If your Perfect Prep machine is not working in the summer or displays a warning light it may be due to the hot weather. Most people read this post in June or July, prime heatwave time in the UK. The water temperature warning light might suddenly be on in a heatwave, if the water temperature is over 25C.
Perfect Prep water temperature light – overheating in a heatwave
Here’s what happened…
Baby H was grumpy for her milk, I was exhausted from frequent feedings and so it was time for her formula bottle. I dumped a bottle under the Perfect Prep machine and hit the button. Nothing happened. I tried again, and then I noticed a new light. This one:

It was at that point I ‘learned’ that in 32C heat, tap water can warm up quite a lot… When I say learned, I really mean realised in the baby brain blur world I’ve been living in, it means realised through exhaustion that if I’m adding ice cubes to drinks, finding water from the tap disgusting and warm to drink, and, having a fridge full of drinks that taste nicer…. this warm water might affect the Perfect Prep.
According to the Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep instructions, this is really only an issue in ‘hotter climates’. I beg to differ, most of the time the UK isn’t classed as a hotter climate! The water in the Perfect Prep machine has to be below 25C for it to work, however, ours was well over that. I added 4 ice cubes and they still didn’t cool it down enough to make poor H a bottle.
The best and quickest solution I found quickly was to empty it and add new ‘cold’ water and a lot of ice cubes!
Other overheating solutions include:
- only put a little water in at a time,
… but I’m useless at topping it up, so I’d have to wait on the filtering process while H gets more and more grumpy,
- keep a jug of water in the fridge.
… I like this option but I need a bigger fridge, mine is crammed full of cold drinks for me!
Sorry, I’m not being selfish, but at the time of the light coming on, there wasn’t any cold water in the fridge that I could use.
Update: June 2019: sometimes people like to watch instead of read – and like most of my videos this one’s super quick (please like/comment/subscribe if it helps you!) – the video is near the top of the post – but also click here if you didn’t see it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgQ91Ih9TKw
Anyway, I do hope this has been a useful post as I struggled to find the information quickly and a quick solution (to the increasingly irate (aka screaming) baby. Hopefully I’ve helped you too – do let me know in the comments!
Feel free to share this post with friends and family so they maybe hear this information before they need it.
If you’re also looking for ideas on how to keep baby cool in a heatwave click here and here for tips on how to keep a baby or toddler’s hat on.
Here is the link to the full excerpt from the Tommee Tippee website – you need to scroll to the bottom FAQ: http://www.tommeetippee.co.uk/support/faqs/perfect-prep-faqs/
Lynne x
PS. We used the Perfect Prep Machine by Tommee Tippee for a bottle of two a day as it was so convenient (check out my review of it here – seriously I rate it as 100% recommended, 10/10 and a “New Mummy Blog Must Buy“)….
My original video on solving the Perfect Prep temperature warning light in a heatwave. Since replaced with a slightly slower version, which you can hopefully read easier.
Tips to keep toddler's hat on - New Mummy Blog
July 19, 2016 at 8:14 am[…] Perfect Prep Machine – water temperature warning light – Heatwave Milk delays! […]
Hannah (tuesdayschildblog)
July 26, 2016 at 9:53 pmI’ve just bought one of these – love it! Wouldn’t have thought about the water temp in the hot weather so thank you x
Hello February 2017 - New Mummy Blog
February 3, 2017 at 7:55 am[…] Perfect Prep machine – warning lights […]
Zoe Welford
June 26, 2018 at 3:49 am4.40am, I press the button… Nothing happens! I then realise the temperature light is on… Your explanation helped a lot! Thank. You. There’s nothing like a quick sprint downstairs to fetch the whole milk, warm it up, and sprint back upstairs to wake you up in the morning!
Emma Lander
June 30, 2018 at 1:33 pmI bet you’ve had loads of clicks this week. Thank you for this. Much easier to understand than anything else I’ve found on the web:)
Tips for getting the kids to sleep in a heatwave | What works for us and others - New Mummy Blog
July 5, 2018 at 9:43 pm[…] I’ve a few more posts related to heatwaves and gorgeous summer weather… and if you have a Perfect Prep and it’s having trouble making baby’s bottles I have some solutions and more about the problem – Perfect Prep machine warning light in hot weather. […]
July 6, 2018 at 2:14 pmDarn wish I had discovered this blog post about 30 minutes ago when this flashed up! We had to empty ours and put cold water back in. Now we know
Kate xx
Gro Anywhere Blind review - 1st night | Kids in a Heatwave - New Mummy Blog
July 25, 2019 at 1:33 pm[…] in a heatwave‘ post. If you’re also reading this in a heatwave you might also like my fix a Perfect Prep temperature warning light that won’t go off and how to keep baby […]