I’m not quite sure how I’m writing this, but Baby B is 6 months old. Where has that time gone? I’ve no idea, but we have started weaning. We actually gave her some baby rice and porridge a few times from 5 months as she was literally grabbing everything she could to eat. She was shouting at us to sit at the table with us, and grabbing every piece of food she could. The number of times I’ve had to grab bits of toast or Toddler H’s food from her is ridiculous. We only allowed her baby porridge and rice before 6 months, and then the day she was 26 weeks we tried some carrot puree. She liked it, and then some bread sticks and rice wafers. So we were thrilled that Mumsnet and HIPP Organic asked us to review their puree jars, which are suitable from 6 months.
As you can see were sent loads of jars of puree, from porridge, to veggie ‘dishes’, to fish pie and spag bol, HIPP Organic cover a huge range. I know from weaning Toddler H, you only have to look at the supermarket shelf and you see row after row of HIPP Organic puree jars. They’re super popular. There are so many recipes to choose from – Baby B absolutely loves the spag bol, and penne with courgette, but the joy of these jars is that there are just so many options. I think the only problem with having so many options to choose from is remembering all the favourites. I guess a family business with over 60 years of making baby food jars, really does have the experience to know which work best. I also couldn’t believe it when I read on their website that the family started making baby food in 1899. Impressively it’s still a family run business and has values I like:
HIPP has a “network of more than 8,000 carefully selected farmers and is the world’s largest processor of organic raw materials. HiPP products are sold in 57 countries worldwide. ” (https://www.hipp.co.uk/hipp-story/we-are-a-family-business/)
Like we did with Toddler H, we’re doing a combination of BLW and purees. I was adamant that we’d do similar with Baby B. Why? Well Toddler H has always been brilliant with feeding herself, always desperate to hold her own spoon and do it herself. So yes, BLW has a place, but purees are a must in my book. I would hate B to just want to use her hands to eat, or me to always feed her!
Being a mum is hard so I was actually really relived to be part of this review as I had been beating myself up trying to make my own purees again. Trying to do it all when, I just plain and simple don’t have time. HIPP Organic jars so so convenient and healthy, and I love that they are organic and not just made up of sweeter fruit. They really are tasty though, I have licked the spoon too!
The sheer variety of flavours and recipes are a huge plus as I want B to experience all sorts of flavours and the jar labels really are clear as to what they include so good if you are on the look out for allergies.
Reasons HIPP Organic jars are worth a look…
- Jars allow the baby to smell the food, something I’d never thought of before.
- 60 delicious recipes meaning a variety of tastes, sweet and savoury as well as just plain veg, no fruit.
- Jars which are pure veg, some alternatives seem to include a lot of fruit in their ‘veg’ purees.
- Spoons are easy to use – I’ve not had any problems scraping the jar for every last scrap of puree.
- Organic jars which HIPP say exceed the organic quality standards required by EU law.
As you can see Baby B does get a bit messy eating, but she does love to hold a spoon too. She’s been loving trying all these new flavours, and I will definitely be buying more to keep her taste buds on the savoury veggie route rather than those which add fruits.
We had used HIPP Organic jars on occasion with Toddler H, and liked them, but as I did have more time to puree my own at that stage we didn’t regularly buy shop bought jars/pouches. As a second time mum, I have to face the reality that I can’t do it all and the convenience of jars and the variety of the HIPP recipes really have made that realisation easier. Thank you to MumsnetInfluencers and HIPP for helping me realise this and stress less!
Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post
Claire @ The ladybirds adventures
January 3, 2018 at 9:05 amIt’s a lovely time starting to wean. I did a mix with both my girls too. BLW, homemade purees and jars/pouches all have a place.
The Frenchie Mummy
January 3, 2018 at 5:18 pmI remember that phase and feeling so stressed about it as a first-time mum. Hipp is a great brand and we loved some of its pouches

The Frenchie Mummy recently posted…Blogging Goals 2018
Sarah Howe
January 3, 2018 at 7:30 pmYou are like me – can’t do full on BLW. We did a combo with the second and it does work. You get the reassurance. I’ve not used Hipp before but they sound good! Good luck with it all 🙂 Fun to see them eat. Thanks for sharing with #bloggersbest x
January 3, 2018 at 9:11 pmAww we’ve also just started the weaning journey and it is so much fun. Lot’s of mess and new flavours to discover 🙂
January 3, 2018 at 9:54 pmI always hear that this is good brand, and anything organic gets my vote. Unfortunately my little one had allergies and I had to make everything from scratch myself, it was such hard work and I would not judge any mum for using jars, I just wish I could have used them once in a while.
Sophie's Nursery
January 4, 2018 at 8:31 amI used HIPP with Sophie & she really enjoyed them! We also did combination of purees and BLW & will be doing it again with the next one 🙂 X
January 4, 2018 at 12:05 pmI’m not a mum yet, but I do remember my cousin weaning their children. It was a very messy journey, although they were great in that the kids loved fruit and veg. However now all they ask for is chocolate lol!
Karen Reekie
January 4, 2018 at 4:43 pmI was a big fan of HIPP when I weaned by kids and also the kids I nannied before them! i feel old now! They are a great brand that make good baby products though, handy for when you need them!
January 4, 2018 at 9:12 pmAm I weird to admit these actually look yummy? Hahaha! I’m delighted your getting on great with them, wishing you continued success with the weaning process!
Amy - All about a Mummy
January 4, 2018 at 10:55 pmFeels like a lifetime ago I was wearing my 2. Hipp Organic is always a name you can trust.

Amy – All about a Mummy recently posted…Highs and Lows of 2017
Chloe Ciliberto
January 5, 2018 at 8:35 pmI love Hipp Organic! We used these for my little girl and they were amazing. Such a great range of flavours to. I hope weaning goes so well for you! 😀 x
Crummy Mummy
January 9, 2018 at 8:25 pmWe’re in the throes of weaning for the third time in our house. I’m discovering lots of brands for the first time & loving what’s on offer! #bloggersbest
The Autism Dada
February 24, 2018 at 6:32 pmWeaning is certainly fun, we always ended up using the Hipp jars. We often tried making our own, but much of it looked unappetising mush – so Hipp always looked nice. Weaning is fun, but also the time to start preparing for all that food on the floor 🙂