I hadn’t heard of the #RockingMotherhood tag post until I was tagged by Sarah at Run Jump Scrap (the idea originally came from Patricia at White Camellias). It’s a blogger tag where I have to write 10 ways I’m rocking motherhood!
I’ve not been tagged in a post like this for a while and thought this is some fun lighthearted blogging that also tells you a bit more about me. It’s also great to show why us mummies rock!
The rules are pretty simple if you want to join in too:
- Thank the blogger that tagged you and link to their blog.
- List 10 things you believe make you a good mother (this is just a guideline. It can be more or less than 10. I really don’t mind.
- Tag 3 – 5 bloggers to join in the #RockingMotherhood Tag.
- Grab the #RockingMotherhood badge and add it to your post or sidebar.
You can also tag in your tweet @whitecamellias for her to have a read and she’ll even RT it for you.
So, thank you Sarah… here goes!
10 ways I’m #RockingMotherhood:
1. Balance
As a SAHM this could be one that is hard to accomplish. I know others might not agree that Toddler H gets the balance she needs as she’s always with me, however I think we do. We don’t sit at home all day in our own bubble, we’re out and about. We have a routine, classes or play groups most mornings, home for lunch and play dates, coffees, or shopping in the afternoons. Sometimes we watch a film, sometimes we go for a walk, at least twice we’ll meet up with friends and their little ones (Toddler H’s best friends) and they all play together. It’s all about keeping it varied so we don’t both get bored, go insane or throw tantrums!
2. Dancing
Toddler H loves to dance and we do it every day, we do action songs, dancing like crazy and ‘stop’ (the game where H shouts stop/stops the music). It’s great fun, and great for burning energy. Ok, not so great for a tired pregnant mummy, but hey ho, her smile makes it worth it.
3. Friendships
I’ve been keen to ensure Toddler H has friends, but also found those same friends’ mummies are invaluable to me too. They’re not just my support network, but hers. She asks for them on days we don’t see them, and loves to play with them… they do play, they have ‘discussions’, they help each other up, giggle and laugh. If she’s down, or in a monkey mood, I often suggest we meet them, to buoy us both up. It works.
My own mum did NCT too, and one of my bridesmaids is actually one of the daughters of on of her NCT group. I hope H’s NCT friends are still close when they’re our age.
4. Laughter
Toddler H first laughed at 16 weeks old, a contagious gorgeous laugh. I love to get her in hysterics. Tickle her, chase her, play peek a boo, or hide and seek. It’s also a great trick for when she’s upset or in a strop.
5. Family
We love our family time with daddy at weekends. We have lots of fun, go for walks, go up hills, venture to Birdland and Westonbirt Aboretum. Toddler H is becoming more a daddy’s girl with each weekend that passes. Something I think lovely to watch, and hopefully useful with Baby #2 on the way.
6. Cuddles
This in one that also featured in Sarah’s list at Run Jump Scrap. Cuddles are so important to little ones, we give lots of cuddles and kisses, lots of love yous. Toddler H is very cute with kisses, she now gives kisses to my tummy button (which she thinks is baby!).
7. Being polite
This is another that Sarah mentioned, politeness. We’ve been keen to teach Toddler H to say please and thank you. We do prompt her and she sometimes does say it to others, it’s a slow process. I think it’s one of those things that comes with time. She does say it to us without thinking, automatically (but mean it!). She is also very good at saying “sorry mummy”, “sorry daddy” and “sorry baby”. Which is very cute!
8. Outdoors
Both hubby and I enjoy walking, cycling and being outdoors and have always been keen for H to get the bug too. Fresh air does everyone the world of good, and clears our heads on rubbishy days too. Keeping H active will hopefully keep us active too!
9. Caring
I hope H is caring, we do try to instil caring value in her. If she drops her doll, we say “oh is she ok?” or “does she need a kiss better?”
10. Making concessions
Yes, we all try our best, fruit, healthy eating, home cooked meals. But, we’re all human, we have bad days, we need coffee and wine and cake. Sometimes the toddler will throw a tantrum, and will have cake too. That’s life. Everything in moderation is now my moto. I’m realistic, not making life harder than it needs to be. Oh, and at the end of being pregnant I can have prosecco too!!
So that’s it, the things I try to do, and how I parent. Yes it all goes pear shaped for a day or two, or week, but that’s they way it is.
I think these bloggers are fab mummies, so I tag to do their own #RockingMotherhood post:
- Sarah at Mum Muddling Through
- Fi at Beauty Baby & Me
- Briony at Any Way To Stay At Home
- Natalie at Mum In Brum
- Louise at Pink Pear Bear
(and anyone else who wants to take part!)
Lynne x
Linked to #bestandworst
Peachy and her Mommy
January 18, 2017 at 5:52 pmI love the idea about seeing if the doll is ok when she gets dropped. That’s very cute. I’ll be sure to try that with Peachy. #bestandworst
Barrie Bismark
January 18, 2017 at 6:00 pmGreat job mama! You are definitely rocking motherhood!
January 18, 2017 at 9:44 pmI love the way you guys get out so much and have such a good routine. Really good for you both. Plus the dancing in the kitchen is always such good fun. We have done that a bit recently as the weather been awful! Thanks for taking part and#rockinmotherhood and thanks for sharing with #bestandworst x

Sarah recently posted…Best and Worst Week #80
January 22, 2017 at 8:35 pmThat’s a fab list! We are dancers in this house too, we were having a good old dance this morning, the kid loves it and we have such a laugh, plus it is actual exercise for me 🙂 You are definitely rocking motherhood, I’m now about to try and think of a few reasons I’m doing alright at this mum thing. xx

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