Earlier this year H became obsessive about wanting to read and write. We were continuously sounding out words for her to write and she was desperately trying to write full sentences herself.
Then we discovered Reading Eggs and it meant she could learn it all through a progression of fun games.
What is Reading Eggs?
Reading Eggs uses phonics, to teach children to read. The app progresses through levels, each reached using a map and stepping stones… You can only reach the next, by completing yours correctly.

Each lesson build skills in the five key areas needed to become a good reader: phonemic awareness and phonics, sight words, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension.
There are 3 levels and 40 lessons in each level.
Level 1: Starting Out for absolute beginners – lessons 1-40.
Level 2: Beginning to Read for emerging readers – lessons 41-80.
Level 3: Building confidence for early readers – lessons 81-120.
Our Reading Eggs experience
You can start on level 1 or do a placement so hey aren’t bore whizzing through things they know, such as identifying letters.
I didn’t know how much H really knew or what was in the lessons, or what it assumed was known, so she started on Level 1. But she was whizzing through it as it was concentrating identify letters, so I switched her to do the placement test and jumped to level 18. I was convinced she was finding it too hard and guessing, but suddenly she was whizzing off through the levels again. I was getting emails telling me she had learnt x, y and z, she knows these keywords, she reads books.

It was fantastic, and the best part was she was so tired from the end of preschool term she would have mostly sat curled on the sofa staring at the TV half asleep, and the rest of the time trying to write herself. She wanted to read and was trying to read everything she could. Including the TV in her half sleep state. Now, I think you’d agree doing an educational app is a much better option.
It’s fun, she earns eggs and with her extra points can dress them up in funny clothes, fairy wings and even give the sunglasses.
Starting school in September, she was 4 and 3/4 years, but, Reading Eggs gave her a reading age of 5 1/4. At school she brings home books with short sentences and whizzs through them each night. Reading eggs also taught her spelling, and so even at school she’s bringing home letters she’s written which actually make sense. To be fair she did this at preschool too, but as you can see Reading Eggs covers spelling too.

Now, on a tired winter evening she’s doing her reading eggs app again, tired and obsessive as ever, she has to repeat each exercise in a stepping stone until she gets the right answers, the right spellings, or puts the right word into the story.

You might be thinking I’m not sure my child would like it, but it’s all fun and they earn eggs so getting a tangible reward helps! It also starts right from the begining with letters and their formation.
Reading Eggs is geared to age 3-5 but younger kids are also catered for with Junior Reading Eggs section for ages 2-4 which teaches letters and the very basics through fun games. B loves copying H and doing her Reading Eggs too.
4 week free trial
Reading Eggs have gifted us a one year subscription for H and are giving a 4 week trial to you – just use my link to sign up and you’ll get a free 4 week trial! …
Get Reading Eggs 4 week free trial
Disclaimer: Reading Eggs has been gifted to us, however all opinions and experience are our own. As you can see I even wrote about how great we found it when we had our free trial in the summer – New Mummy Blog Reading Eggs free trial.
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