I’m trying to join in with the Happy Days Linky run by Quite Frankly She Said and What Katy Said… yes, I don’t make it every week, but I try!
This week my parents have been staying and so…
1. Family time – this was much needed and we had a lovely time. I really wish we lived closer. It was so much fun and interesting how H threw less tantrums while they were here. She did throw a few massive ‘I-don’t-want-to-get-in-the-car’ tantrums but they were the main ones. Actually when she did it at home we said ‘we’d have to go and leave her’, my mum got in the car saying bye, and I walked towards it. She quickly stopped sitting-screaming and ran to her car door! #mummywin
2. Coffees with my mum we fitted in a few of these, along with H colouring in and stealing our cake ?
3. Shopping – this is one thing I really miss about being so far away, I used to love a couple of hours wandering the shops with my mum. We did manage this with Toddler H in tow 🙂
4. Visiting Birdland – we had a great time seeing the penguins, pelicans, owls and hunting for dinosaurs. We actually loved if so much we became members! (Review coming later today!)
5. New furniture – our new dining room sideboard arrived and we LOVE it. We’ve been planning its purchase since moving here last September, and we can finally get our wedding crockery and glasses out of the kitchen and spare room boxes and that then leads to an avalanche of other house sorting. Yay!
6. Tots100 – the Huly rankings came out this week and New Mummy Blog has jumped to 227! I knew I’d had a good month, but didn’t realise I’d jump that far.
7. Date night with hubby – we don’t get out often, only really when my parents visit… The last time being March, so this was loooooong overdue. We took advantage and had two date nights, venturing to Cheltenham for a lovely meal at a French restaurant l’artisan.
So all in all a brilliant happy week with far too much wine. I might not be so happy next week with the lack of toddler classes topped with less wine and probably more tantrums,
Hope you’ve had a good week too,
Lynne xx
Sian QuiteFranklySheSaid
August 6, 2016 at 9:26 amWhat a fab week and hurrah for date night. The French restaurant sounds lovely! Thanks for linking up to #HappyDaysLinky x
One Messy Mama
August 9, 2016 at 1:33 pmSounds like an amazing and fun week! #happydayslinky
Katy (What Katy Said)
August 12, 2016 at 7:28 pmSounds like a fab week – well done on Tots too!! Thanks for sharing in #HappyDaysLinky xx

Katy (What Katy Said) recently posted…A Girlie Day Out With A Twist