Toddler essentials for Slimbridge Wetland Centre & Welly Boot Land puddle jumping

Cheltenham, Days Out, Life with a toddler, Lists
Slimbridge with a toddler - Toddler Welly Boot Land What to take with you
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We recently visited one of our favourite family days out – Slimbridge Wetland Centre. Now, although we’ve been rather a few times previously, this was my first on my own with Toddler H. One thing I’ve learnt with all our visits (we have membership) is that you do need to go prepared for puddle jumping in Welly Boot Land – the kids getting soaked through and wet feet.

Slimbridge WWT with toddlers

First off Slimbridge with toddlers is fantastic – there is a little soft play, it’s all flat, it’s pushchair friendly, and it has animals – what more do they want?! Well, Welly Boot Land gives it that edge. This time we visited with some of Toddler H’s friends, friends from our NCT group. So the little ones had a brilliant time, especially in Welly Boot Land. Welly Boot Land is just as wet as it sounds – streams, fountains and water wheels for the kids to play in.

So, if you go to Slimbridge with a toddler, or any kids, there are a few things you should take with you that will make your day out much much simpler and drier. No-one wants a soaking wet moaning child for the rest of the day.

Everything you MUST TAKE with you to Welly Boot Land at Slimbridge WWT

  1. Wellies
  2. Two changes of clothes
  3. Splash suit
  4. Towel
  5. Snacks
  6. Spare shoes and socks

Our toddlers spent well over an hour playing, running, getting soaked in Welly Boot Land. Afterwards, they were all shattered and starving. Literally our 2.5 year old toddlers were all in their pushchairs and screaming by the time we made the short walk to the cafe. Sorry everyone in the cafe on Friday!

Take Food

Take a packed lunch and snacks!

I’d recommend taking lunches for everyone, and then indulging in the cafe’s coffee and delicious cakes.

Pushchair Friendly

A pushchair doesn’t go amiss, after all that running around at Welly Boot Land even my toddler who will walk everywhere will sit in the pushchair.

I’d definitely recommend taking a stroller in even if it’s just to carry all the stuff you need.


Slimbridge is brilliant, but it is a wetland park and there might not be a toilet that close, so definitely take a potty if you’re potty training or newly trained. All that running around Welly Boot Land does lead to distracted toddlers, and we all know distracted toddlers can have accidents!

We love our My Carry Potty as it doesn’t involve carrier bags of wee or poo, and the potty is easy to carry and seals really well!

My Carry Potty review - best and easiest way for potty training outside the house

Lynne X

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    May 25, 2017 at 7:50 pm

    This looks great fun – especially on a super hot day like today!
    Thanks for sharing with #coolmumclub

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