Hello lovelies!
I hope you will take a few minutes to read about the lovely blogger Natalie from Mum in Brum who has been?a freelancer since her maternity leave.
I hope this ‘Mummy In Business’ series will showcase a mums who are starting out on their own with their own businesses or embarking on a new challenge for instance freelancing, and see what other mummy’s are up to and how they readjust?their work life balances.?
If you’re a mummy in business, please let me know (or download the questions here)!??
Interviewing freelancer Natalie from Mum in Brum
If you haven’t heard of Natalie from Mum in Brum, you’re missing out on following a fabulous award winning blog. From her fabulous images and informative posts to gorgeous eye for design around her home Natalie has a created brilliant, organised and family orientated blog. Oh yes, and the fact she won the Brit Mums Brilliance in Blogging Best Family Blog (#BiBs2016) last month… yes, she’s definitely one to follow (on Twitter, Facebook,?Instagram & Pinterest)!

New Mummy Blog interviews Natalie from Mum in Brum – a keen photographer
However, this interview is all about mummy’s in business and not blogging… Natalie juggles freelancing with being a mummy and wife…
1. What do you freelance in?
I?m a freelance PR and communications consultant.
2. Did you work in this area before?
Yes I worked in PR and marketing agencies for eight years before leaving my full time job to go on maternity leave.
3. What are you tips for freelancing and juggling kiddies?
It can be pretty tricky, especially at first when you?re trying to build up your client base and don?t make enough money from it to justify nursery fees. You really do have to put the work in and make the most of nap times (if your children are still at that age) and give up your evenings in order to get things done and pitch for work. My daughter still has one nap time each day so I use that time to do work that needs doing during working hours, such as client phone calls, media relations and responding to emails. I then use the evenings to produce proposals and write up and features I?m working on.
My daughter started nursery two days each week from April, which has been a huge help and given me more structure to my week. I also find that I treasure those days I do get with her that little bit more and I?m not constantly thinking about what I have to do or checking my emails/phone.
4. Why did you decide to freelance?
It was something I always wanted to do, but there never seemed to be a good time before maternity leave and it seemed like too big a risk to take. When the time came to consider returning to my previous role it was a bit of a no-brainer really. I just didn?t feel ready and the thought of only spending weekends with my 12-month old daughter and not being able to put her to bed every night was something I couldn?t get my head around. I know that not every mum has the option and I?m so thankful that I did.
I know for a fact that I would never have taken the plunge if it wasn?t for the year I had at home on maternity leave. We realised that we could get by on just the one salary, so there was no major pressure for me to be earning the same as I had done before immediately. Which was a good job really as it was much harder than I expected to secure my initial freelance jobs. My hubby was extremely supportive which I think is so important. Freelance jobs aren?t going to come rolling in overnight, but I?ve found that persistence definitely does pay off in the end and you can earn a lot more and have a far better work/life balance than you have as an employee. Being able to put my daughter to bed.
5. Do you have any tips for any other mummies who are thinking of becoming freelancers?
Realise your strengths and don?t be afraid to shout about them. After taking over a year out of the workplace I really did feel a little like I?d forgotten everything I?d learnt. I had to immerse myself back into the world of PR again and remember everything I?d achieved in my career and how hard I?d worked to get there. Don?t always think that other people are better than you ? they aren?t (read my post ?Should we all be more Kanye??). I?m a firm believer in the ethos that if you really want to achieve something then you can and you will do it.
It will probably take a while to build up your business and you won?t see instant results. I found that some of the companies I initially contacted and said they had no requirement, got back in touch with me months later with opportunities. I made it my target to send out ten cold emails every week ? all individually written and personalised to the particular company. It can be disheartening when you have no success initially but ?if at first you don?t success, try, and try again.?
So lovely readers, I hope you enjoyed reading about Natlaie, her new venture freelancing?and have a few minutes to pop over to follow her if you don’t alread ?:-)?
If you didn’t catch my first #MummyInBusiness interview with Jilly Mac pop over to her interview?here.
Lynne x
August 3, 2016 at 8:07 amMum in Brum sounds like a very inspiring lady!! We have done things the other way round in our house and my hubby is going to be staying at home with the children while I go off to continue my career. I would love to be able to spend more time at home but it’s just not feasible for us. Welldone to you for taking the plunge!! #bloggerclubuk
August 3, 2016 at 8:17 amGreat idea for a series!! I’m not sure whether to return to my magazine job or try cut it as a freelancer once my maternity leave is up, so always really good to read about other people who have taken the plunge! #bloggerclubuk
Laura - dear bear and beany
August 3, 2016 at 6:32 pmI love reading Mum in Brum blog and this was lovely to read more about the lovely lady behind the blog. x #BloggerClubUk

Laura – dear bear and beany recently posted…Designing the Perfect T-shirt for My Girls…
Tori @ The Mama Nurse
August 9, 2016 at 3:41 amOoh, I would love to hear more about what is involved with PR & Communications Consultant! Sounds fantastic. I have loved the blogging experience so far and it has opened doors that I never knew existed (writing for a nursing app, freelance writing). Would love to be able to work for myself! Congrats on your achievement!

Tori @ The Mama Nurse
Tori @ The Mama Nurse recently posted…The Real Reason Why Breastfeeding in a Bathroom Stall is Completely Unacceptable
August 11, 2016 at 8:17 amI love your new mummy in business series. Natalie is so inspiring, I needed to read s positive story today #thebabyformula

Briony recently posted…Feeling Calm #29
Bridie By The Sea
August 11, 2016 at 11:50 pmReally inspiring post – fantastic to hear a success story of going freelance as I’ve been thinking about it recently! Thanks for linking up to #KCACOLS hope you come back again next Sunday! x

Bridie By The Sea recently posted…In The Kitchen :: Chocolate Brownies
One Messy Mama
August 12, 2016 at 12:43 amLovely to meet you Natalie! Great interview.. #KCACOLS

One Messy Mama recently posted…The Invisible Friend.
Someone's Mum (Danielle)
August 12, 2016 at 5:10 pmI have just given up teaching to be with the kids more but also hoping I can make something of writing and blogging so that I don’t have to get a part time job. Always nice to hear of other people juggling kids and freelance work successfully! 🙂 #KCACOLS

Someone’s Mum (Danielle) recently posted…HappyCalc Maths Puzzle from FunComet – Review
Sarah - Arthurwears (@arthurwears)
August 12, 2016 at 9:21 pmA great series! As you probably know – I run a similar one on my blog called Children Changing Careers all about mum’s who have a new job after starting a family – many of those being new business owners. I think it is so important to celebrate women doing this and shout out their achievements in post like this where possible. Great post! Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday
August 13, 2016 at 7:08 amOoooh I’ve probably seen it, I’m not copying, I just had loads of friends recently starting businesses (and some starting blogging too) and thought it might help them as well as help highlight some mum-run businesses I use daily. X
What2BuyForKids | A Mummy In Business Guest Post #MummyInBusiness - New Mummy Blog
April 12, 2017 at 8:00 am[…] interviews with Jilly Mac pop over to her interview, and the second with Natalie from Mum In Brum here, Hayley from Mission:Mindfulness and Victoria from Baby Prints […]