Mum to be – products I’m loving during my second pregnancy

Lists, Second pregnancy
Things I'm loving in my second pregnancy - pregnancy products and things
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I’ve written before about how this second pregnancy is so different to my first with Toddler H. How this time around I wasn’t sick, and how my hip pain started much earlier. As mummy to a toddler and a mum to be there are several products I’m loving during my second pregnancy which I didn’t use or things that I didn’t like during my first. Just another reason first and second pregnancies differ!

It’s been quite exhausting having a toddler who doesn’t nap while being pregnant which you might notice features in quite a few of these items…


A new pregnancy pillow

I’ve struggled with my hips and lower back at times and have seen the physio.  I’ve recently been sent a new pregnancy pillow to try to help my hips and alignment in bed, something that is vitally important in pregnancy as your hips widen and your ligaments soften…

So, I’ve been trying the ultimate in pregnancy support pillows, the Dreagenii pregnancy support pillow* (Amazon Affiliate link*) – I was very kindly sent a dreamgenni pregnancy pillow to review, you can see my full dreamgenii review in yesterday’s post.

dreamgenii a brilliant pregnancy product i recommend to all mums to be


I didn’t drink coffee or even like it until a couple of months after H was born, this time, I couldn’t stand it for the first trimester, and now I’m back on the wagon! My Waitrose card and also loyalty cards for Asda coffee shop are getting used much more frequently than ever before! It’s a survival means when I’m exhausted but chasing a no-napping-toddler all the time. I do drink decaf tea the rest of the day btw so I’m not having huge caffeine overdoses!


Chocolate and cake 

Yes, last time I was completely off chocolate and this time I crave it! I really don’t remember cake featuring at all last time either, it was all about the crisps (and melon!), but this time I do have a cake or chocolate treat quite a few times a week!

coffee and cake a must for me in this second pregnancy


Bump support

At various stages I’ve felt much smaller than I think was last time, but also vice verse. My bump was much bigger much earlier this time, most likely impacting on my back/hip pain. So this time the physio gave me a tubigrip support which has helped. I’ve also been given a Canteloop Support Belt* which I’ve been trying this week. Review to follow!

Cantaloop pregnancy support band - a product for mums to be

Stretch mark creams

I’ve also been using bio oil creams, last time I stuck with Bio Oil but this time whilst I’ve used that, I’ve also used this one from Lloyds.  I also used this Lloyds bio oil after badly burning my leg last year, something that I wasn’t able to write about for a while, but will finish soon.


Now I just need something for varicose veins… I definitely didn’t get any with Toddler H, and this suddenly appeared on my leg a month ago… Along with this horrible bruise – it’s not fading much and I really would love advice from anyone??? Pleeaaase?


Follow me to catch upcoming posts on pregnancy products I’m using a second time, new products for our second baby and products we’re again using for Baby #2. If you have any products we might like to try, feel free to drop me a message on social media or email ([email protected])


Do you have any of these products? Would you recommend any others for me to try? 


Lynne x


* If you click on an Amazon Affiliate link I might get a few extra pennies at no cost to you

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  • Reply
    Susie at This is me now
    May 11, 2017 at 7:59 am

    Ah I had a pillow last time but it annoyed me so maybe I will look at this one if I need one! #TheListLinky

  • Reply
    May 11, 2017 at 8:57 pm

    I could never get on with a pregnancy pillow! Cake however….. haha! #brilliantblogposts

  • Reply
    Honest Mum
    May 12, 2017 at 12:49 pm

    Fab post, I remember how useful the pregnancy pillow was x

  • Reply
    Ali Duke
    May 12, 2017 at 1:59 pm

    The pregnacy pillow look really good. I didn’t have one with either of my kids, I wish I had now. I crave chocolate and cake without being pregnant lol.
    Ali Duke recently posted…Mum Guilt: Am I Over It?My Profile

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