Big news…. H now has 2 teeth! ? I’ve actually been waiting so I could tell you about all 4 teeth, and now, 2 months after thhe first cut, I’m giving up! (Update: the day after posting this at the start of November, with many days of her finger in her mouth and funny sleep patterns, we noticed a top tooth had appeared… And the day after that the other front top one popped out!)
It all started one Sunday morning H was a real grump, and looked absolutely shattered, she needed a nap (but refused to), from the moment she got up. She also kept falling over. She’s a brilliant cruiser and fantastic at standing up herself, she started doing both over 2 months ago, so really has had loads of practice and is really strong. We thought it was because she was tired and had been waking every hour or two for the last few nights. Anyway after a couple of hours nap at lunch time she was in much better form.
So, Sunday evening, she then slept through… 10pm until 7.30am. Well weren’t we shocked! Yes, but, not as shocked as when I was feeding her her breakfast and noticed this little white tooth poking through her gum!
Que lots of me trying to take photos to send to hubby…. No, none really showed it. So I trotted off down to his work at lunch time and little H promptly fell asleep! Seriously from reading this you’d think she napped brilliantly, believe me, she doesn’t! Teething = sleeping and napping! Anyway, she did wake up and have a great time playing with daddy in the sun outside his office. Hehehe the things we do eh?! By that point she had a little white bit poking through and the area around it had swollen up too, into a big white lump. I should note she was still a bit fall-y over and grumpy on Monday morning too.
So, we’re now on Tuesday and I can see the whole top of her tooth. A very cute white little line just visible through her gum.
As soon as we started getting terrible runny pooey nappies which ruin EVERY piece of clothing, I started this post, documenting our potential teething journey…
To summarise, what were our teething signs and symptoms?
Over the few weeks before (possibly a month before):
- A few weeks of leaking, poonamis, I’m talking newborn style runny nappies. Completely unpredictable, leaking everywhere. Nappy rash.
- Red cheeks on and off
- Dribble, but not as bad as it had been months ago when she first got her little white bumps on her gums
- Irritable, especially at night but not wanting milk or food, a different irratible. Usually in short bursts, like we would say ‘ouch’, but she doesn’t know how to do that so gets upset. ?She often went through periods of waking but not wanting anything, just going to sleep again when we went through to her or after one suck of the bottle. Night after night of just needing to see mummy ever hour or so. #shatteredmummy #poorteethingbaby
- However, about a week before, she slept really well and even napped well in the day. This lasted until a few days before that first tooth cut through.
The day before:
- Irritable
- Sleepy
- Looked shattered
- Falling over, not her steady self
- And, sleeping 9.5 hours straight through!
This all pretty much happened with the second tooth which cut through two weeks later, although on a much lesser scale (whew!).
Here are some little pictures…
Her white bumps (which appeared at 3 months, along with red cheeks, dribble and chewing EVERYTHING in sight (she was the only baby in our NCT group interested in Sophie the Giraffe)):
Her bumps a couple of weeks before her teeth cut through:
Her little tooth the day it cut through – see the bright white spot, it was actually a very thin line:
Hope this helps if your little one is teething, and sorry to say…
Teething = a long drawn our process + an irritable baby 🙁
Lynne x
Disclaimer: this is our story, and yours will differ…. Teething is different for every baby, sorry, but I hope this helps!?
Linking to KCACOS and SundayStars
Mama, My Kid Doesn't Poop Rainbows
November 9, 2015 at 10:52 amOur tot was pretty similar although our tot woke up more often with it. He had such cute rosy cheeks. We’ve been quite lucky in that they’ve never really stopped coming. Almost always has one working it’s way though so hopefully we’ll get it all over and done with quickly.

Thanks so much for linking up to #fartglitter x
Mama, My Kid Doesn’t Poop Rainbows recently posted…The #FartGlitter Linky: Week Six
November 9, 2015 at 4:15 pmThat sounds good… I’ll keep my fingers crossed that’s what happens here too. Number 3 just popped up with no problems (other an actually taking long naps!). Thanks for hosting #fartglitter x
November 9, 2015 at 9:57 pmI’m slightly jealous here. Teething and my boy does not equal more sleep 🙁

I love those first 2 teeth though they are so cute. Thanks for linking up my lovely #maternitymondays
Farmerswifeandmummy recently posted…#MaternityMondays Week 45
becca farrelly
November 9, 2015 at 11:14 pmAww I hate the teething stage! my 2 1/2yr old still has 2 teeth to come through and as she gets older she gets grumpier every time! We are pretty much the same as you in terms of irritability, tiredness and also Mia goes off her food and literally doesn’t eat for about 4 days?! scary at first but now we know what it is 🙂
November 10, 2015 at 12:09 amOh teething … not easy watching our little ones walk through their ever developing growing pains hey – the struggles of life. The symptoms vary from child to child; and indeed from one teething period to another. Hope your little one gets through it without too much distress. #MaternityMondays

aNoviceMum recently posted…One Impressive Pigeon with Grit
Jodie Allen at Budget Beauty and Babies
November 10, 2015 at 10:20 amYay! They look so damn cute when their little teeth start coming through. My daughter has had her bottom 2 for about 3 months now… and no more since! We’ve had a lot of runny nappies this week so i’m hoping her top 2 are on their way soon. #TwinklyTuesday
Cheryl @ ReimerandRuby
November 10, 2015 at 7:36 pmI know how horrible it can be that goes with teething, but once one comes out, the next few ones seems fine. I still remembered the excitement we had trying to look at the new tooth while trying to take a photo… the joys of parenthood, isn’t it? Great post!

Cheryl @ ReimerandRuby recently posted…Children’s Belts from Easybelts – Review and Giveaway
Rachel (
November 10, 2015 at 8:35 pmOh i remember this stage with my two. It is an exciting time for us as parents but not for the poor little cherubs going through the teething process! xx #KCACOLS

Rachel ( recently posted…Christmas gift guide for mums
Maria @ Suburban Mum
November 10, 2015 at 9:54 pmOh bless her! Teething is hard first time round when you don’t really know what you are looking for! Glad they’ve cut through now. I remember my eldest was 5 months when his first came through but I found his molars THE hardest at 7 months! We had some nights where he was up every hour! All children are different though and number two seemed to breeze through the whole teething thing! Good luck with it all!
Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday! x

Maria @ Suburban Mum recently posted…The PIP stress management device review
Anna Brophy
November 11, 2015 at 10:31 pmAwwwww you got some great shots!!! I kind of missed photos of my littlies; I was so awestruck by them I think (& I had a crap phone). Teething is such a guessing game, isn’t it?! All the best (#bestandworst).

Anna Brophy recently posted…bellabox; MY NEW CRUSH
November 12, 2015 at 10:56 amYay, teeth! That means chomp chomp chomping will be coming. My #3 had teeth real early and he started biting me…biting everything hard that I realised something was not right. And he was very irritable but I kept thinking he had colic or something else. I didn’t think of teeth until I saw white lines as well! Hope to see you again at #abitofeverything

El recently posted…A Break Up letter to Free Time
Sarah Howe (@RunJumpScrap)
November 13, 2015 at 9:16 pmAwww I remember these days! We were quite lucky at night as never seemed to interrupt sleep but our girl just didn’t eat properly so we knew teeth were on the way! Sounds like you really know what to look for next time! Thanks for sharing with #bestandworst and see you soon xx

Sarah Howe (@RunJumpScrap) recently posted…Turning 31 was Fabulous
Lisa (mummascribbles)
November 14, 2015 at 9:16 pmAwww welcome to the two teeth! We were very lucky with Zach, lots of dribble and rosy cheeks but otherwise it didn’t really affect him. I bet if we have another baby we have a terrible teether just to get me back! Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday

Lisa (mummascribbles) recently posted…Little Passports month two – World Landmarks
Something Crunchy Mummy
November 17, 2015 at 9:22 pmSpot on symptoms. All of a sudden they just pop through. Thanks for linking up with #justanotherlinky xx

Something Crunchy Mummy recently posted…Beware Of My Insecurities
November 20, 2015 at 8:38 pmOh bless! The teething problems! Feels like yearssss ago since my girls had teething problems bless.

Thanks for linking up with #justanotherlinky
beth recently posted…Decorate A Family-Friendly Home
Emily H.
May 30, 2016 at 4:12 pmTeething can be a difficult time for babies (and parents!). Try putting frozen grapes into a mesh feeder bag. This seems to help with the pain of teething.