Welcome to November!
We had a lovely October with our first family holiday since baby arrived (read about it here). Cornwall was lovely, our cottage just what we needed and the Eden Project unlike anywhere else.
Little H who is so close to walking it’s ridiculous, turned 11 months, which was a rather scary milestone as it means her first birthday is just round the corner. However, I’m trying to treat this as an exciting milestone, one where mummy can plan her first 1st birthday party! My parents are coming to a stay for it so we’re all very excited to see them very soon, and that they’ll be here to celebrate little H’s big day. We just need to win the lottery so that we can buy some helicopters to make it much easier to see them more!!
We’ve also been busy with our new house and have just finished decorating the playroom. We just need the new carpet installed and then to finish adding the finishing touches… Wall stickers, curtains and some pictures.
Now onto blogging, well it’s been a bumper month despite having a down week while we were on holiday (the lack of internet and phone signal saw to that)- and somehow I seem to have over 1700 Twitter followers… Really I’m in awe. Thank you so much for following!
I was very honoured at the start of October to be nominated as ‘Mum Blogger of the Week‘ by MummyPages – a huge thank you to them!
Most read post: 8am mummies, how do you do it?
It also received the most post views on the #ABitOfEverything #linky last week (hosted by The Anxious Dragon and Agent Spitback)- seriously wow thank you everyone! And, also a lovely mention from Emma (Farmers Wife & Mummy) on #MaternityMondays #linky – a huge thank you Emma! And, included in ‘Friday Fabulous Five’ by Louise at Little Hearts Big Love
It’s lovely to be mentioned and so honouring knowing a) people do actually read what I write, and, b) that they identify with it, understand, and like it. Thank you big and to every single reader who has read and commented!
Big moment: being asked to review the new UME One Pushchair by Summer Infant (I was actually asked in September, but didn’t get it til October)…. It’s a fantastic pushchair, even friends comment on it’s usability and how comfy Baby H looks. Check out my review here!
My favourite posts:
- I’m a mummy, here are 8 reasons I love the weekends – Netmums had a post called Mummies don’t get weekends, but I disagree, I definitely do! Ok they’re not what they were before baby, but who needs a lie in?
- Review: Nuby Stackable Suction Bowls – a brilliant product that’s made H love food! …. Well feed herself be the handful!
Now, for November…. The month my baby turns 1! Eeeek!
My aims:
- #TheBabyFormula – The launch of my new linky on Monday 9th November! It’s a bit quirky, taking in my inner geek, if your post includes a %, 10/10, +, = link it up!… So a product review easily fits this, or a fun post ‘weaning = bath time’ with a picture of baby covered in spag bol in the bath… See easy and fun! I hope you’ll link up on Monday ?
- Grow my facebook following – if you’re not following me, please click now ?
- Remember to post to instagram… Sometimes I just forget!
- Write some more funny posts – I love these, and really enjoy writing them, but they happen when inspiration strikes (or baby does something outrageous)
- Finally publish my ‘Linkys I Love’ page…. Seriously I’ve been working on this for 3 months, it’s just so many links! Expect a Tweet in the next 2 weeks, if you’re a linky host I join regularly!
- Launch my new Guest Series – #BehindTheLinky … If you’re a #linkyhost and would like to be involved, drop me a message (email, tweet or any other form!)
Oh and in terms of non-blogging:
- Come to terms with Baby H turning 1! Expect lots of heartfelt posts as the big day draws closer!
- Party planning (ok probably posts about that too)
- A night out with hubby (fingers crossed, mum, if you’re reading this… Will you babysit when you’re staying????)
- Finish making H’s birthday card to be sent into cbeebies ? I always wanted one read out (though, I don’t think I ever watched tv on my birthday, I just remember playing all day when I was wee)
- Maybe get a new car (on our Cornwall trip, we realised we’re making life hard for ourselves…. The car was crammed)
- …… Christmas shopping, I guess with a birthday and christmas coming up I need to be much more organised from now on. Ideas on a postcard please……!
Ok, that’s enough for one month!
How busy is your November looking?
Lynne x
November 4, 2015 at 7:34 amReally enjoyed reading this post and well done on your achievements too. I’m busy party planning at the moment too as my son turns 2 in month! Where does the time go? x

Rachel recently posted…Freddie Mercury…..The Greatest Ever Performer
Sarah Howe (@RunJumpScrap)
November 4, 2015 at 7:19 pmAww loved this post. You have done really well and so many ideas in the pipeline! Well done on your mentions and your following. Good luck with the next month and keep that motivation up.Thanks for linking with #bestandworst and see you soon x

Sarah Howe (@RunJumpScrap) recently posted…Best and Worst Week #25
Caro | The Twinkle Diaries
November 4, 2015 at 7:31 pmAaah I bet there WILL be lots of heartfelt posts when your little one turns one!! I was an emotional wreck when my boys turned one!! It was such an emotional day!! Remembering what we’d been doing a year before! 🙂 Thanks so much for linking up with us! #TwinklyTuesday

Caro | The Twinkle Diaries recently posted…139 weeks | Little legs and Mini Micro Scooters
Tracey Abrahams
November 5, 2015 at 3:37 pmWhat a fantastic idea, actually setting out your goals for the month in writing. Its not something I have done before, but I will think about it for the future weather it be a blog post, or just in my notebook.
It was a pleasure to be able to feature you as our most viewed post.
Thanks for linking up, Tracey xx #abitofeverything
P.s oh please, please, please can I be one of your guest linky people Xxx

Tracey Abrahams recently posted…Happy Diaries Linky – Week #2
November 5, 2015 at 4:39 pmI am so bad at setting goals but merely career from one day to the next randomly so really admire that! Exciting news on the new linky – best of luck for that and thanks so much for hooking up to #coolmumclub! x

Talya recently posted…Welcome to the #coolmumclub linky! Week 5…
Alice Megan
November 6, 2015 at 2:40 pmLoving your round up post! I think it’s great to reflect on how things have gone and definitely helps see which bits need work (Mines facebook too!)
Oh I host a linky too (#LIML every Saturday) if you were needing any more for your series I’d be happy to join in

Alice Megan recently posted…Magazine Freebies November 2015
Morgan Prince
November 7, 2015 at 10:51 amWow it does sound like you’re going to be busy! Good luck with the new linky. x

Morgan Prince recently posted…Ladies Boots Wish List
Becky at PinksCharming
November 9, 2015 at 1:42 pmWow you have been busy! And it doesn’t sounds like it will get any quieter anytime soon! I really need to get organised for Christmas too, and my nearly 5 year old’s party! Becky x #bestandworst

Becky at PinksCharming recently posted…Ava and the scissors: a new haircut, and ‘customised’ school uniform
November 9, 2015 at 4:15 pmYes! Thank you. Good luck to you too x