Toddler H has discovered puddles…. more specifically, she’s discovered ‘splashing in puddles’ to the extent that she needed four, yes you read that right, FOUR changes of clothes in one day because of the pesky puddle in our driveway, the one that is right beside the car door. On the brightside, I know she’s safe as we leave the house as she just goes to the puddle and now any further!
I also say splashing in puddles as she’s not jumping yet, so we don’t have Peppa Pig style jumping, but, believe me she was soaked after this first time, and wellies didn’t help either. She still had soaked trousers and top, I hope we don’t need to buy some water proof trousers for her yet!
May 1, 2016 at 9:14 amHehe my girls still do that now and they’re 5 & 8
Thank you for linking up

Photalife recently posted…#MySundayPhoto – The Shard
Kim Carberry
May 1, 2016 at 2:17 pmhehehe! Fab photo! That looks like so much fun! x

Kim Carberry recently posted…Card Sharks – #MySundayPhoto
Coombe Mill - Fiona
May 1, 2016 at 8:10 pmEvery child has to discover puddles, in fact water in every form is to be investigated, but also respected if it is a sea or lakes or river. I have a feeling there will be plenty more puddle finding from her, I recommend a pair of wellies. do join me for Country Kids. Popping by from #MySundayPhoto

Coombe Mill – Fiona recently posted…Padstow Tide Times for 1st May 2016
Mum in Brum
May 2, 2016 at 9:13 pmHaha – I’m so with you on this – it takes us an age to get anywhere as taylor has to have a splash in every puddle we pass! Roll on more sunshine! x #MySundayPhoto

Mum in Brum recently posted…#BiBs2016 – we’ve been shortlisted!
Merlinda Little (Glimmer of Hope)
May 4, 2016 at 1:05 pmAwww thats so cute! With the rain lately she will have lots of puddles to jump into! #mysundayphoto

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