So, it’s Monday 4th of January, the first day back at work and school for so many. As a SAHM/on mat leave mummy, I have a hyper 13 month old who is currently rolling around the living room floor shrieking and laughing as she chases a ball, and more poinantly, keeps wanting to check every room for “da”. I, however, am already feeling it, two cups of tea down and I’m indeed of that elusive latte. I’m afraid on a day like today, where I’m back to my own two hands, when little one was up til midnight not feeling well, I need proper coffee, not instant, not filtered at home, not cafetiere… No, only a decent coffee shop latte will do the job.
Here are 5 reasons the first day is always the worst:
- Baby always has a bad day on a Monday… Ever since daddy first went back to work when she was 2 weeks old, she cried and was hungry all day.
- Two pairs of hands make such a difference
- I can’t pee without putting baby somewhere safe first… Really it sounds simple but it’s not!
- When daddy is home I can even shower without the baby monitor on!
- Baby spends the day looking for daddy, it’s very cute to write, and read, and think, but sooooo exhausting for mummy
So here’s to 2016, to SAHM’s and to the fun we’ll have tomorrow once the routine has set in again…
What are you up to today? Do you have any other ways to make the transition from two pairs of hands to one easier?
Lynne xx
January 5, 2016 at 11:31 amI’m feeling you on the whole pee thing!! I mean where do you put them? I am opting for cot… but what if i am downstairs?? I hear the play mat calling…. its okay to pee with the door open so I can kind of see she’s okay right?

Katie recently posted…Money Tips: #5
January 6, 2016 at 11:51 amHi Lynne, I remember the days well, and even now I can recall the nightmare of trying to keep baby/toddler safe whilst just needing a pee. I honestly never drank coffee until I had children, and now I drink it strong and black and Nescafe instant will suffice.
It is nice having a break from routine, but getting back into it can be a nightmare, just hold onto that coffee and the thought that this time next week the holidays will be a distant memory.
January 8, 2016 at 10:40 amOh, Lynne, I hear you on the pee and shower thing! I have to schedule my times during nap times! When my kids were younger and before they started school, we would actually plan our own schedule for when the holidays are over, so that kids (and I) would know what we would be doing each day. Thanks for sharing with #abitofeverything

El recently posted…A bit of Everything Week 11
January 9, 2016 at 8:38 pmGood advice on planning before hand, thanks 🙂 I often run to the toilet when hubby gets in, saying ‘I’ve bee needing for hours!!) x
Becky, Cuddle Fairy
January 8, 2016 at 9:08 pmI hate when the school holidays end. I love having the kids at home. I took all of the Christmas decorations down today & cleaned. I’m looking forward to a bit more spare time next week! x

Becky, Cuddle Fairy recently posted…Blog Stats 2015
January 9, 2016 at 8:36 pmI agree I love the holidays, it just takes so long to get in our routine again. It’s been quite sad, H has definitely missed daddy all week. X
January 9, 2016 at 10:41 pmThree children in, I would love to go back to those days! I know that is no comfort to you whatsoever, sorry! The fact she looks for her daddy all day is definitely cute! Although I understand how long that day is for you! I hope you managed to get back into a routine this week! The first day is always the hardest! 🙂 #KCACOLS xx

Clare recently posted…Does distance really have to mean distant?
Silly Mummy
January 9, 2016 at 11:05 pmThis is where we see what a child I am – I was very upset the first day after Christmas holidays ( and still am), because…I had to accept Christmas was really gone! Never mind how much of a nightmare the kids are after being out of routine, no, I am upset because it is 11 & a half months until Christmas again! 😀 #KCACOLS

Silly Mummy recently posted…Thank You for Having a Lovely Time: The Ten Funniest Things The Toddler Said Last Week
Fi - Beauty Baby and Me
January 10, 2016 at 12:42 pmLove this post! I am a new Mum and dreaded that day my hubby went back to work! I hope I can end up coping as well as you xxx #KCACOLS
January 10, 2016 at 8:14 pmI am finding myself in our local coffee shop on a very regular basis lately. I get my desperately needed coffee, Leo gets a few bites of my chocolate brownie and we both get to escape the house for an hour…everyone wins. I used to put Leo in his cot if I needed a wee, he is 2 and half now and just follows me in, I have no privacy but atleast I don’t need to worry. Is it bad your pictures have made me want a latte at 8 in the evening?! X #kcacols

wendy recently posted…Common misconceptions of a media studies degree
A Moment with Franca
January 12, 2016 at 3:12 pmI know what you mean!! It is such a difference not having Nick around. I just need to try to get shower and change before he leaves so at least I’m not looking like a zombie all day because after he leaves I only have a chance to do this when Sienna is having a nap which sometimes could not even happen if she is in a funny mood!! Thanks so much for sharing this at #KCACOLS. I would love to see you again on Sunday! 🙂 x

A Moment with Franca recently posted…First Goal for 2016: Losing Weight
Mini Travellers/Mini Ventures
January 12, 2016 at 8:41 pmAh yes that first day is always tough isn’t it, and I always forget. It gets even worse when you have to get them all out to school and they really don’t want to go! Thanks for linking up to the first #sundaystars of 2016. Hope to see you next week.

Mini Travellers/Mini Ventures recently posted…Time to Run
Sara at Handy Herbs
January 16, 2016 at 12:44 pmI am with you on this, I love the holidays and hate it when they are older too and have to go back to school. It seems even more manic then. The first day is always really hard, especially after Christmas for some reason. #KCACOLS

Sara at Handy Herbs recently posted…Seed Swap Activities
January 16, 2016 at 5:36 pmI always feel like I’ve gone deaf on the first day after the holidays but that’s probably because I go from having hubby and five kids in the house to just one little one! He does miss his big siblings, and I miss their hands on help but getting back into our own routine is lovely and calming lol. Thanks for linking up with #sundaystars

Katie recently posted…Sunday Stars 10/01/16