Once again, I have a teething baby. Although, this time she’s a toddler, and these incisors are causing her lots of grief. It’s been a painful journey and this first incisor has been visible just below her gum for a month now. It’s formed a huge lump in her gum. Just yesterday after much screaming in Boots I realised it had popped through. Just. The very tip of bright white tooth is squeezing through, and I fear this tooth will be half the height of her others already. I can see the other bottom incisor is just starting to look a bit irritating. I can’t see the tooth under the gum yet, but hope, hope hope, this one will be quicker and less painful. They say the first is the worst don’t they? Actually, I’ve now seen her top tooth is also looking close too. For all I know, these might take months, so we’re probably in for a few months of toddler teething fun!
So, we’ve found a few coping methods for toddler teething which have differed slightly to baby teething. Here are my top 5 toddler teething tips:
1. Nelsons Teething granuals
I did recommend these for baby teething, and still recommend them for toddlers.
2. Calpol
Yes we stuck away from this with all her previous teeth, the first teeth which teased us from before 3 months, until 10 and all fourmolars, we’ve bed the parents who’ve been paranoid about calpol and only giving it when it’s needed, not as a preventative. Or all the time I teething, we did find Nelsons Teething Granuals worked well, in fact with her molars H pretty much breathed a sigh of relief if she woke screaming and saw that little packet. But, this first incisor has been painful, she’s been miserable at times, and out of sorts, so we have given calpol when we can see she’s in pain. It’s helped. She’s slept nicely, which is a relief.
3. Ice Lollies
theee have been a savour. Even at friend’s play dates when H has got upset and grumpy, clinging on to me, if I say will we got home and get a nice lolly, she’s off. Picking up her shoes and sitting nicely in the car seat when reminded of her lolly at home. In the door, and it immediately does the trick. She does not forget, and she knows it helps. Even in October. So, yes, if you have a teething toddler, get a nice lolly mould and make some huge ice cubes! I only fill mine with water and H loves them.
4. Foods
in the past I rememebr trying to give harder foods to break the skin, but now, H will eat what she wants, so I give soft and hard foods to give her that variety and hopefully break the skin if it works. Carrot batons, cucumber sticks, anything chilled and potentially soothing.
5. Teething rings
We love this Nuby one, it’s served Toddler H well, through baby teething, molars and now these incisors. It it’s really well designed for all ages and has different textures to help the different teeth. It works. It helps. Toddler H found it in her toy box and hasn’t let go of it much these last few days.
These few few tips have helped us recently, hope they can help someone else too! I’ll add to this if any other tips come to mind as the next three incisors pop through, much less painfully, I hope.
Lynne x
Linked to #kcacols
Adventures of Mummy and Me
November 5, 2016 at 10:38 pmGreat post! I must admit we do tend to revert to calpol alot recently, those incisors must be pretty darn painful! 🙁 We’ve found Anbesol works wonders for our little man. He always seems to perk up within a minute of using it! So either he’s faking as he likes the taste, or it’s working! Haha. Agree with the ice lollies though, shame it’s now winter and we can’t use that trick much now! 🙁 #KCACOLS
November 6, 2016 at 7:32 amGreat advice. Seems like H & C are going through this together!
Going to get the lollies in the freezer this morning, she will love that…
November 6, 2016 at 3:59 pmMy husband always swore by Nelson teething powder, and I always wondered how he knew it was working, as I couldn’t tell the difference! These tips worked for us too, so great ones to share, thank you! #KCACOLS
Jess Powell (Babi a Fi)
November 6, 2016 at 10:23 pmIce lollies are such a lifesaver when it comes to teething! Hopefully they’ll all be through soon x #KCACOLS

Jess Powell (Babi a Fi) recently posted…This Week #55
Emma Plus Three
November 7, 2016 at 5:43 pmGreat ideas, I love the ice lollies idea x #KCACOLS
Madeline (This Glorious Life)
November 7, 2016 at 7:33 pmI always found the teething powders good, either nelsons or ashton and parsons. It’s not a fun time though, so hope they all pop through soon! x #KCACOLS

Madeline (This Glorious Life) recently posted…The one thing that you have
emma me and b
November 8, 2016 at 11:39 amgreat tips and one ill bookmark because my boys back teeth are due to come through! Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next Sunday!

emma me and b recently posted…Perfect Advent Calendar for Wine Lovers!
Devon Mama
November 10, 2016 at 10:31 pmI’ve never tried the teething granules – so far teething rings and a little gel have got us through the first couple of teeth but I think we might need something stronger for the big ones! #kcacols

Devon Mama recently posted…The Liebster Award
mummy here and there
November 12, 2016 at 7:11 pmFab tips, always found cold things really help with the pain X #kcacols
November 17, 2016 at 5:49 pmTeething is so tough on the little ones. I was always surprised when a tooth popped thru that didn’t bother my daughter and the next would give her hell. We need ll the help we can get to help them through this stage #kcacols
Packing for our family holiday to Ibiza! - Holidays with two kids - New Mummy Blog
October 9, 2018 at 5:30 pm[…] our ever faithful usual thermometer which we absolutely trust. Obviously our sponge bags contains teething essentials like Calpol and Nelsons plus paracetamol for us and a few […]