If you missed my post on Saturday…. pop over for a quick read, but in case the title hasn’t given it away (oh, wait….), I’m pregnant with Baby #2. We’re super excited and the time is absolutely flying by. However, as I mentioned in Saturday’s post, where I also apologised for not blogging quite as much recently, I’ve been shattered. Totally exhausted in the evenings. So, how is it being pregnant with Baby #2, with a toddler to look after?
- It’s exhausting. Yes, pregnancy is exhausting, but with a second baby it’s crazy, you pray more than usual for ?a nap. You keep going and going and really really just do everything to be mummy. I feel terrible every time I feel shattered and put the TV on for Toddler H to watch, while I collapse on the couch. But, I NEED to. It’s been the only way at times.
- It flies by. I’m being serious, I have no idea where this time has gone. It’s scary that I’m 1/3 of the way through, I’m in the 2nd trimester and I’ve no idea how I got here. I wasn’t even counting down the weeks, because that meant counting down to my baby (Toddler H), turning 2, something I was adamant I didn’t want to do. I really didn’t want to wish her being one away. Luckily I didn’t feel sick, so didn’t have that same count down as I did last time.?I could ramble about how quickly it’s gone for half a blog post, but I’ll stop there.
- Toddler routines help. Yes, at times I’ve felt a bit rubbish, but no where near as bad as with Toddler H. Perhaps that’s due to running after a toddler all the time, having no time, and not sitting at a desk all day and in meetings. I have hardly had time to think about being pregnant. I often completely and utterly forget I am. Only my slightly rounded tummy reminds me once in a while, or my tight trousers… or the fact I’m constantly eating reminds me. I have snacks stashed in the car, my bag and by the bed for midnight snacks. But, really these are insignificant most of the time, I don’t realise I’m snacking through the day, I’m just coping Toddler H! I eat when she does, breakfast 1, breakfast 2, snack, lunch, snack, early dinner, dinner with daddy…. followed by pudding once H is in bed and a snack in bed. Oh gosh, that does?sounds a lot written down! But, as that’s what and when Toddler H eats something (even just half a banana or a satsuma), it’s been easy enough to eat without realising it throughout the day.
- Tummy paranoia. Yes, I was very protective of my stomach in my first pregnancy. It was new, I was paranoid, it was at the forefront of my mind. However, this time I have a toddler. A toddler who climbs on me at every opportunity, kicks (by mistake), and wants “cuku mumma” (cuddles mummy). so, yes I do remember I’m pregnant when these things happen. I’m very paranoid, but now as I’m in my 2nd trimester, I think H is being a bit more careful about my tummy. To be honest, she’s only known a week or so as we waited until the 12 week scan to tell her scared she might point at my stomach proclaiming “baby” at an inopportune moment. ?I was To be honest, I’m so looking forward to baby kicking at her when she pats my tummy or rests her head on me.
- New clothes. Last time I bought new jeans at 7 weeks, and I was changing shape on top at 4 weeks. This time, it’s been a slower change, in fact my pregnancy test didn’t come up positive until a week later this time. However, since 10/11 weeks, I have felt bigger, and now at 14 weeks really have a bump popping out.
- Preparation. With Toddler H I was paranoid throughout that something might go wrong. We didn’t buy anything until 24 weeks, and that was a babygrow as hubby was going to America, and if baby was born early, they’d try to save them. This time, I haven’t bought anything, but I’m getting into crazy ‘lets-sort-the-house-out-mode’ (sorry hubby!).
- Gender. Last time we were adamant team yellow-ers. Absolutely certain we didn’t want to know until baby was born. We were also so adamant that with every scan (and we had lots!) it was the first thing we told every sonographer and every consultant. This time, maybe because we have Toddler H to consider and want to refer to her sibling as her brother or sister. We want to tell her, we want to prepare, we want to sort out all those clothes we have stored in the loft, under the spare bed and currently in H’s wardrobe. We’re excited to know and this is so alien compared to my pregnancy with our first baby, Toddler H.
- Relaxed. Yes, I’ve mentioned I was paranoid with Toddler H, and now with this baby that paranoia is there in the background, fleeting at times, but still present. However, it’s paired down. Yes, I’m distracted, which helps, but I’ve been here before and that knowledge, that knowledge of how my body reacted to pregnancy, what it’s all about, and how it reacts. I know what was normal last time, and I know I feel flutters already. It’s all that bit easier because of my previous knowledge and experience. It’s relaxing and reassuring.
There’s been lots more going on and as I think of it I’ll write another post… oh yes baby brain is back with a vengeance!
Lynne x
Linked to #The List and #kcacols
December 11, 2016 at 11:45 pmMy wife was in the exact same position pregnant with a 2 year old. Cannot begin to imagine how difficult it must have been when I was at work! Great post!
December 12, 2016 at 10:00 pmSuch an exciting time, but yes it goes too quickly with number two, especially after they’re born! Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday x
Loving life with little ones
December 12, 2016 at 10:58 pmCongratulations. It is very different being pregnant the second (and third) time around. I remember many of the things you have described, I was particularly worried about carrying a toddler around and getting jumped on when pregnant with number 2 and oh the tiredness, thank goodness for toddler naps. #maternitymondays.
December 13, 2016 at 3:35 pmCongratulations on your pregnancy! I’m pregnant with my first and the time is flying by so quickly! I can’t imagine dealing with the tiredness and a toddler….Keep on powering through! #maternitymondays.
December 16, 2016 at 8:57 pmIt definitely goes by in a blink of an eye. I hated the tiredness second time round and I remember having a 2 hour nap when my toddler went down for a nap too! Congrats on your pregnancy – so exciting! #KCACOLS

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