Why children’s organic clothing is important?

Life with a newborn, Life with a toddler, Life with baby, Lifestyle, Uncategorized
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Like many mummies, I often get sidetracked in the supermarkets by cute jumpers, gorgeous dresses and multi buy baby grows. I then wander round the food aisles choosing our normal brands, a few supermarket own brands along with some organic and fair trade products. I do like to think I’m being ethical. I do like to think I’m doing my best.

Many of you know I have a science background, a background in environmental chemicals and their toxicology. I understand how so many fertilisers and chemicals can be harmful, and significantly how they have been harmful by getting into the ground, the water supply and the food chain. I understand how they can affect human health, wildlife and land. So, I ask myself why don’t I buy organic clothing as standard? Why don’t we all buy and wear organic clothing?

And more so, why do we subject our precious babies, our children, and our already chemically dry or sensitive skin to additional chemicals?

I don’t know!

I do know, I struggle to go clothes shopping, it’s always such a rush, filled with ending up looking at things Toddler H wants to look at, in coffee shops as she’s hungry again, walking picking up leaves and stones, and not actually getting to half the shops I wanted to. So, I see those convenient clothes as I grab my milk and bread, and I bite: I can’t resist that cute pair of pyjamas, that t-shirt, that dress.

I recently saw this infographic by?children’s organic clothing brand Sense Organics and it reminded me of my background, my values and my conscience.

baby and children

[inforgraphic by Sense Organics, children’s organic clothing for 18 years]

I think through sleepless nights, being out of the workplace, and yes, that inability to have a nice relaxing afternoon shopping, I’ve not always been thinking straight, and remembering why organic is better. I can’t afford to always buy organic clothes, but everything I’ve ever bought which has been organic has lasted years, washed well and been lovely and soft. In my experience organic has always been a really good buy. A good investment really, let’s face it, those cheap supermarket t-shirts do shrink after a few washes. I learnt that lesson the hard way, buying hubby a couple of t-shirts before our holiday to Menorca in May. In true harassed mummy style I grabbed a couple of this tshirts in the supermarket. I think he managed to wear them just once after holiday before they shrunk. So no, I’m back to buying hubby his usual t-shirts which last.

It’s not just the quality, but that basic advice all parents-to-be read:

Wash clothes before using them

It’s basic, but makes the world of difference. We all know our little baby’s skin is so sensitive and unused to any chemicals. But, non-organic cotton can contain chemical residues from the growing and manufacturing processes and they can be quite irritating. Yes, some may say don’t wrap your baby in cotton wool, but in this case, that’s the case entirely, and if not, just wash everything before use.
But back to that infographic, it was the kick I needed, the one I needed to remind me that organic is best, and specifically organic children’s clothing is much better…

1. Organic cotton does not use synthetic pesticides or fertilisers. Such ?synthetic pesticides or fertilisers can enter the water causing both water and food crop contamination. Organic cotton is safer for local people and wildlife wildlife, and more sustainable.

2. Fair working conditions and prices. If we worked for pence, we’d complain, and not be very happy, so why expect others to make those same compromises?

3. Softer less irritating clothes. Because organic cotton isn’t made using synthetic pesticides or fertilisers it doesn’t have the potential to irritate our baby’s skin like non-organic can.
I’ll be sharing a few of my favourite organic brands with you in another post. So, if you’re after inspiration, or a Christmas present, do check it out and sign up to my mailing list so you don’t miss it!

Lynne x

PS. This post is in collaboration with Sense Organics who produced this brilliant infographic, reminding us all of the importance of buying organic clothing.

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  • Reply
    Lucy at occupation: (m)other
    November 21, 2016 at 1:07 pm

    I love the quote in the info graphic about ‘we’re not rich enough to buy cheap’…so true. This is very thought provoking. I’ll be looking at my purchases certainly…i need some new clothes. Sometimes adult organic clothes are a bit tricky to find I find, if you see what i mean! I’ll do some investigating and pop back for your recommendations on children’s clothes. #bigpinklink
    Lucy at occupation: (m)other recently posted…Breastfeeding Bites #5. Bracelets & BanglesMy Profile

    • Reply
      November 21, 2016 at 1:53 pm

      Hope you see this comment, but I actually have spotted H&M now have an organic clothes section…. It’s lovely ?

  • Reply
    This Mum's Life
    November 23, 2016 at 11:17 am

    Ooh H&M!! That’s good to know!! This is something that I really have an internal battle with too. I bought some lovely organic clothing last year in the January sales, and the quality really is incredible. But sometimes, when money is low, I’ve found myself in Primark, where the clothes are so cheap, but actually look so nice! But then they leave funny looking stains on my children’s skin, and I feel terrible… it’s definitely food for thought, and I will try harder to look for organic options x
    This Mum’s Life recently posted…When Your Best Friends Are No Longer Your Best FriendsMy Profile

  • Reply
    November 28, 2016 at 11:41 am

    Such an informative post – we have become slaves to fast fashion even for our babies but the above really highlights why we must not let that happen! Thanks for linking this up to #coolmumclub lovely xx

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    Cot Mattress Protector from The Little Green Sheep - Review - New Mummy Blog - A pregnancy, parenting, lifestyle & home blog in Gloucestershire
    February 12, 2017 at 10:05 pm

    […] I’ve mentioned before, we do love organic products – they’re soft, last and really do fair better than […]

  • Reply
    Jasmine Winslow
    March 27, 2017 at 11:28 am

    Liked your point on the importance of organic clothes.
    Whether you are shopping for yourself or babies, organic clothes are always an ideal choice. You can choose all the dresses in different designs you want. There are many manufacturers that sell the variety of organic clothes online and that too at discounted prices.

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