I’m a stay at home mummy, and have been for over 3 years now. I should know how to keep my kids entertained all day long. I don’t. I really really don’t. It’s fluke and what works some days doesn’t on others, and on other days I feel like I’m just failing. H doesn’t want to do any activity I suggest, B is destroying everything she gets her hands on and I’m just exhausted. Rocking mummy life, yeah right!
Yesterday was a tired rubbish write-off day. One of those days that, through nobody’s fault is just a bit rubbish. They definitely happening more now I’ve two kids! You’re tired, you’re down and you’re just not great on your own. Ok, on your own looking after two kids who are also bored at your thought of a nice lazy morning. A nice lazy morning with no plans now means everything goes wrong and no one wants to get dressed. A shower is a three second jump under the water while B screams in her cot (why have you abandoned me here!), and H is throwing a strop – she doesn’t want to get dressed. And snack demands are non-stop. Lazy mornings are a bad idea, unless it’s a gorgeous day and the back door is open and we’re outside in our pjs. Life is just so much better when the sun is shining and we’re outside all day. H doesn’t get as bored and we can stay home all day if we want. Yesterday the weather was so up and down, we did pop to the park but it started to rain those heavy huge plops of rain which make you run back home. Once home we were back to snack requests and to be honest I just felt so so tired. You know that early pregnancy tiredness, it was almost that extreme. I knew we had to get out and so we went to soft play. Yes, it was so much better, our friends met us and the adult chat, made such a difference.
Today is a completely different story. I was so shattered last night, I tried to give B even more food than normal, and hubby gave her 5oz of formula at bedtime. She drank it but then screamed for me. She had a huge, I mean MAMMOTH feed and then slept through from 8.30 until 7. This is UNHEARD OF. In her almost 11 months, it has never happened, not even close. We’ve had two 5 hour stretches and that’s been out best, EVER.
So this morning I woke, naturally at 7, and realised what had happened. Maybe I was so tired yesterday I slept through B’s screams because hubby barely EVER wakes, and usually only because I’ve turned on a light and am crashing about looking for more Nelsons or something. Anyway, today is just a better day, and I might have bought a new mug in Sainsburys, which was reduced to £1.30 or something, which I’ve been eyeing up each time I’m in there (so quite a lot really). Does anyone else do that?
I definitely have a weakness for mugs, at least, I have a weakness for staring at them in shops for months on end, I don’t actually often end up buying them, they’re all so pretty they’d fill the entire kitchen if I bought every mug I lust after. In October when H started playschool I bought my elephant mugs, kind of as a present to myself for the huge occasion, and in hope I’d get to drink a hot cup of tea. Back to the new gorgeous stripey mug… I definitely NEED to have a mug clear out because I didn’t actually buy just one mug, and no, not two, I bought FOUR!!!!! Two pink ‘cuppa’ mugs and two green ‘brew’ mugs. I figured I better buy the green ones to keep hubby happy. I say that but he probably won’t understand why we needed new mugs anyway so that’s maybe not going to entirely work… hmmm they were bargains and having four makes a set, which I love. Pretty but a bit ocd-organised!
So, it’s lunch time and I’m drinking from a lovely big shiny new mug, a smile on my face and a baby who is very determined she does not want to hold on when standing or walking. She’s launching herself at us and between things. It’s going to be an interesting couple of weeks, especially as we’re off on holiday in May too – how do you deal with a crawling, just doing first-steps-walking baby on a plane and on a beach holiday???? Help!!
Oh and how do you survive a rubbish tired blah day?
April 26, 2018 at 8:20 pmUgh, days like that suck big time honey. I think in my first year of having two kids I was on some kind of mission to always be busy – going to groups after nursery, starting a blog ha ha, always on the go. I think in time I realised I was burning out and tried to balance things a bit more – days at home that didn’t make me feel exhausted, but were equally long and tiring! I guess it’s all about going with the flow and embracing the mood, which, along with that weather you mentioned, is pretty changeable! Summer is on the way lovely, and those garden doors will be your saviour. Wish we lived closer, you could come here for a brew in one of my fine mugs 😉
Thanks for linking to #coolmumclub
Lyndsey Cooksey
April 28, 2018 at 8:51 pmLike you, for me it has to be a lovely, hot, steaming cup of tea! I love those mugs! The colour is gorgeous and would go lovely iny kitchen!
May 2, 2018 at 10:59 amLike you I think I’ve a mug addiction. They are usually seasonal related and replace those that are worn out #CoolMumClub
Cheryl @ Tea or Wine
May 2, 2018 at 1:13 pmI hear you!! All I can say is that it DOES get better and it does get easier. Hang on in there. Take the pressure off and just do what you have to to get through the day. Be kind to yourself!! I definitely agree that everything seems easier in the sunshine. When mine were little I used to force myself and them to get out every single day – even if it was to the local shop and back. Love the mug! #CoolMumClub

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