#TheBabyFormula – Week 5

We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.

Hello and welcome to the fourth #TheBabyFormula linky!

Thank you to everyone who linked up last week… I hope you can link up this week too ? and a very very special mention to Beauty Baby Me who has given birth to a little boy, Josh! HUGE Congratulations from everyone who links up each week!

Add any review post (100% recommend, 8/10) or funny posts (baby + xxx = yyyy) or any numbered posts (11 things about me, my 30th birthday, baby’s 1st birthday ideas)!?

Please, can you also leave me your thoughts on this linky… Would you like it to remain themed? Or should I open it to any post? Or is there another type of post you’d like me to add?

This linky is live from 11pm Sunday until 23.55 on Tuesday. So if you can’t think of a post just now, have a look at those that have linked up, and previous weeks, to get some ideas of how your existing posts fit the linky… You’ll be surprised! Of course, please stop by again later to link up. Us bloggers love to review products, so I’m sure you’ll have something you can link up : 9/10 or 100% recommend, old or new. Or, why not make a new image showing your rating for the product? Or link up a ’10 things about me’ post? Here are some examples…

Why not check out last week’s linky as well – #TheBabyFormula Week 4?

Here is my #TheBabyFormula linky badge, please do paste this at the foot of your post you are linking… it really will drive traffic to both of our blogs 🙂

New Mummy Blog

<em>(if you’re unsure how to do this: just copy &amp; paste the text in the grey box above, into your html editor for your post (or click on Text if you’re blog is in wordpress).</em>

And, now onto the linky…
The Rules:

  • Link up to 2 posts a week (old or new)
  • The post should contain a number list or be about a number, or contain + % ?’=’ or the word ‘equals’ i.e. Mummy and coffee equals a happy mummy, toast and jam = a perfect breakfast, reviews fit really well too – 9/10 or 100% recommend (or any other formula symbols, +,- , ?%)
  • Please include either my linky badge (or text saying you link to #thebabyformula and a link to www.newmummyblog.com)
  • Please comment on the host post, the post before and after yours, and some others… everyone appreciates a comment 🙂
  • Tweet me @newmummyblog?and use the hashtag #TheBabyFormula, and I’ll retweet your links (it might not be immediately, baby H can be demanding!!)
  • by linking up you agree to be contacted by email…. I won’t pass on or sell your details, I promise!


If you can please follow me on Twitter, Facebook,?Instagram?and Pinterest?that would be very lovely too! Thank you 🙂

I can’t wait to read your posts…. I hope you’ll see from my links that bog standard reviews fit the format, along with funny tongue-in-cheek posts…

Lynne x


Now, it’s time to link up and comment, comment, comment…


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    #TheBabyFormula - Week 6 - New Mummy Blog
    December 13, 2015 at 10:10 pm

    […] Why not check out last week’s linky as well – #TheBabyFormula Week 5 […]

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    Read previous post:
    New Mummy Blog what being a parent REALLY means
    #TheBabyFormula – Week 4

    Hello and welcome to the fourth #TheBabyFormula linky! Thank you...
