really hard to build up a following on… Especially with it’s new policies and algorithms, I think it has a low reach unless you are willing to pay to boost posts!! I pretty much ignore my facebook blog page!! But with your fab blog, I’ve no doubt you will achieve the reach you are after!

This Mum’s Life recently posted…I’m Better Than A Disney Parent
laura dove
May 2, 2016 at 1:49 pmI love these posts, I have just done one nominated by Mumzilla but I will do this one again in a couple of weeks. I have three little ones who do not nap either, the girls NEVER napped where as Harry used to nap but soon gave that up. Instead he climbs, runs, jumps, generally just destroys things, and by bedtime I am well and truly done in! You have my sympathy!! #bigpinklink

laura dove recently posted…Happy one year Bloggiversary to me!
Jade Lloyd
May 2, 2016 at 5:47 pmI loved doing my Liebster..well I did three as I got nominated before I properly had my blog up and running so then had 30 questions! I loved learning about other bloggers and it is cool that you have done it again. Thanks for sharing 🙂 #KCACOLS

Jade Lloyd recently posted…My son has been eaten by a seagull! My new metaphor for separation anxiety.
Lucy at occupation: (m)other
May 2, 2016 at 8:31 pmAhh I love these too, always so fun to find out more about other bloggers. Yes to the balance, it can be so hard though can’t it!? I’ll head off to find you on FB now…I share your Facebook pain, I’ve just joined, baffling! #bigpinklink

Lucy at occupation: (m)other recently posted…A Gift for My Unborn Child
Jen @Practical, By Default
May 3, 2016 at 12:15 pmGreat questions, I loved taking part in this type of award. It is such a great way to learn more about the blogger on things you might not necessarily blog about. #KCACOLS

Jen @Practical, By Default recently posted…My Favorite “Go-To” Homeschooling Resources
Becky, Cuddle Fairy
May 3, 2016 at 4:12 pmCongrats on your second Liebster award lovely! I know how full on full time motherhood is – I do it myself. It’s a job & a half! Thanks so much for linking up with #bloggerclubuk x

Becky, Cuddle Fairy recently posted…Candid Cuddles 49