I don’t think I have to say much with this one… It’s just such a HUGE fight to get H into a trolley seat. To be honest since she decided spur of the moment one day she wouldn’t go in, I haven’t managed since. Seriously she LOVED it until that day. I could bribe her with it, “if we get in the car you can sit in a trolley” and off she’d trot to the car without the fight. But no, not anymore. #sadmummy
Mostly I can’t even manage to get her to stand or sit in the trolley like this, she HAS to walk. To be fair she’s quite good now, and usually only has one, maybe two I-WANT-to-go-that-way or I’m-just-running-up-and-down-the-aisles moments.
Life is fun, eh?
Happy Wednesday all ?
Lynne x
August 31, 2016 at 8:16 amMy youngest is anti trolley seats and I usually spend my entire shopping trip running around after him!
I used to think sitting in a trolley was the best thing ever!
What happened to the kids these days? lol
August 31, 2016 at 12:20 pmI know!!!! She did love it until recently ? I’m hoping its a phase lol
August 31, 2016 at 7:54 pmIt’s definitely a phase they all go through! My 2 and a half year old point blank refused to sit in the trolley seat a few months ago, but she loves it again now (I definitely don’t bribe her with chocolate)…! #wickedwednesdays
August 31, 2016 at 8:14 pmHaha I think the best part of this pic is where the eggs are on the seat! That made me chuckle #wickedwedesdays

Martyn recently posted…Wicked Wednesday #45
Becci The UnNatural Mother
August 31, 2016 at 8:39 pmI feel your pain !!#wickedwednesdays
Kim Carberry
August 31, 2016 at 8:48 pmhehehe! This made me chuckle. At least she is contained….When I take my two shopping it’s like herding frogs. lol

Kim Carberry recently posted…A birthday mess and unbreakable Pinata. #wickedwednesdays
Philippa - Sounding Like My Mother
September 1, 2016 at 6:11 amSometimes I think it would be much easier to take a small herd of goats shopping than any children. They are so contrary! #WickedWednesdays

Philippa – Sounding Like My Mother recently posted…Family Walk Fail
mummy here and there
September 1, 2016 at 1:59 pmI have this problem with my boy and found give im something to hold and he stops winging. X #wickedwednesdays
September 3, 2016 at 10:11 amI could be going mad but have you had a new look? If so I LOVES IT! Thanks for linking up to this weeks Wicked Wednesdays and I can’t wait to see what you have lined up for me next week! Enjoy your weekend! x

brummymummyof2 recently posted…Ladies and Gentlemen? WE SMASHED SUMMER!