I love tea, it’s in my genes, my granny’s love it, my mum loves it and I do too. So it sums up my first-thing-in-the-morning.
I’m linking this pic to #MySundayPhoto, a fab linky by OneDad3Girls.
This really should also include a huge Sunday brunch, but we’ve not had it yet, so our morning cup of tea, will suffice. I say that like it doesn’t mean anything, but without my morning tea I’m lost. No, it’s not the caffine, it’s the nice hot drink tasting of tea (no milk though). I’m quite happy drinking decaf, and survived pregnancy quite happily on it.
You might wonder how I can drink tea without milk. Before I stopped having milk, I wondered the same for many years. My bestfriend was a no-milker. I have Crohn’s disease, and have modified my diet on and off as different foods irritate me. Tomatoes are one, their harsh skin was causing mild flare ups to continue, I stopped eating them and bingo, the flare mellowed out. It all makes sense, if you have ulcers and irritations something harsh is not going to help it heal, just like a blister on your foot. Unfortunately I can’t pop a plaster on. So back to the no-milk-tea, I never used to drink tea at work, but I started a new job and thought, I would, why not, let’s be part of the kitchen-club instead of just the water-cooler-proper-uppers. I was fine for a year or two, but gradually I was having trouble. I was really reluctant to go back on steroids or other stronger medications, so I tried diet first. I wasn’t in pain, just having other symptoms (which aren’t fun!) and an occasional uncomfy stomach. So, I tried diet first, I cut out my usual flare up dragger-on culprits: tomatoes- no, not this time, lettuce – nope, sweetcorn – nada, caffine – sort of bingo, but not quite. Then I tried milk, and my morning cereal became a thing of he past. I’m fine with cheese and other lactose products so I think it was just a case of too much milk. After a few weeks, I gradually tried tea again, but without milk. I loved it! In fact I’m not sure how I drank it with milk. Now a couple of years on, I have the occasional latte and cereal a couple of times a week. But that’s it for milk. If I have 2 lattes in a week, I know about it.
I’m lucky, I’ve never had surgery (touch wood, fingers crossed), but I have had years of all the meds, immunosuppressants, steroids, and other daily drugs to maintain remission. I’m now med free and am quick to modify my diet if a flare up is starting, but touch wood, since the milk flare up I’ve not had any more of note (I have been pregnant though, so flare ups then are less likely).
I didn’t plan to write about my Crohns on here, but it has been a huge part of my life for the last almost 10 years, and, if I can raise awareness through this blog, I hope no one minds. I know everyone’s experiences are different, so, diet has helped me, but don’t assume it will help you or others and always mention to your doctors what you are doing or have done. Mine have been very supportive where cutting out food has worked, but as you’ll note above I’ve never cut out whole food groups long term. And, I do make sure I get calcium through other sources.
Lynne x
PS I’ve lagged behind on #MySundayPhoto… So here I go again, please someone remind me if I haven’t done this ?
Hannah Walker
September 20, 2015 at 2:05 pmI don’t drink milk often either not for medical reasons I’ve just never liked it very much. I do need it in my coffee though first thing in the morning!

Hannah Walker recently posted…MY SUNDAY PHOTO 20/09/15
September 20, 2015 at 3:00 pmNo milk tea is an acquired taste, I love tea but not sure I could have it without a splash of milk
Thank you for linking up

OneDad3Girls recently posted…#MySundayPhoto – MAD Blog Awards
September 20, 2015 at 7:43 pmThank you for hosting!
Something Crunchy Mummy
September 20, 2015 at 8:10 pmThanks for sharing on #justanotherlinky xx

Something Crunchy Mummy recently posted…My Sunday Photo 20/09/15
September 20, 2015 at 8:50 pmThank you, and thanks for hosting x
Cheryl @ Reimer and Ruby
September 21, 2015 at 7:39 amI used to drink tea without milk when I was in Philippines, but since I moved in here in UK, I’ve learned to like tea with milk on, probably converted by my husband. #AnythingGoes

Cheryl @ Reimer and Ruby recently posted…Serenata Flowers – Review and Giveaway
Random Musings
September 22, 2015 at 12:25 amI like tea with or without milk. Glad to hear this worked for you 🙂

Thanks for linking up to #AnythingGoes
Random Musings recently posted…Shrinking Violet Home Edition Shrink Wrap Kit Part 2
September 22, 2015 at 3:01 pmSorry to hear about your Crohn’s Disease.

I don’t think I would be able to have my tea without milk! I always have my tea quite milky! and same as you, I love having a cup of tea in the mornings 🙂
Thank you so much for linking up to #justanotherlinky
beth recently posted…Jumping In Muddy Puddles
September 23, 2015 at 7:15 amNo milk tea must be hard but definitely better than a no tea tea in my book! #bestandworst

Talya recently posted…10 ways being a mum is like being in a reality TV show
helen gandy
September 24, 2015 at 1:29 pmI never used to drink alot of milk, but I do now although not on it’s own, hate it on its own! I think it’s great to raise awareness using your blog! Thanks for linking up to the #bestandworst 🙂

helen gandy recently posted…Throwback Thursday Linky # 3