Quick and easy Oat Biscuits recipe

Life with a toddler, Recipes
oat biscuits - Quick and Easy Oat Biscuit Recipe - New Mummy Blog
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My sister just shared this oat biscuits recipe with me, and I, immediately craving biscuits made them with the help for Toddler H. Yes, Toddler can help too… Maybe just like this, but it kept her quiet and occupied:

So if your a) hungry b) want to occupy a toddler, or c) have friends coming round or, d) it’s Friday and that’s obviously a day when biscuits an cake are required…. try out this super easy recipe:

Easy Oat Biscuits recipe


  • 75g oats
  • 75g caster sugar
  • 75g butter
  • 75g self raising flour (you can use plain, you’ll just end up wih thinner buscuits according to my sister’s experience)
  • 1 tablespoon golden syrup
  • 1 tablespoon milk



1. Measure ingredients and chuck it all in a bowl

oat biscuits mixture - Quick and Easy Oat Biscuit Recipe - New Mummy Blog

Give the toddler some things to pop on the scales themselves, never allow little hands in reaching distance of the scales while you’re measuring the actual ingredients…. That leads to lots of miss-measuring. Basically a disaster. Resetting the scale a mid pour is a toddler’s speciality.


2. Mix

oat biscuits mixing KitchenAid- Quick and Easy Oat Biscuit Recipe - New Mummy Blog


3. Then choose a method below:

a) Roll out the mixture and cut into shapes.

oat biscuits rolling the mixture- Quick and Easy Oat Biscuit Recipe - New Mummy Blog oat biscuits butting the biscuits - Quick and Easy Oat Biscuit Recipe - New Mummy Blog

Being a mummy and toddler activity, this is the best time to get toddler involved in rolling and cutting shapes. No, that’s not the best description if your toddler is, well, like mine. Your best bet is gave toddler  a small amount of mixture to ‘play with’ and try stamping shapes in. Lesson learnt the hard way in case you wondered. It also means you could just discard the ones toddler made if they’ve got a lovely runny nose and are teething at the time. It’s just an oath version of play-doh really, but mummy gets lots of yummy biscuits to eat to make the day SO much better. #mummywin

oat biscuits toddler helping make biscuits- Quick and Easy Oat Biscuit Recipe - New Mummy Blog

b) If you don’t want to use shapes or have any cutters, or a rolling pin, separate the mixture into blobs and flatten them. This method leases to biscuits that look just like Hob Nobs, and taste quite similar too ?

3. Collapse with a cup of tea and pop the biscuits on baking paper and in the oven for 8-10 minutes at 180C

oat biscuits - Quick and Easy Oat Biscuit Recipe - New Mummy Blog


Then employ some #mummywin strategies and…

eat your yummy biscuits while hiding in the kitchen (or behind a door) so the toddler doesn’t see and demand to eat all of them. Or steal yours. Either or both are likely.

It’s worth noting that even with a toddler this takes less than half an hour, if you want more toddler entertainment time, they could play with the uncooked oats too, but that is a huge mess waiting to happen!

Lynne xx
PS. I’ve no idea where this recipe originated, other than from my sister, which is quite shocking in itself, she’s recently become sooooo domesticated!


*** Check out my other recipes too! ***


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  • Reply
    Martin Lee
    October 27, 2016 at 11:37 pm

    I’ll definitely be trying this with my 2 year old, Thankyou!

  • Reply
    Mummy's Blog
    October 28, 2016 at 10:24 am

    Ooh these sound nice and easy – and quick is always good. I made savoury Halloween biscuits with my 2 year old yesterday and it took us over an hour and that’s before they went in the oven. I needed a lie down afterwards!! Will pin 🙂 #TheList
    Mummy’s Blog recently posted…Our Halloween Reading ListMy Profile

  • Reply
    Rhian Harris
    October 28, 2016 at 9:23 pm

    These look yummy! Defo one to try with my tiddles. #thelist

  • Reply
    Kristin Ryals
    April 17, 2017 at 1:36 pm

    I love biscuits, try it with tea will be wonderful paired!

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