It keeps taking us half an hour to get in the car with refusals to sit down in the car seat and squirming out. I’ve taken to ‘we sit on the doorstep or get in the car’ fingers crossed the doorstep time decreases quickly! Our poor neighbours listening to the tantrums and my repeated ‘sit on the step or we get in the car’mantra along with meltdown screams for half an hour. To be fair, she did sit nicely some of the time, mostly shouting ‘car!’ and ‘bird!’ but it’s is calm her down and we did eventually get in the car without a fuss.
I have to say a big thank you Brummy Mummy of 2 for hosting #wickedwednesdays and keeping us sane, showing us we’re not alone, for saying what we all think in those arghhhhh moments and the lighter side of mummy life – especially with gin when little ones are, ok, should be, in bed x
I’m not alone in ‘I’m-not-getting-in-the-car-tantrums, am I? Pleeeeaaaaase comment with your tales tips!
Lynne x
August 10, 2016 at 7:58 pmHahahha! I completely identify with tantrums right before you put one of your foot at the door and then hanging out on the front door. :p You did well by sitting it out with her, Mummy! #bestandworst
August 10, 2016 at 8:19 pmOh I’m sorry t break it to you but the car seat tantrums are going to carry on for quite some time, but they get sneakier about it. L now climbs into the car by himself, heaven forbid I try to help, then if I’m not super quick, like ninja style quick, he’s squidged through to the fronts seats to play with the steering wheel. Which of course I can’t move him away from without an epic meltdown. #bestandworst

Briony recently posted…Feeling Calm #29
Philippa - Sounding Like My Mother
August 11, 2016 at 11:15 amAhh, I’ve witnessed more getting in the car tantrums than I care to remember – they must know it’s our kryptonite or something. You definitely aren’t alone! #WickedWednesdays

Philippa – Sounding Like My Mother recently posted…Teenager In Training
helen gandy
August 11, 2016 at 6:49 pmOh yes you are most certainly not alone! I often have the battle of getting a child resembling a starfish into their seat! Thanks for linking up and hope you’ll stop by again #bestandworst
August 15, 2016 at 9:42 amAhhh thanks so much for the thanks lovely. You are NEVER alone! Thanks so much for linking up to Wicked Wednesdays. I hope you are having a wonderful summer! See you this week! x

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