My Happy List 20 – new baby, birthday, family days

Happy List, Life with a newborn, Life with a toddler, Second baby
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I’m back, I had a bit of a break with less posts while we got used to being a family of four so here’s a few things from the last few weeks, as it’s all been a very happy time.


1. New baby 

Baby B is now 3 weeks old and just adorable. We’re loving being a family of four, and although, yes, it’s hard and exhausting, it was hard and exhausting becoming a family of three too. 


2. Family visits

Is been lovely having our family visit and meet Baby B over these last few weeks. We’ve been very much loved, received so much support and help, and gorgeous gifts. Baby B, and for that matter Toddler H have been thoroughly spoilt.  

3. Breastfeeding 

I’ve loved starting to breastfeed Baby B. It’s such a bonding experience and this time has been much easier than it was with Toddler H. I guess partly because I’ve done it before but also as Baby B wasn’t tongue tied. 

4. Friends

We’ve been back to all Toddler H’a usual classes now and I must say getting out with a second born is much easier than I found getting out with Toddler H when she was a newborn. I guess we have no choice! Poor Baby B is already fitting around Toddler H at only a few weeks old. I guess that’s just the way it is. But, it’s been brilliant seeing our friends and H having her normal routine, seeing hers. 

I must also say we’ve received the most gorgeous and thoughtful cards and gifts from our friends, home made blankets, nappy cakes and champagne to name a few. We’ve been really touched by everyone. 

5. Hubby

Yes I have to thank hubby, he was amazing getting up with Toddler H every morning when he was on paternity leave, letting me sleep longer and feed Baby B. Some of those first nights I got 3 hours sleep, so it was much needed.

6. Sunny weather

Yes, it’s been a bit up and down, but the lovely sunny days have helped us get up and about and out. It’s been lovely popping Baby B in the carrycot on the pushchair and sitting outside for breakfast, lunch and coffee.  

7. Double pushchair

We forked out as it quickly became apparent after a few days that all this change and excitement, along with the fact that Toddler H was waking earlier and going to bed much later, meant she was shattered and needed a good sit down. We’ve not got a double Out’n’About Nipper V4 which H loves and has actually fallen asleep in.  

8. Birthday

It was my birthday and we had a lovely day, a BBQ, lovely presents and best of all my little family of four. I also got to see my parents the next day which was a real bonus. Oh and did I mention that hubby bought me a latte machine? It’s AMAZING! Actually I think it’s a must have if you have two kids! Something which is a bit hilarious considering I didn’t even like coffee until after Toddler H was born! 

9. Days out

We took full advantage of hubby’s paternity leave going in days out and really having a lovely time as a family. From Slimbridge to Birdland, lunches out in Cheltenham and Strawberry picking, we really have had a fab few weeks. 

10. Surviving on my own!

I’m also very happy to add I’ve survived 3 days on my own with two kids! Yes, without too many tantrums and feeling like it’s actually gone well. I won’t count my chickens before they’ve hatched, I’ve four days on my own this week! 


11. Sibling love 

This is one thing that is such a relief, and fills bmw with so much love to watch – Toddler H’s Love for her baby sister. She absolutely totally and utterly loves her. She loves cuddling her, loves singing to her and loves stroking her. Ok I’m a realist, I know it might not last, so I’m taking picture after picture of these moments so I can remember them when they’re at each other’s throats over toys and make up. 
That’s it for this week…

Lynne xx


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