One of the biggest problems with toddlers in summer is trying to keep their hat on. It must be an instinct, but don’t they just seem to hate it?
I’ve seem countless threads on Facebook and the likes with people asking for tips. So, instead of writing it again and again, here’s what we did..
My top tried and tested tips to keep toddler’s hat on:
1. Everyone be cool wearing?hats
Yes, all adults (and I guess any other older kids in the house) wear a hat every single time they go outside. Make a big deal of it. “Mummy’s wearing her hat, daddy’s wearing his! Oh no! Where’s your hat?” “We’re all the same! Mummy’s hat, daddy’s hat, your hat!” Pointing at everyone’s heads.
2. Repeatedly take them inside
This is hard, but be persistent. Every time they take it off put it back on. Tantrums and all. Be firm, and tell them they “have to go inside if they don’t wear a hat. We have to wear hats, see mummy has hers, daddy has his, where’s yours?” After a few times, every time they take it off pick them up and take them inside telling them why.??They’ll soon realise, or get distracted and forget their wearing it.
3. Routine
Every time you go outside (even without the toddler) make a big deal of getting everyone’s hats and checking they’re on, just like you do with shoes and jackets. Make it a sign of going out. Do it consistently, even just going out to the car, or to sit in the pushchair.
4. Wear the child’s hat….
They always want mummy’s or daddy’s things so wear their hat and they’ll think they’re getting to wear yours. Sneaky mummy tactics sometimes win ?
5. Make it cool (and a big deal)
Occasionally don’t wear your hat and see if they bring it to you, or make a big deal of “oh no mummy’s forgotten her hat!” When you put it on say things like “mummy loves her hat! Don’t you?” “Yayyyyyyyyyyy! Mummy has her hat!”
6. Give?the toddler a choice – give them control!!!
We had a pack of two hats, so let H choose which she likes. I guess you could let them choose in a shop too. Then they think they’ve chosen and had a choice.
7. Straps/string/Velcro
Tbh these didn’t work with Toddler H, but do with some, less Houdini-esk toddlers. At least I’m told they do, don’t hold me to it!
I wanted to write?10 tips, but I’m stumped and tbh it was the first three (doing them all at once) that really won our hat battle. The only others I could think of might cause rather hurtful comments on here, and I haven’t tried and WOULD NOT ADVISE, you know things like:
- never let them outside (erm, I visualise getting comments like how terrible I am
- for locking my daughter in, let’s just not do that people!!),
- cover them in clothes (in hot hot weather…. Not advisable in the slightest),
- walk around holding the hat on their head (I’m not superwoman, and this would require superwoman strength and stamina to withstand the hugest tantrums. No. Thank. You. Actually I did try this for a minute as H repeatedly tree her hat every time I put it on. I’m talking millisecond gaps between me putting it in and her removing it. I’m kidding, it was instant. Actually I’m not even sure it reached her head and she removed it. So really I was just flapping a hat around a toddler. Useless tactic in my book, and wayyyyyyyyy more energy than I had in the heat.
- Cover the entire garden in a marquee. Doubtful in most cases and not the most practical…
- An umbrella as a shade – ?I don’t know about you bug I don’t fancy the spikes of a brolly?being thrown at me. Oh those toddler swipes can be brutal on mummy, can’t they?
- Slather her head in suncream…. Have you seen how much hair my daughter has??!! That’s SO not an option, but you’re welcome to try it if your little ones are on the lower range of the hairy monster scale!
Note: I’ve never tried these last suggestions or been tempted to!
Hope my first 7 tips helped – persistency is the key! Now good luck luck with catching every?hat throw … Those toddlers have an instinct to throw a hat?the second it’s?near them… But don’t worry you CAN do it, then yes, you can sit in a deck chair with a chilled glass of wine watching them play angelically??
If not there is wine at the end of the day ?
Have a fab summer!
Lynne x
PS. I have a few other summer and #heatwave related posts: Milk Delays with the Perfect Prep in hot weather, Heatwave essentials: a paddling pool?and keeping baby cool.
laura dove
July 19, 2016 at 8:17 amI needed to read this, my kids will NOT keep their hats on!! Will give these ideas a try, thank you! #dreamteam

laura dove recently posted…For Joseph, on your 10th birthday.
Coffee & Bubbles
July 19, 2016 at 1:13 pmI definitely agree with giving them two options! This applies to every item of clothing. Making them think they chose their hat, shoes, t-shirt makes success at dressing them a lot more likely. Brilliant tips! #chucklemums
Fran @ Whinge Whinge Wine
July 19, 2016 at 6:53 pmMy son is such a mega PITA when it comes to keeping his hat on. He’s not yet old enough to understand begging or bargaining. I reckon gaffa tape would work though #chucklemums

Fran @ Whinge Whinge Wine recently posted…So she made sushi: Getting healthy food inside your toddler
Katie/Squirmy Popple
July 19, 2016 at 7:35 pmThe Popple repeatedly throws her hat on the ground when she’s outside. I haven’t been brave enough to try taking her indoors each time she does it – I’m afraid of the tantrum that will follow. She’s not old enough for logic, so I’ve kind of given up and just slather the sunscreen on her face. I figure she has enough hair to protect her scalp. #chucklemums

Katie/Squirmy Popple recently posted…The joys of toddler wearing
July 20, 2016 at 3:52 pmGreat tips 🙂
Agent M used to be a nightmare when it came to hats … Till i told him if he didn’t wear it i would and he got very possessive. Now hes older he loves wearing his baseball caps out as he thinks he looks more grown up lol.
Sarah Howe (@RunJumpScrap)
July 20, 2016 at 4:46 pmGreat tips and some we have used! We threaten to go in and stick with it.I also wear her hat and I think on holiday us all wearing hats worked. We didn’t have any issues. Hubby did put suncream down her parting on occasions though!! Thanks for sharing with #bestandworst x

Sarah Howe (@RunJumpScrap) recently posted…Best and Worst Week #58
Cheryl @ ReimerandRuby
July 20, 2016 at 6:22 pmGood tips! Both my kids are terrible with wearing hats, they’re not used to it so they hate wearing it. I like the idea of encouraging them to wear it by wearing a hat myself too. #BloggerClubUK

Cheryl @ ReimerandRuby recently posted…Reimer turns 6
Mama Mei
July 20, 2016 at 6:35 pmThis is brill glad I’m not alone thx for the help! X
July 20, 2016 at 8:42 pmYeah, I’m going with the wine method. I’ve given up this summer, just letting his hair go long and slathering him in sunblock #bestandworst
July 20, 2016 at 8:46 pmDo you think this will work for a three and a half year old? I’ve been battling for 4 summers!! I’ll give them a whirl! #bestandworst

Jaki recently posted…Want to host a Macmillan Coffee Morning?
July 20, 2016 at 9:22 pmThe boy has a cap – if he puts it on backwards that means he’s in a naughty mood, if it’s the right way round he’s being good. I’m just glad the damn thing is on his head! #chucklemums

Sarah recently posted…SHD Day 7 – (Driving Me) Crazy Golf
July 21, 2016 at 7:34 amHahathats brilliant, and a great pointer to you for what you’re in for!
July 21, 2016 at 6:56 amL has stolen his daddy’s cap. He thinks he’s being naughty wearing daddy’s instead of his own, so that’s OK in his books. Little does he know we think we’ve won too. Mwa ha ha #TheBabyFormula

Briony recently posted…Feeling Calm #26
the frenchie mummy
July 21, 2016 at 7:34 amI like the idea of giving them the choice. Therefore it feels less like a chore! #TheBabyFormula

the frenchie mummy recently posted…When Mummy buys 1 pair of handcuffs for baby
Emma Plus Three
July 21, 2016 at 10:56 amMy kids are 3 and 5 so they aren’t too bad at keeping their hats on now but I do remember how difficult it was a couple of years ago! x #Brilliantblogposts

Emma Plus Three recently posted…Refreshing Tired Denim with Dylon | Giveaway
July 22, 2016 at 7:24 pmSo, I have tried and tested some of these this week Lynne! I think I basically need to toughen up on the no hat, no outdoors rule! Our dining table has a selection of about 30 hats on and they were all epic fails…although I did consider going hat shopping with the girls…any excuse #hidethebags xx

Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub with this hot hat topical post! Hope you and little H survived the heatwave xxx
MMT recently posted…#coolmumclub: Meet the members…Madhouse Mum
July 23, 2016 at 6:36 amLol that’s a lot of hats! Yes being persistent and consistent is the key, I guess that’s harder with two kiddos. I think it was the combination that worked for us, us wearing them every time, and doing the where’s mummy’s hat, then where’s H’s hat too. Good luck! X
July 23, 2016 at 8:01 amIt is true that the little ones prefer what mummy has got. I get this with my dinner! #BloggerClubUK
July 23, 2016 at 10:00 amWe have winter here and i can not get my toddler to keep his benie on. In summer i used hats with a little strap under the chin worked for his bother but not for him. He unclips it in seconds.
Annette, 3 Little Buttons
July 25, 2016 at 6:06 pmLoads of fab tips! Ekk!! On this one occasion I can’t relate because Little Button has always loved her hats and hoods. With exception to her old raincoat hood which only covered half her head (opps!). We have a little collection, and Little Button takes her pick. Her fav is an oversized pink number. It has little Velcro straps which help to keep it on if it’s a bit windy. I think I would go for letting them pick a few hats (on different occasions out to the shops) and allow them to choose from a collection on fun ones when you go out.
Thank you for linking up to the #DreamTeam

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